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Thread: Network cable unpluged - Local area Connection is now connected problem

  1. #1
    Pvest Guest

    Network cable unpluged - Local area Connection is now connected problem

    I'm constantly getting this "Network cable unplugged - Local area Connection
    is now connected" on my cable connected Futjisi Siemens with a built-in
    Realtek RTL8139/810 net-adaptor and is really disconnecting-connecting.

    I have tried to do all the things which were advised at,+ some more, but no luck.

    This problems started when I bought a new D-Link Xtreme G DI-624-
    54(108)Mbps wireless Router, which I again changed into a new TopCom
    Skyracer Pro WBR 654- 54(108)Mbps wireless router.

    In the beginning it seems to be alright, but gradually also this router has
    starting giving me the same problems.

    If I connect my cabled PC direct to my Thompson Speedtouch 510 router, I
    never experience this problem. Also if I turn off the wireless option in
    TopCom router every thing goes without any problem.

    It also seems like if I'm up and connected to the network with my laptop,
    the problems on my cabled PC also seems to disappear.

    So as far as I can see, there isn't any direct hardware error on any of my
    systems (also replaced cables), but rather some strange mismatch and the
    wireless system causes my cabled PC to disconnect- connect all the time!? I
    have tried all the different settings I can on both router and Realtek
    netadaptor without any improvement.

    Another thing which also seem odd, is that almost every time I try to fix
    Winsock or resetting IP stack, it seems like the problems disappear for a
    while (hours or so). But not sure if this mean anything or just by change!??

    Have anyone experienced the same and have any solution on my problem?

    Could the build-in RTL-8139/810 and wireless router system some how be

    If so, has anyone any advise on how to disable the netadaptor for to install
    a new one? (Tried this a few days ago, but the PC still found the old one
    and I never got it to work).

    My equipmet history is as follow:

    1 Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo 600 with a built in Realtek RTL8139/810 netadaptor,
    Full size ATX Motherboard (fixed IP)

    1 Dell Inspiron 8600 wireless (fixed IP)

    1 Thompson Speedtouch 510 router

    1 TopCom Skyracer Pro WBR 654 (54/108) router (disabled DHCP)

    All PC's running XP home SP2

    Trend Micro Pc-cillin Internet Security

  2. #2
    Oliver O'Boyle Guest
    make sure that your machines don't have the same Ip addresses configured.
    They all need to have different host addresses.

    But some more additional information.

    After tested it more firmly the last few days, I experience that my cabled
    PC starts flashing with the above mention errors, every time when I switch
    off my wireless laptop.

    When booting up again, the connection on cable PC is stable again!!??

    Anyone any idea??

    Sounds like your router has a problem when it looses the wireless link.
    Perhaps it's too busy trying to re-connect and can't handle the wired link?
    Perhaps the router has a bug and it just plain crashes?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Exactly what I thought when a bought a D-Link Xtreme G DI-624- 54(108)Mbps
    wireless router, because it gave me the same problems.

    I didn't had it for more than 4-5 days, before I changed it into the TopCom
    Skyracer, which I have now.

    In the beginning it was alright I got this error message a few times, but it
    was more or less OK.

    But in some strange way, it started coming more and more often and right now
    it's constantly.

    So though it must be something between router and PC, I don't know. But may
    be it 's on the PC end, since I had the same problem with the D-Link 624

    I can also add, that before I bought 54(108)Mbps, I had a D-Link DI-714P+
    11(22)Mbps and it never gave me this problem!!?

    I think it's on the PC end, unless you have the worst luck I've ever seen in
    purchasing wireless routers... :)

    Do any of your PCs have Internet Conenction Sharing enabled? What's the IP
    address range that your router uses?

    Actually I have an ISDN modem installed, but not setup. As for Internet
    Sharing, it's disabled as far as I can see.
    I have fixed IP on my PC's (gateway and have also disable DHCP,
    but the IP range for my router is set to be to

    I've got the same problem with the D-Link DI-624, with DHCP enabled(similar to malc23) however I have the static connection enabled for two of the machines. I have between 6 and 8 computers running on it depending on how much of the family is in town but the problem doesn't seem to increases with the number of computers, though the speed decreases dramatically(no misery there).

    Two of the computers are media and file servers running ubuntu server 9.04 and connected via LAN, and respectively they are internally firewalled (no firewall settings on the router just the individual machine)against internet access because I want them only serve the local network(these are the static ip's).

    Two are family computers running win xp also connected via LAN so that's the last of the eth. ports on the DI-624.

    And two to four laptops running win xp and win 7 connected via WLAN.

    NOTE: All the computers experience the same problem weather using wireless or wired. The routers ip is default) and the DHCP range is

    Thanks very interested if any one has ever managed to fix this, as I've been trying on and off for about a year with little success, although their are lots of posts on this subject, and I found a work around for the ubuntu machines that involves a script that tells the computer to suspend the connection rather than dis and reconnecting.

  4. #4
    Oliver O'Boyle Guest

    Re: Network cable unpluged - Local area Connection is now connected problem

    It sounds like you are complicating things a little. I would do the

    1) pick the router you want to use, and stick with it. Too much hardware
    gets confusing.

    2) Keep it simple. Use the (mask = range on
    all devices.

    3) Make sure the router has an address of, and that the PC's
    have addresses of 192.168.1.x --> where x is not 1.

    4) If the router can do DHCP, let it, unless you really need static
    addresses for your clients.

  5. #5
    Pvest Guest

    Re: Network cable unpluged - Local area Connection is now connected problem

    Maybe, but since I use fixed internal IP, the router range (sett in the
    router) shouldn't have any impackt!.... I think??

    The reason for changing from my first 11 (22) Mbps, was that this just
    stopped working during a setup change. This was probably one of a million or
    so change, but during this prosess I got a power-shutdown in the house. And
    after that I was never able to reset it.

    So that's why I bought a new D-Link G DI-624 and it was at that point when I
    started getting this problem. After checking out some public comments for
    same product and same problem at, I just used my 30 days option
    to change it into the present one.

    When thinking back on it, I was never able to get out on the net with my PC,
    using "receive IP-address automatically" and that's why I started using
    fixed. Later, when introduced wireless into my net I also kept this option
    and disabled DHCP on my router for safety reason

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    hi i very interested to know if you have solved your problem yet as i have exactly the same problem everything works ok until I shut down the laptop
    then desktop hard wired pc disconnects & reconnects every 60 seconds. Restart the laptop & its back ok again ? the only difference I have to you is, Im set to obtain ip address automatically Have you sorted it yet ?

  7. #7
    Ace Fekay [MCT] Guest

    Re: Network cable unpluged - Local area Connection is now connected problem

    What you see above in my post, is all we can see in the Microsoft Public
    Newsgroup, "" Techarena
    pulls/pushes posts from this group. Unfortunately many folks in techarena do
    not realize this and respond to older posts, such as what you did. Posts
    expire after 90 days.So when we see an empty post such as yours, we are not
    able to help.

    It would be beneficial to start a fresh thread, stating your problem you are
    experiencing, and related, pertinent facts and error messages in the event
    logs, to better assist you.

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