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Thread: Service Pack 3 Setup Error

  1. #1
    LHearold Guest
    I am doing an update to SP (Pro) to SP 3 for a client. They have 7 PCs that
    need this update. On three of the PCs I am getting the following error.

    Service Pack 3 Setup cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free
    (retail) version of Service Pack 3, or vice versa.

    The COA is valid on all theree. Two are Dell and one is an OEM version. I
    don't quite understand the error and have had no luck in finding it anywhere.

    All can validate with WGA tool with no problem. Did that before I started the
    SP3 install since it was on a checklist that I downloaded from MS technet. I
    think the fix given in one of the links you provided may work. Will give it a
    try tomorrow. I guess I'm confused about their terminology though. I always
    thought it was Retail and OEM. So what is a "checked" version? How do I know
    ahead of time if I have a checked version, OEM, or what. There isn't any
    literature I can find that even mentions a "checked" version. Where and how
    would a "checked" version get installed on a PC? The 3 PCs in question here
    had their initial install and all updates done by me personally as part of a
    maintenance agreement I have with my customers. It would be nice to know
    ahead of time whether or not a particular PC is going to give me a hassle
    during the update.

  2. #2
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Service Pack 3 Setup Error

    Repost: How are you attempting to install SP3 on these machines, via Windows
    Update or using an installer you've downloaded? If the latter, is the
    installer named windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86-debug-enu.exe?

    MS installation and compatibility support should be able to answer most of
    your questions.

  3. #3 Guest

    Re: Service Pack 3 Setup Error

    Per our brief conversation on a different thread. The reason I have
    not posted back on this one is that I haven't had time to set up my
    user name again. Somehow it got lost or something since the group
    didn't recognise my login. You had provided me a link on info to do a
    registry change to allow the update to run. This worked but with
    modification. The link gave instructions to change HKLM\SOFTWARE
    \MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION string value of CurrentType from
    Free to Checked, or vice-versa, and reboot. If I rebooted, the same
    error came up and the registry was changed back to the original value.
    The only way I could get the value to remain as changed was to boot in
    safe mode and make the change. This worked on the machines in this
    thread, however, later on I found the same problem on another machine
    at the same client and the fix DID NOT work. HOWEVER, I created a new
    user, logged in under the new user account and the update worked
    flawlessly. After the update was complete, I deleted the user account
    I had created and everything was fine.

    As a side note, about half of the machines won't install the
    downloaded updates from the MS Windows Update site after the SP3
    update is applied. There is a fix on the MS Knowledge-base, Article
    943144, describing how to re-register the WUPS2.dll that will take
    care of this problem.

    So, this problem is resolved, for now. Whether or not it wil lrear its
    ugly head again in a different manner I don't know. My apologies if I
    have ticked you off because you are a volunteer. No offense intended
    but I have more people asking me if I am paid than providing any
    assistance. I'm 68 and supposed to have been retired for the past 4
    years but somehow I'm in demand. Must be age and knowledge, sure as
    H___ ain't beauty.

  4. #4
    AGA Guest
    I have a problem, I have downloaded the SP3 file but I cannot install the
    files, when I ' ve tried to install it appear a message, this is shown below:

    "Setup cannot update your Windows XP files because the language installed on
    your system is different from the update language."

    The language that I use is Spanish and I haven`t tried to install in safe mode.
    I `ve tried to install using the update web page from microsoft and I `ve
    tried downloading first and then I 've executed it.

    I checked the "current type" in the registry and it says "Multiprocessor
    Free" rather than "Free"

    I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 with Intel Core Duo

    even i face this problem and when i checked in the registry, the current value shows "Multiprocessor Free" instead of Checked or Free.. What can be done now?? could any one help me out regarding this... I tried changing it to "Free" but in vain

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Service Pack 3 Setup Error Solved By Ali Sher

    The Same Thing Happened With Me, i-e;when I tried to install SP3 Update Package in Windows XP, Windows showed the following error message:

    Service pack 3 setup cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of service pack 3, or vice versa.

    The reason behind this problem is that the update package installs retail bits on retail builds and checked bits on checked builds. But you can spoof Windows updates in order to install retail bits on checked builds and vice versa.

    If you are also facing the same problem, then follow these simple steps which I did and your problem should be solved:

    1. Open regedit (click start, then click on Run, And Enter Command "Regedit" without quotes and hit Enter) and goto:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

    2. In right-side pane look for a String value "CurrentType". Change its value to Checked and if its already set to Checked, then set it to Free and click on OK.

    3. Exit registry editor and try to install SP3 again. Now it should install without any problem.

  6. #6
    What is the language on your system? Is it likely that you have changed
    it inadvertently to something else? What does the task bar at the
    bottom right say? Have you tried installing the SP3 in SAFE MODE?

    1. Open regedit and goto:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

    2. In right-side pane look for a String value "CurrentType". Change its
    value to Checked and if its already set to Checked, then set it to Free and
    click on OK.

    3. Exit registry editor and try to install SP3 again. Now it should install
    without any problem.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    When I checked in the registry, the current value shows "Uniprocessor Free" instead of Checked or Free.. What can be done now?? could any one help me out regarding this please

    Service Pack 3 Setup Error

    After downloading SP 3 I got this message: Service Pack 3 setup cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of Service Pack 3, or vice versa. I checked on the net to see what could be the solution and I got this info. 1. Open regedit and goto:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

    2. In right-side pane look for a String value "CurrentType". Change its
    value to Checked and if its already set to Checked, then set it to Free and
    click on OK.

    3. Exit registry editor and try to install SP3 again. Now it should install
    without any problem.

    The only thing is that in the right pane I only have
    DATE: Uniprocessor Free

    I have no idea what to do next. Can someone help me please?

    My operating sysem is Windows XP

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Service Pack 3 Setup Error Solved By Ali Sher

    When I checked in the registry, the current value shows "Uniprocessor Free" instead of Checked or Free.. What can be done now?? could any one help me out regarding this please

    Service Pack 3 Setup Error

    After downloading SP 3 I got this message: Service Pack 3 setup cannot update a checked (debug) system with a free (retail) version of Service Pack 3, or vice versa. I checked on the net to see what could be the solution and I got this info. 1. Open regedit and goto:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

    2. In right-side pane look for a String value "CurrentType". Change its
    value to Checked and if its already set to Checked, then set it to Free and
    click on OK.

    3. Exit registry editor and try to install SP3 again. Now it should install
    without any problem.

    The only thing is that in the right pane I only have
    DATE: Uniprocessor Free

    I have no idea what to do next. Can someone help me please?

    My operating sysem is Windows XP

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Service Pack 3 Setup Error

    Nobody came to your help.

    Me neither. I can't help you I share your problem. Got the same error message on the same occasion: trying to update to sp3 and have the same registry entry: Uniprocessor Free.

    What I did was change it to 'Checked' and sp3 installed, apparently, alright. And then the computer became useless after a reboot.

    I am now using that computer again - after reinstalling the OS from the original disks. And in Regedit I see I've got the same entry: 'Uniprocessor Free'.

    I'm searching the web looking for an answer. I can't use my wireless webcam software properly without sp3 because I need IE and the IE I need wants sp3... bloody microsoft, eh?

    So I've stopped by here and resurrected this ancient thread just on the off chance, slim as it is... I'll continue my lonely wanderings...


    p.s. Later edit:

    Some success. Look at
    virtualdr Site.

    where he says:

    As to the meaning of "Uniprocessor free"... This indicates the type of kernel and build type (type of compiled code) for the kernel. The "uniprocessor" part refers to what's been said, namely that this kernel is for a uniprocessor system. The "free" part refers to the fact that it is a free build, meanin it is a standard, non-debug, fully optimized retail build (compilation) of the kernel. The alternative type build would be a debug/check type build, which most people should never see/have as it would exist only in cases of development and/or debugging. With such a build I forget whether "free" is replaced with "debug" or "check".

    And that means to me that the problem is in the SP3 file being used. It is 'debug' system SP3 and we're trying to apply it to 'free' systems. Witness our Regedit entries.

    We've got the wrong file.

    I'm not sure why I've got it but there was some hassle with another route I took so I finished up downloading this one - and it looks to me like it is the bad one.

    Well, I've got other computers on the Lan and they've been SP3'd and from download, too, I believe - I'll go look for whatever file they used.

    Wish me luck ...

    Last edited by abrogard; 15-09-2011 at 08:35 AM.

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