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Thread: Questions for the cabin crew interview

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Questions for the cabin crew interview

    Hi all
    Can anybody forward me the detail that what type of question is being asked at the time of cabin crew interview? Please that will be helpful for me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Questions for the cabin crew interview?

    • How would you handle a drunk passenger.

    • Would you seat an incapacitated person in an exit row if the passenger wanted to move to that seat.

    • Would you seat a child in an exit row.

    • Would you ever upgrade a person for first class and if so, for what reasons.

    • How would you handle an upset passenger., or an angry passenger.

    • Would you accept a tip? What would you do if someone asked for your phone number?

    Best of luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Questions for the cabin crew interview?

    Do you have to give a presentation? Have you been given a topic for the presentation?

    If so, make it visual and keep it reasonably short. Use pictures if you can. Preparing the presentation on pieces of card can be very effective.

    The key would appear to be very positive and very confident in your delivery. This will come from as much rehearsing as you can.

    Practice some of the answers for the inteview questions that you are likely to be asked

    • What are your strengths?
    • What are your weaknesses?
    • Have you ever lost your temper?
    • What is the best example of customer service that you have come across?
    • What is the worst example of customer service that you have come across?

    It may also be worth contacting any cabin crew people that you know - or can find on the internet to see if they have any tips.

    I would echo their thoughts that what you wear will be very important and that a smart jacket and skirt are essential as well as having a polished pair of shoes.

    I hope that this helps

    Kind regards

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Questions for the cabin crew interview?


    I would like to konw what can I dress up for cabin crew intrview.
    And also what they ask for the interview. Pls help on this.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Questions for the cabin crew interview?

    I don't know what questions they will ask - does anyone else have any advice on this?

    As regards dress my advice would be to dress in a similar way to that of a cabin crew - coordinating suit (ladies jacket and skirt, gentlemen jacket and trousers). Shoes tend to be flat soled or flat heels. Make doubly sure that you have polished your shoes.

    Make sure that your nails are nicely clean and that you hair is tidy - getting it cut the day before would not do much harm.

    Also make sure that you come across as confident and don't apologise about your appearance.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Questions for the cabin crew interview?

    There are a few essential character traits which interviewers look for in the cabin crew. Some of these are patience, good communication skills, perseverance to excel, and keeping calm in emergency situations. While facing the interviewer, the interviewee should try to impress the above traits as much as possible.

    One should give true answers as much as possible as interviewers are experience people and can easily see through a candidate giving 'too good to be true' answers. However, try to be as positive as possible with different scenarios and even if you say something negative, make sure you tell then your ways to overcome this.

    Some of the questions could be as follows:

    • What are the strengths that make you a suitable candidate?
    • Can you tell us some of your weaknesses?
    • Have there been situations when you have lost your temper?
    • How would you define good and bad customer service
    • in the airline sector? Can you give examples of both?

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