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Thread: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

  1. #1
    SmartArray Guest

    How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    slipped through the install processor check.

    Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    some without stop codes.

    Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    trouble of reinstalling.

    1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    directory created by this update.
    3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    was copied.
    4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    the update for KB936357 to never show it again.

    Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

  2. #2
    artflux Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    Thanks for the update on recoving from the blue screen. After several
    reinstalls of windows I have turned off updates for now until the problem is
    resolved. Your solution seems straight foward however I am not so tech savey
    to try another update that may crash my old Dell Latititude into blue again.
    If I have some time on my hands I will try your suggestions.

    "SmartArray" wrote:

    > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > slipped through the install processor check.
    > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > some without stop codes.
    > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > trouble of reinstalling.
    > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > directory created by this update.
    > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > was copied.
    > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

  3. #3
    Numalfix Guest

    How to Recover From KB936357 without Windows Recovery Console

    Thank you very much for your advice.

    If you don't have access to the Windows Recovery Console for any reason and
    your XP file system is FAT32 (not NTFS) you can help yourself with a bootable
    Windows 95/98 start-diskette or CD.

    1) Boot your PC with Win 95/98.
    2) Go to c:\windows\$N6CD6~1\spuninst (this is the 8.3 short name for
    3) Enter "copy spuninst.txt myuninst.bat"
    4) Edit myuninst.bat with the edit command:
    Replace $NtUninstallKB936357$ by $N6CD6~1 in the commands.
    You can also add "echo on" at the beginning of the file.
    5) Run the batch by entering myuninst.bat on the command line.
    6) Boot your PC into Windows XP.
    7) Continue with step 6 of SmartArrays list.

  4. #4
    bigfoot111 Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    You are a genius! After reinstalling XP twice on my old Winbook XL with a
    P266 processor to fix this problem I discovered your post. It worked

    "SmartArray" wrote:

    > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > slipped through the install processor check.
    > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > some without stop codes.
    > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > trouble of reinstalling.
    > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > directory created by this update.
    > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > was copied.
    > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

  5. #5
    chetbox Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    "SmartArray" wrote:

    > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > slipped through the install processor check.
    > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > some without stop codes.
    > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > trouble of reinstalling.
    > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > directory created by this update.
    > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > was copied.
    > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

  6. #6
    chetbox Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    I have uninstalled KB936357. However, I cannot find the button "Custom" in
    Windows Update page to perform your instruction Item 8. Please advise.

    "SmartArray" wrote:

    > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > slipped through the install processor check.
    > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > some without stop codes.
    > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > trouble of reinstalling.
    > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > directory created by this update.
    > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > was copied.
    > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

  7. #7
    SmartArray Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    Sorry, I've been out of town for a spell . . .

    I should have been more clear, the "Custom" selection is when you first go
    to the Windows Update website and you are offered the selection of "Express"
    or "Custom" (Express means they install everything for you with one-click,
    Custom you select what you want to install). You may have to go into the
    "Review Updates" mode first.

    I've found several other posts regarding this update, and they all seem to
    center around a couple flavors of the P4 chip from about this era. I think
    it's a coding bug in their update check that allows this family through, but
    the answer is still the same, don't do it!

    I can't take credit for any of this, I found it by searching far and wide, a
    little trial-and-error, and putting a few golden nuggets together to get a
    solution. There are others I should credit this solution to, I just can't
    remember that far back where I actually found it all . . .

    "chetbox" wrote:

    > I have uninstalled KB936357. However, I cannot find the button "Custom" in
    > Windows Update page to perform your instruction Item 8. Please advise.
    > "SmartArray" wrote:
    > > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > > slipped through the install processor check.
    > >
    > > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > > some without stop codes.
    > >
    > > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > > trouble of reinstalling.
    > >
    > > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > > directory created by this update.
    > > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > > was copied.
    > > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > >
    > > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.
    > >

  8. #8
    BLazE Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    Help !

    I am with RAID 0 and it seems that the recovery console don't see my hard
    drives so i can't unsinstall the update.

    What can i do ?

  9. #9
    Azrael Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    "SmartArray" wrote:

    > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > slipped through the install processor check.
    > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > some without stop codes.
    > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > trouble of reinstalling.
    > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > directory created by this update.
    > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > was copied.
    > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

    oh my god this was a nightmare ive spent the past 2 months doing repair
    and then tried a few clean installs i searched the kb and the net for
    thought maybe it was just my pc im down to my last activation from this

    why dosnt ms post a warning or only install this to pcs with the correct cpus
    i ended up do the same thing you did just didnt know what update it was till
    this time

    btw it sees p4HT chips as being a multi cpu thats why it will install on
    these systems ive talked myself out of calling ms support and letting them
    know how "displeased" i am right now

  10. #10
    mrchillz Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    i have a dell so i dont have a windows xp cd to install the recovery
    console,..i have only a dell cd,..will that work?

    "artflux" wrote:

    > Thanks for the update on recoving from the blue screen. After several
    > reinstalls of windows I have turned off updates for now until the problem is
    > resolved. Your solution seems straight foward however I am not so tech savey
    > to try another update that may crash my old Dell Latititude into blue again.
    > If I have some time on my hands I will try your suggestions.
    > "SmartArray" wrote:
    > > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > > slipped through the install processor check.
    > >
    > > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > > some without stop codes.
    > >
    > > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > > trouble of reinstalling.
    > >
    > > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > > directory created by this update.
    > > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > > was copied.
    > > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > >
    > > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.
    > >

  11. #11
    mrchillz Guest

    RE: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    i tried everything you suggested but the blue screen of death keeps popping
    up,...tells me i have a BAD HEAD SPOOLER,..not sure what that is,..any other
    suggestions? thanks

    "SmartArray" wrote:

    > After 5 days of narrowing down this problem to this specific Update, making
    > it happen, and recovering I thought I would share the solution so you
    > wouldn't have to suffer too! This problem seems to afflict Pentium4HT
    > processors in the 2.8-3.0Ghz range. This microcode should not install on
    > these processors as it appears to be a Core 2/Duo update, but somehow the P4
    > slipped through the install processor check.
    > Problem: After installing KB936357 microcode update, Windows XP will no
    > longer boot into any mode. Various blue screens will appear, some with and
    > some without stop codes.
    > Solution: Follow these steps and you will save yourself lots of time and
    > trouble of reinstalling.
    > 1) Boot the machine into the Windows Recovery Console. See KB if you don't
    > know how. You're now in basically a DOS shell with limited functionality.
    > 2) Type the following: cd $NtUninstallKB936357$\spuninst
    > This will basically change the active directory to the uninstall
    > directory created by this update.
    > 3) Type the following: BATCH spuninst.txt
    > You will see a couple of lines echo'd to the screen indicating a file
    > was copied.
    > 4) Type the following to reboot the machine: exit
    > 5) Your machine will now reboot into Windows XP.
    > 6) Go to control panel, and add-remove programs, select "show updates".
    > 7) Use add-remove programs to uninstall KB936357 update. This will finish
    > the cleanup of the registry and other misc windows stuff.
    > 8) Start Windows update, select "Custom", and click the little box under
    > the update for KB936357 to never show it again.
    > Countless hours were spent figuring out what was wrong, my machine was
    > essentially 100% updated except for this one, it was intentionally installed
    > knowing it would break (yes, willing to risk reinstalling for the third time)
    > just to prove it was the bain of my existence. Fortunately I was right . . .
    > I'll keep my nasty comments to myself, have a good night.

  12. #12
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    You could speed up the process by beginning your own, new thread about
    *your* problem. In your new thread, tells us if the STOP error said
    ~PA Bear

    mrchillz wrote:
    > i tried everything you suggested but the blue screen of death keeps
    > popping
    > up,...tells me i have a BAD HEAD SPOOLER,..not sure what that is,..any
    > other
    > suggestions? thanks...

  13. #13
    mrchillz Guest

    Re: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    oops,..i think it was bad pool header,...sorry :)

    "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

    > You could speed up the process by beginning your own, new thread about
    > *your* problem. In your new thread, tells us if the STOP error said
    > BAD_HEAD_SPOOLER or BAD_POOL_HEADER (0x00000019).
    > --
    > ~PA Bear
    > mrchillz wrote:
    > > i tried everything you suggested but the blue screen of death keeps
    > > popping
    > > up,...tells me i have a BAD HEAD SPOOLER,..not sure what that is,..any
    > > other
    > > suggestions? thanks...


  14. #14
    Harry Johnston [MVP] Guest

    Re: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:

    > In your new thread, tells us if the STOP error said
    > BAD_HEAD_SPOOLER or BAD_POOL_HEADER (0x00000019).

    Wow. Good catch!


  15. #15
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: How to Recover From KB936357 Blue Screen of Death

    Harry Johnston [MVP] wrote:
    > PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
    >> In your new thread, tells us if the STOP error said
    >> BAD_HEAD_SPOOLER or BAD_POOL_HEADER (0x00000019).

    > Wow. Good catch!

    My CrystalBall© is all-seeing, all-knowing! <booga-booga-booga>

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