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Thread: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days

  1. #1
    lca1630 Guest

    Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days


    I am wondering of one of you scripting wizards could help me with a cleanup
    script that delete all folders older than # days in the root of d:\.

    I am making backups of my live virtual servers and do not have enough room
    to house more than one copy at a time.

    The backups create folders that show the date and time so I have to make
    sure it deletes all in that partition.


  2. #2
    Dirk Stegemann Guest

    Re: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days


    hope this one satisfies your needs...

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    idays = 5
    sFolder = "d:\"

    For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).Subfolders
    If DateDiff("d", oFolder.DateCreated, Now()) > idays Then
    WScript.Echo "folder """ & oFolder.Name & """will be deleted."
    ' oFolder.delete
    End If

    If you want it to delete the folders you have to uncomment
    the oFolder.delete in line 8.

    May be i have forgotten to force something. But it is late here in Germany


    "lca1630" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > Hello,
    > I am wondering of one of you scripting wizards could help me with a

    > script that delete all folders older than # days in the root of d:\.
    > I am making backups of my live virtual servers and do not have enough room
    > to house more than one copy at a time.
    > The backups create folders that show the date and time so I have to make
    > sure it deletes all in that partition.
    > Thanks.

  3. #3
    lca1630 Guest

    Re: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # d


    Thank you so much. I will give it a try and let you know.

    Thanks again for the quick response.

    "Dirk Stegemann" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > hope this one satisfies your needs...
    > --
    > Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    > idays = 5
    > sFolder = "d:\"
    > For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder).Subfolders
    > If DateDiff("d", oFolder.DateCreated, Now()) > idays Then
    > WScript.Echo "folder """ & oFolder.Name & """will be deleted."
    > ' oFolder.delete
    > End If
    > Next
    > --
    > If you want it to delete the folders you have to uncomment
    > the oFolder.delete in line 8.
    > May be i have forgotten to force something. But it is late here in Germany
    > ;-)
    > Dirk
    > "lca1630" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > > Hello,
    > >
    > > I am wondering of one of you scripting wizards could help me with a

    > cleanup
    > > script that delete all folders older than # days in the root of d:\.
    > >
    > > I am making backups of my live virtual servers and do not have enough room
    > > to house more than one copy at a time.
    > >
    > > The backups create folders that show the date and time so I have to make
    > > sure it deletes all in that partition.
    > >
    > > Thanks.


  4. #4
    lca1630 Guest

    RE: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days

    Hey Dirk,

    I may need to refine what the script is doing how about just deleting
    d:\vsbackups after 1 day. Thanks

    "lca1630" wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I am wondering of one of you scripting wizards could help me with a cleanup
    > script that delete all folders older than # days in the root of d:\.
    > I am making backups of my live virtual servers and do not have enough room
    > to house more than one copy at a time.
    > The backups create folders that show the date and time so I have to make
    > sure it deletes all in that partition.
    > Thanks.

  5. #5
    Dirk Stegemann Guest

    Re: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days


    let's have a look what comes out of the magic wand ;-)

    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    idays = 1
    sFolder = "d:\vsbackups"

    Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sFolder)
    If DateDiff("d", oFolder.DateCreated, Now()) > idays Then
    WScript.Echo "folder """ & oFolder.Name & """will be deleted."
    ' oFolder.delete
    End If


    "lca1630" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
    > Hey Dirk,
    > I may need to refine what the script is doing how about just deleting
    > d:\vsbackups after 1 day. Thanks
    > "lca1630" wrote:
    > > Hello,
    > >
    > > I am wondering of one of you scripting wizards could help me with a

    > > script that delete all folders older than # days in the root of d:\.
    > >
    > > I am making backups of my live virtual servers and do not have enough

    > > to house more than one copy at a time.
    > >
    > > The backups create folders that show the date and time so I have to make
    > > sure it deletes all in that partition.
    > >
    > > Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days

    As always: there are a hundred different ways to do the same thing. Here is a batch file I use to cleanup old temp and log files from servers. It does recurse subdirectories, but as I didn't have a need to delete empty folders I didn't implement, if you need that functionality the vbscript may be a better fit.

    Make a batch file called purge_old_files.bat and paste in the following code. Just modify the 'list of directories to clean' section with your desired directories, one per line following the existing pattern.

    @echo off
    SET tempX=dirs.tmp.txt
    IF EXIST %tempX% del %tempX%
    ::the list of directories to clean
    echo "c:\windows\system32\logfiles" >> %tempX%
    echo "D:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\server.log" >> %tempX%
    echo "D:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Log" >> %tempX%
    :: the work
    IF "%~1"=="" (GOTO ERROR) else SET DAYS=%1
    echo Deleting the following files %DAYS% days old or older.
    FOR /F "delims=," %%i IN (%tempX%) DO forfiles -p %%i -s -m *.* -d -%DAYS% -c "Cmd /C echo @Path & del @Path"
    echo You used the utility incorrectly.
    echo Usage: %0 DAYS
    echo All files older than DAYS days old will be deleted from the following directories (and subdirectories.)
    FOR /F "delims=," %%i IN (%tempX%) DO echo %%i
    IF EXIST %tempX% del %tempX%

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Script for deleting folders + content in root of D:\ after # days


    Thank you for sharing. I have a similar use for this script. I modified the days and directory to search to suite my needs and it works great! What I need now is for the script to auto answer "yes" when propted if I want to delete the folder. Can you or anyone help, please?

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