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Thread: 20 Best PC Video Games

  1. #1
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    Jun 2009

    20 Best PC Video Games

    1. X-COM: UFO Defense

    X-COM: UFO Defense is a game of strategy turn, developed and published by MicroProse in 1993 . This is the first game of the series X-COM. The game takes place in 1999, unidentified flying objects ( UFOs ) are detected in the atmosphere and commit violent kidnappings that terrorize the population. Several countries are trying to manage the threat alone, but they face an alien technology far superior.

    The game is divided into two parts, an organizational management XCOM (base construction, technology research, recruitment and stock management) and the "Geoscape" (a world map that tracks the activity and the UFO intercept), and part action combat tours in revolutions per 3D isometric , while serving interventions cons aliens (UFO crash / destruction of alien bases, etc.).

    The game offers a mix of management and strategy, which pleased many players, assuring him great popularity in his time and creating a community of fans long term that allows the development of numerous sequels, including X-COM: Terror From The Deep and X-COM: Apocalypse .

    Developer: Mythos Games
    Year Released: 1994

    2. Civilization IV

    Civilization IV is from the series of popular game Civilization. The game was developed by Firaxis in fall 2005. While playing this game, in an allotted time between 4000 BC. BC (or "the dawn of mankind") and 2050 AD. AD, the player must ensure a victory in several modes (diplomatic, territorial, cultural ...) against other civilizations.

    As in previous editions, the player can develop the land (clearing of forests, build mines, farms, cities schedules ...) and its cities with buildings that enhance the productivity of citizens. Some are ordinary buildings (granary, harbor, barracks ...), others are "national wonders" (two by each city and people can build even if your neighbor has already built), and others of " World Wonders "(they are unique, so the people built, his neighbor will no longer do so, but their number is unlimited by city). From a certain level, a city may devote himself entirely to research (the discovery of technology is accelerated), culture or wealth generation.

    Civilization IV is a game that is played in turn- the designers have decided to retain the specificity compared to games of "real-time strategy" that have developed since. This means that players play in turn and in addition, players maneuver units one after the other, and see the result of a first motion before deciding the next movement: the order of action is paramount. The production decisions or research, which will effect the following rounds, and may be modified at will Amended again during the tour: they will be validated when the player passes control to the next player. In multiplayer, you can choose the mode "simultaneous turn": the players make their rounds at the same time, then a new round is started.

    Developer: Firaxis
    Publisher: 2K Games
    Year Released: 2005

    3. Half-Life 2

    Half-Life 2 is a shooter video game developed by Valve Software Corporation , released on 16 November 2004 after a prolonged development more than five years. Developed at the base for PC Half-Life 2 has since been ported to Xbox and through The Orange Box on Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3 and MacOS .Taking place near the fictional town of City 17 to 2020, the game allows players to follow the new scientific Gordon Freeman in a dystopian , two decades after the incident at Black Mesa , where the Earth is no longer a shadow of itself.

    The gameplay of Half-Life 2 is quite similar to that of its elder . The player evolves in levels linear eliminating enemies in its path. As for Half-Life, the game offers occasional puzzle base, but the originality lies in the timely intervention of physics in solving some of the snack. The use of physics extends into fighting with the Gravity Gun. This weapon plays a crucial role in the game allowing to levitate objects and enemies and / or the project. This feature allows the player to exercise creativity hitherto unprecedented in the use of its environment: every object is potentially a projectile or blanket can be used in the construction of a bridge, grenade can be returned to the sender, ammunition inaccessible may be caught, etc..

    Upon its release, no multiplayer mode was included in Half-Life 2, but was associated with the game Counter-Strike: Source , an adaptation of the famous mod multiplayer for Half-Life. Half-Life 2: Deathmatch The real version of the multiplayer game does not become available until 30 November 2004 , at the same time as the SDK Full game, free download for all owners of HL2.

    Developer: Valve Software
    Publisher: Vivendi Games
    Year Released: 2004

    4. Company of Heroes

    Company of Heroes is a strategy game in real time (some players talk about CoH as a strategic rather than tactical game) developed by Relic Entertainment and published by THQ on PC , released in September 2006. The game probably takes its name from a quote from an American veteran of the Second World War , recounted in the series " Band of Brothers. Company of Heroes is set during the Second World War . The player follows two fictitious U.S. military units designated under the name "Able Company" or "Fox Company" (both freely inspired by real units), while fighting in the bloodiest battles of the war , starting with the American landing in Normandy .

    The game begins during Operation Overlord with the assault on Omaha Beach assault by the company "Able company. Enjoy this mission to get to know two of the main characters of the game is: Captain MacKay Conti and Sgt. The mission reminds the interpretation of the Normandy landings of the film "Saving Private Ryan" director Steven Spielberg, for example in the camera angle from the plane of gunner to the beach. Taking enemy bases, targets a limited time or a strategic defense are all things you have to be addressed in the title. Other tactical aspects await you, as the conquest of areas eligible for bonus or importance for your troops to stay under cover.

    Developer: Relic Studios
    Year Released: 2006

    5. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft is a video game style MMORPG developed by the company Blizzard Entertainment for Vivendi Games . Since 2005 , World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG , with 11.5 million active accounts at 23 December 2008. This game's players around 11.5 million subscribers, each paying between 11 and 13 € per month. Hence the interest of reviving the interest of its subscribers by providing regular updates and new extensions.

    The game is characteristic of other licenses Blizzard makes a synthesis of many ideas without making any kind of real innovation, but by improving the existing elements and balancing it up. To do this, Blizzard has created teams of localization in the country where the game is distributed so that they can bring the game to complete (in some cases, only the manual) and make ongoing updates and changes. Blizzard has also made sure that his game could benefit from greater accessibility to the average and can be used on most computers with up to five years of age.

    Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
    Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
    Year Released: 2004

    6. Call of Duty

    Call of Duty is a first person shooter game developed by the studio Infinity Ward and published by Activision and released on on PC and Mac in 2003. The game stands out Medal of Honor by the opportunity to lie down, to use his stick to strike, to support his weapon to aim more precisely, or by the fact that there was no question of play a super soldier, fighting alone and on all fronts but rather a man of many involved in the battles of the Second World War . Thus, the player is rarely alone in the levels and is most often accompanied by other soldiers managed by the game

    The stage setting action: the shells fall and explode around the player lifting sheaves of earth, bullets burst forth in all directions, teammates fall enemy mowed down by the gusts, if an explosion occurred too close to him The fuzzy character sees and hears nothing for a while. The arsenal of the game consists of twenty weapons the M1 Garand , a famous American rifle, or the Thompson machine gun and the Stg 44 German and DPA-41 Russian.

    Developer: Infinity Ward
    Publisher: Activision
    Year Released: 2003

    7. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is a video game developed by Digital Illusions CE and published by EA Games . It is a first person shooter , released in March 2010 on Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. The action takes place in the near future when a war has erupted between the United States of America and Russia . Battlefield Bad Company 2 foregrounds the dramatic Battlefield gameplay on next generation consoles and the PCA: find fighting in Flex is absolutely huge on maps, putting emphasis on each element its own tactics. Discover tactics in multiplayer war novel with new vehicles offered, as the ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) and the transport helicopter UH-60. Particularly precise adjustment of the game is already fighting game in the most realistic vehicle to date. Tactical Destruction takes a whole new dimension with the engine, "Frostbite" DICE, which has been updated. Players can now collapse of entire buildings or their own vantage point in piercing their coverage, so that each party has its own dynamics.

    Players can also compete in teams of four in two exclusive modes per squad, or fight side by side to unlock rewards and team success. Appear in the ranks of your squad to dive straight into the action, and use gadgets such as dart plotter, capable of producing devastating effects associated with the rocket launcher. Your feats of arms on the battlefield will be rewarded with a series of buttons, badges and stars, which allow you to unlock up to 50A ranks. This variety is also reflected in the number of possible customizations for weapons and vehicles.With all these features, get ready to discover a spectacular and unpredictable for a war game absolutely unparalleled. There is also the squad of Company B in a more mature player campaign and intense, where the stakes are higher than they have ever been.

    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Developer: Digital Illusions CE
    Year Released: 2010

    8. Mass Effect 2

    Mass Effect 2 is a science fiction- type action-RPG video game for PCs developed by BioWare Edmonton with the assistance of BioWare Montreal. This suite of Mass Effect is the second episode of the Mass Effect trilogy. The guidance clearly leaves the role play to come on the field for an action game in the third person strongly marked by elements of role play. Thus, most quests are handled as missions in an action game, including a table summarizing the end of mission experience, prize money, the objects retrieved and sometimes a little comment on the impact of mission on the likely course of history.

    The actions of the players can have a significant impact on the course of history and especially its end. It is possible to improve the Normandy to increase the chances of survival during the last mission. The fellow players are also important and it is possible to attach their loyalty. Each of them ends up proposing a personal quest and how to finish it or deny the loyalty of the player character. If he did not, his chances of survival at the end of the game are reduced.

    The dialogue system is still based on your choice of a response did not disclose the exact contents of the reply. Occasionally an icon representing one of the two moral orientations appears briefly in the dialogue. Press the button then causes instant action in relation to the chosen: it can interrupt such a dialogue violently or treat a dying person.The dialogues are dynamic addictive, the scenario panting, dark, dense and coherent universe and can hardly turn away from this adventure before leading his team in the heart of the galaxy.

    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Developer: BioWare
    Year Released: 2010

    9. Rise of the Godslayer

    Conan is one of the legends in the world of literature, film and video games. The work of Robert E. Howard has served as inspiration for countless producers in bringing their particular vision of the world of Hyboria to their respective genres, including video games. In fact, just a couple of years and appeared on the market, Age of Conan, Funcom's latest gamble on massive online role-playing games, hoping to overshadow the flagship of the genre: World of Warcraft, without much success . However, the work takes us to the confines of literature has excellent quality, being the cause of this Article, the first expansion has prepared the developer, with succulent news, new regions and a handful of missions and characters to let it clear to his followers that there is Age of Conan for a while.

    The game takes place as any title in the genre: completing missions and exploring. One of the most important factors in this Age of Conan, unlike other games of that caliber, is history, very deep and narrative to stand before an online game. Fortunately, the work comes in perfect Castilian, both in texts and dubbing, so there is no doubt that the strongest in the universe of Robert E. Howard will enjoy each and every one of the characters prepared for the occasion.

    As noted in the corresponding analysis, Age of Conan ignores static fighting for those who are betting game developers online role. On this occasion, Funcom has developed a concept of battle very direct and dynamic, with the main star combos, forcing us to be continually pressing the keyboard to inflict maximum damage. Have at our disposal three types of attacks: left, center and right, each approached from an angle, obviously. However, our abilities may be spliced with new hits, performing combos and performing so-called authentic hunting in the field of battle. For example, if you press a skill, is displayed an arrow pointing to press one of the major attacks in a given time, whether we realize it correctly we will witness a brutal combo where blood and guts fill the screen of your computer .

    Publisher: Funcom / Eidos Interactive
    Developer: Funcom
    Year Released: 2010

    10. Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City

    Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Episodes is a compilation of video games developed by Rockstar Games. The game includes two extensions of Grand Theft Auto IV : The Lost and Damned , and The Ballad of Tony Gay . The title comes in the form of a stand-alone , that is to say that GTA IV is not required to operate. It also includes several new features, including a parachute, weapons and vehicles, the opportunity to be a bouncer , or the possibility of street fighting. The missions are more in the area at night in this episode.

    There are some differences between the content and downloadable version of the game disc. The downloadable content contains music from Grand Theft Auto IV , in addition to new, making a total of 300 songs. Episodes From Liberty City does not have the musical content of Grand Theft Auto IV, and install two sets on the console will change nothing. But to offset this, the developers have added the new episodes exclusively on radio not available in Grand Theft Auto IV, and only on the disc version. Episodes from Liberty City includes about 150 songs in the play, which about one third is exclusive to disc.

    Publisher: Rockstar Games
    Developer: Rockstar North
    Year Released: 2010

  2. #2
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    Jun 2009

    Re: 20 Best PC Video Games

    11. Just Cause 2

    Just Cause 2 is an action game developed by Avalanche Studios and released on PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 and PC . he game takes place in the islands of Panao, ocated in South-Eastern Asia, island representing Thailand , composed of sparkling beaches, lush forests, snow-capped mountains, arid deserts, small villages, big city military bases. Rico Rodriguez can visit this heavenly place through a "toolbox" of vehicles available to him (two-wheelers, cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, etc ... which are 104 vehicles) without forgetting parachute and grab his multi-functions. Weather conditions affect clothing Rico as well as his dexterity at the wheel. The map of the island around the throne of 1024 sq km (land and water included).

    The screenplay for Just Cause 2 is very elementary, because it involves a former military leader named Pandak Panay who allegedly killed former President and put the former Democratic Republic of state dictatorship Panao strict with the ambition to control the world. Rico Rodriguez will have to stop this, at the same time, investigating the mysterious disappearance of his commander, Tom Sheldon, who, in the worst case scenario, would have joined Panay, carrying top secret equipment and many of the funds of the Agency.

    Publisher: Square Enix / Eidos Interactive
    Developer: Avalanche Studios (SE)
    Year Released: 2010

    12. Napoleon: Total War

    Napoleon: Total War is a strategy game for Microsoft Windows developed by Creative Assembly and published by Sega. It is the sixth episode of the Total War series and has been unveiled by Sega in connection with the gamescom 2009. The game takes place during the Napoleonic wars in the late eighteenth century until the early nineteenth century . It has three campaigns, one in Italy which will take place from 1796 until 1797 which will aim to push the Austrians to Vienna. The second season takes us about it in the Middle East in Egypt from 1798 until 1801 and puts us in command of troops cut off from France by the British navy. And finally the third and final season brings us back to Europe between 1805 and 1812 with a strong France, but faces a swarm of vengeful enemies.

    During these campaigns, a round is equal to two weeks time. Developers use the same game engine that Empire: Total War but slightly improved with better visual effects such as shrapnel or fogging. Significant improvements have been made that were not present in Empire: Total War. In fact, logistics is extremely important that an army marched on hostile terrain ( desert , snowy fields) or that is away from supply points will suffer losses and even if she does not fight. The playable factions have armies much more detailed matching all of the time. The game comprises of 322 units that have 64 faces and different physical for more realism on the battlefield and delete the "clone effect" that is present in Empire: Total War.

    Publisher: SEGA
    Developer: Creative Assembly
    Year Released: 2010

    13. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising

    Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising is the first extension of the game of Real Time Strategy Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II . It was developed by Relic Entertainment and published by THQ . The story begins after the reappearance of the planet Aurelia, exit the Warp after centuries of extinction. This ice cream contains real mysteries. The emergence of chaos mingled with the treachery of the emperor's subjects, as well as fights with the Eldar, Orks and some Tyrannidae.

    Squads can now gain more experience, and a system of corruption has been established. New powers are available fatal if the player chooses the path where corruption dilemma presents itself to him or he uses the equipment corrupted. The overall corruption of your units will have a direct impact on the campaign, with new powers, but also new enemies, lying on your side to begin with and rebelling against the player.

    A new race was added to multiplayer: Chaos. New units were added to each race, and new multiplayer maps have been available. In addition, a hero Tyranid and Chaos have been added to the gameplay Baroud d'honneur. S It should be noted that official patch was released the same day, allowing players not having the extension to take advantage of new units for the previous races and new multiplayer maps.

    Publisher: THQ
    Developer: Relic
    Year Released: 2010

    14. Dragon Age: Origins

    Dragon Age: Origins is a PC role-playing game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. Set in a world of dark fantasy , it is presented as the spiritual descendant of Baldur's Gate . Note that unlike the latter, the game will not use role-playing Dungeons and Dragons . Depending on its alliances and its choices, the player can redefine the environment in which it operates. Each player participates in a unique prelude that sets his world view and how the world perceives it, then what a great influence on the course of the adventure.

    Dragon Age: Origins takes place in the kingdom at a time Ferelden dark and troubled to see terrible creatures named darkspawn out of their homes and underground flow from the south. The city of Ostagar prepares for an assault of this legion of evil, which is whispered in a low voice that she would act under the command of an arch-demon. This is not the first time such a threat hanging over the region in the past, it has already been rejected by a fraternity legend, the guards of Shadows.

    In Dragon Age: Origins, the characters are knocked out in the fall if he wins. The system is similar to that of Drakensang: your heroes receive serious injuries more or less pronounced, which handicaps them until they are cured with necessary care. These can be found, purchased or even made if you have the skill to Herbalism. Generally, the crafts, which you can also make traps and poisons, is very useful. Be careful though, because if the traps are deadly, they indiscriminately affect your enemies and your allies, like the AoE mages.

    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Developer: BioWare
    Year Released: 2009

    15. Left 4 Dead 2

    Left 4 Dead 2 is a first person shooter game that was released in 2009, a sequel to Left 4 Dead. The scenario of Left 4 Dead 2 began in late 2009. A pandemic of unknown origin to hit the United States , and this strange virus has turned part of the population bloodthirsty creatures, the "infected", which attack the rest of the population. In this situation, the government declared martial law, and decides to combine the population in major cities, under the protection of the U.S. Army. The situation gets so out of control, the concentrations of survivors were easy prey for the infected, and most of the uninfected population is massacred.

    The government then ordered the creation of a secure area, the only place still under the protection of the army and completely protected from infection, which gathered the last survivors of the pandemic. Three weeks after the start of infection, the government decided to retake control of the situation and begin to air strikes launched by the USAF on major cities, along with reconnaissance missions in the hope to locate survivors.

    Left 4 Dead 2 is the game where players assume one of four survivors to reach a checkpoint and avoid having to succumb to infection. In versus mode, players can also embody a special Infected (zombies more advanced capabilities than the basic ones) that they must stop the flight of survivors. Cooperation is a key foundation of the gameplay of Left 4 Dead 2 for survivors as for those infected: if the number of zombies sent by AI throughout the game is huge, infected players, however, need proof organization and coordination if they are to stop the survivors they will in turn ensure that they cover and heal, stay together and avoid friendly fire .

    Publisher: Valve
    Developer: Valve
    Year Released: 2009

    16. The Sims 3

    The Sims 3 is a simulation game and a series of Sims by Electronic Arts. The gameplay of The Sims 3 is the same as in previous games in the series ( The Sims , The Sims 2 ), it is simulating the life of a family or a single sim or couple, in their neighborhood of Amu . The game does not involve any physical violence or score to beat, the only need to live his avatar in his everyday life . While much is to interact with his environment his Sim (objects, other Sims), construction of a house and its furnishings are also a certain place as usual in the series. However, thanks to new tools for design, objects can all be customized in the game by changing its color or texture. Players can now add features to its special character sims among many possibilities, and create unique characters.

    The first thing to do when you want to start playing The Sims 3 is of course to create his or her characters. However, the publisher provided for this purpose seems to have never been as comprehensive and accessible as this year. Punk single in the small family model through the community of hippies or couple of ambitious executives, there is absolutely no limit to our imagination. It is possible to define precisely the appearance of each individual and the customization options are more numerous than before. Thus, we can shape the faces at will, set the corpulent silhouettes, and choose precisely the color or patterns of different clothes.

    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Developer: The Sims Studio
    Year Released: 2009

    17. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is First Person Shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision and was released in November 2009. The game keeps its simplicity in terms of gameplay and controls. The game takes place a few years after Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and we will struggle with Russian terrorists. We found one of the heroes of the previous section, Sergeant MacTavish, who has just been freshly promoted Captain in the SAS. The title offers a series of tasks including climbing, infiltration and the taking of a Russian base.

    The player has access to a wide range of firearms, can carry two of any class (handgun, gun, grenade launcher, ...) and even removing any abandoned or dropped by enemy. The available weapons frequently have improvements: support for the aim of all types, grenade launcher or shotgun integrated.

    Call of Duty series has always been based on immersion, and spectacular staging levels, which often cost a player's freedom of action and that the resultant linearity has often been criticized. Nevertheless, this episode has some levels more open to choose between several paths, and several ways to complete the mission. Some levels put the player in difficult situations such as a fast fight favela in Brazil where civilians fleeing the fighting. The enemies are part of a militia to protect the local target: an arms dealer. It is necessary to distinguish these militiamen (not non-uniformed) of non-hostile people should obviously not be affected.

    Publisher: Activision
    Developer: Infinity Ward
    Year Released: 2009

    18. DiRT 2

    Colin McRae: Dirt 2 is a racing video game developed by Studio Codemasters released in 2009 on PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 , PC and Wii . The PC version has received a special graphics to improve the rendering. It was brought by two third-party developers on Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable in significantly different versions.

    Colin McRae: DiRT 2 derives great benefit of two years of development that have been spent. Technically ahead of the competition, he knows his eclecticism impose effective and proves to be a worthy successor to the first strand. The one that could be simply called DiRT 2 until it contrasts with the series Colin McRae was therefore the rally game's most complete market. Undoubtedly, fans of all-terrain should give him their full attention.

    Publisher: Codemasters
    Developer: Codemasters
    Year Released: 2009

    19. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4

    Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 on PC is an action / adventure that recreates the adventures of boy wizard Harry Potter. Magic, spells and potions are everywhere in this app whose history includes the first four components of the saga to success. Lego Harry Potter manages to distinguish itself with gameplay rich enough to interest on the duration and a good set of small finds that compel sympathy. Faithful to the universe and accessible, it will come without difficulty to entertain most fans of the universe, large and small. Especially since the price is fair (between 40 and 50 euros depending on the shops).

    The game itself is a little adventure in which we will be playing a series of tests. The central scenario of the game will be the Hogwarts school, which can move more or less freely (the more spell we have, the more avenues open to us.) We miss him, but at all times we must go to a specific location (marked by an arrow and a ghost that will guide us, which makes development is linear) to overcome the next test, some of which will unlock a spell or new skill. Although these tests vary from place to place, as he could open a door or make a potion to pull a string, almost always resolved the same way: look for the scene elements with which to interact, use the spell right and forward.

    Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
    Developer: Traveller's Tales
    Year Released: 2010

    20. Arma II

    ArmA II is the result of the simulation infantryman ArmA: Armed Assault . This series is developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio , creators of Operation Flashpoint , ArmA and ArmA II which are the spiritual consequences. Like its predecessor, ArmA II, puts the player in the shoes of a soldier among other pawn on the board of a huge battlefield.

    The main season ArmA II changes with respect to his ancestors in the fact that the player is now part of an elite unit of four men, each with its personality. The single player missions and the publisher still allow them to remain in the minds of mere "cog" in the mechanics of war.The player embodies the character of the reconnaissance team USMC Razor who will meet with setbacks during his missions. The atmosphere of the campaign is closer to that of Operation Flashpoint than that of Armed Assault , the soldiers "played" with a name and a story, thus abandoning the concept of the unknown soldier.

    Publisher: Got Game Entertainment
    Developer: Bohemia Interactive
    Year Released: 2009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Gaming Laptop

    indeed a great list. but i would suggest you to play these on a gaming notebook as then the excitement is going to be multiplied many times....

  4. #4
    jennyjohn Guest

    Re: 20 Best PC Video Games

    Today many people like to play PC games, I think that these are really the best 20 PC games posted by you, awesome, I really appreciate your post, really nice, these were really fantastic games, I hope that many people will really like these games, awesome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: 20 Best PC Video Games

    Game is the very interesting thing to do in our life to enjoy.There are the 20 best pc game list of video game.
    Battlefield 2142 Deluxe Edition
    Call of Duty 2
    Company of Heroes
    Crysis Warhead
    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
    Medieval II Total War
    Neverwinter Nights 2
    Resident Evil 4
    Rise of Nations Rise of Legends
    Rome Total War Gold Edition
    Sid Meier's Pirates!
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
    Star Wars Empire at War Gold Pack
    Supreme Commander

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    question Re: 20 Best PC Video Games

    Where is my fav.
    Need For Speed MOST WANTED2

    Release in 2005

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Really nice post. I like all the given game. Find these games very intersting.
    I am also given list of games.
    1. IL-2 Sturmovik - 2001
    2. Pirates! Gold - 1994
    3. Battlefield 1942 - 2002
    4. Deus Ex - 2000
    5. MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat - 1995
    6. Call of Duty - 2003

    Hey why you not short list any NFS game it is great games. any why from your short list I like only dirt 2. very nice game and its graphics effect and sound effect was amazing. and also good cars.

    Here I am also giving list of some games.
    Fallout - 1997
    SimCity 2000 - 1993
    Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings - 1999
    Unreal Tournament - 1999
    Battlefield 1942 - 2002
    Pirates! Gold - 1994

    it is a very interesting games I like it , how I can download it

  8. #8
    radleywotson Guest

    Re: 20 Best PC Video Games

    Battlefield Bad Company 2
    Far Cry 2
    COD Modern Warfare 2
    Need For Speed Most Wanted
    Need For Speed Shift
    Split Second
    X-Man Wolverine
    GTA San Andreas
    Prince of Persia : Forgotten Sand
    Just Cause 2
    Street Fighter 4
    Half Life 2
    Mass Effect 2
    Assassin's Creed 2
    Resident Evil 5
    Splinter Cell Conviction
    Last edited by Kunal; 01-09-2010 at 02:52 PM. Reason: External Linking is not allowed

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: 20 Best PC Video Games

    myself vijay
    - Rise of Legends;
    - Red Alert 2;
    - IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles;
    - Age of Empires;
    - Age of Empires: Rise of Rome;
    - Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings;
    - Age of Empires II: The Conquerors;
    - Age of Empires III;
    - Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs;

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