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Thread: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

  1. #1
    John Bailey Guest

    The User Profile Service failed the logon.

    I've been using Windows Vista Ultimate for almost three months now, and all
    of a sudden tonight I couldn't log on to my laptop. Every time I tried I
    received the message "The User Profile Service failed the logon. The User
    Profile failed to load." I had successfully logged on to it only five hours
    earlier, so I did not understand what could be going on.

    Fortunately after Googling the error message (I originally used Microsoft
    Live Searct, but did not get any results), I found someone who had a similar
    error and had found that his profile had entered a backup state. I logged on
    with my domain administrator account (it's good to be the king sometimes) and
    examined the keys under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current
    User\ProfileList\ and was able to find the key for my user id SID. Sure
    enough, the key had a ".bak" appended to it and there was an identical one
    that was set to a temp directory. I renamed the other key, removed the
    ".bak" from mine, and changed the State property under my key to 0. This
    allowed me to log in.

    Does anyone know what might have caused this issue? If this is a bug, its a
    pretty severe one, as I can just imagine a help desk trying to resolve this
    over the phone with their laptop users who all of a sudden can't log in.

  2. #2
    a.kirke Guest

    Re: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

    I'm new to Vista so I asked my wizz friend and then I managed to solve
    the problem:
    1. I closed down.
    2. Turned computer on and immediately pressed F8 repeatedly until I got
    "Advanced Boot Options".
    3. used the down arrow to select "Safe Mode" and pressed enter.
    4. computer then opened eventually in the funny look of safe mode, with
    a "Help" window.
    5. In the help window there is an underlined "What is System Restore?"
    Clicking on that gave me the answer and "Click to open System Restore"
    6. I clicked on that and a new window came up recommending restoring to
    a previous state before windows update which I had done before the fault
    7. I clicked OK and after a bit of whirring all came up OK. Can you
    imagine how pleased I felt?
    8-. Incidentally I had also changed the display font size to the larger
    size just before the fault occurred so while in Safe Mode I managed to
    remember how I had done that and changed it back again as that may have
    caused the fault.-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The User Profile Service service failed the logon,

    After 2hours i solved the problem by logging on as "administor"
    and "restored System" by going to CONTROL PANEL /
    SystemMaintance\System and in "Tasks" selected 'System Protection' then
    clicked on the 'system restore'. The computer just down its thing
    -restarted its self back to 'user login' sccreen and I was then able to
    login again.
    Itried editting the registry key however it's my main administrator
    account that I am blocked out of so the only other account I can get
    into on my PC is an account without full permissions.

    I can see the problematic key with the .bak but I can't rename of
    delete it.
    I had the same problem and found a much easier fix. I logged on in safe mode as describe, then ran a system restore which fixed everything.

    For more solutions see similar threads:
    Vista Update Help:"The User Profile Service service failed the log
    User Profile Service failed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    vista user

    I have spent the last 2 months having my computer worked on to get Vista running, McCafree is the least of your worries!!!!
    And recommend AVAST anyway, its what some of the expats are using in "we hate MS land/virus central....china".
    I used it with out a server on T3 cable once and it worked effeciently, even with direct connection :) and I was previously gettting 80 - 127 bits of crud per minute. It works well in conjuction with ad aware.
    (sorry back to my whinge point)
    I managed to use this VISTA #u[%!^% system for quite some time,
    (first time)...... one day!!!! at a LAN(gaming) and we came up with so many problems it was sending me over the top!!!. Brand new top of the shelf computer and I cant even use the fourth gig of ram as it will not run till it gets the update........ this is the start and has been going on for two months to get the down load/ update put on!!
    october26th/nov/dec/jan20.....oh... so you can see Im not over exagerating but under exagerating :) Im obviously fairly patient and have always thought of myself as being a very great gamer and wanted nothing to do with the technoside of how to get this stuff to work which is why I have
    My little brother, a severe compie geek/programer WHO,said not to get it, my other brother,computer teacher/has in the past run the School LAN and he asured me that it would probably be a lot like XP.. suxs till they brought out service pak2. so dont worry he says.
    (Screw that bring back a newer version of win98 it had no probs!!!!!!!!!!)
    So as even the techno weenies; 3xprogramers/1xCompie teacher, 4 webmasters, and various friends who have all sorts of computer science/ software engineering/software management degrees in those areas and choose to be truck drivers/taxi drivers/and brickies around me become annoyed and confused, start to "Shout" angrily "What the f....k" having long gotten over and stopped laughing at the whole coincidence of them seeming to say it in unison I have realised that I am now almost up to date with all the other techno weenies coz we non technos are just as left in the dark as everyone else.
    The only difference is us non technos dont like being in the dark and are the ones who suggest to the technos how great they are at building systems and how easy it is for them to just make another system which runs twice as fast gamer friendly, idiot/consumer plug an play friendly.
    this is called marketing......................... who pulls purse strings to buy $3000 computers boys who want games, girls who want to chat ............and mutli access computers with the old style of key board(before ps2) would be good while Im adding to my wish list.
    But no..... companies will keep flogging cheap crap getting it cheaper and cheaper and less consumerable rather than realising that there can be Many subtle levels of marketing from the dumbass spending of media celebs PeRIS H. to the I want an enviro OLPC cheap ass machine like my non wheel making brothers. I think more is being done for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ok enough. Im from a lineage that supplied bowmen and knights to the Kings of England so Im sure that if I put my mind to it I can download linux for free.

    This probably came out as verbal diarrohera But I didnt even want that computer to ever have to be connected to the internet. And it pisses me off that I have to have an MS nurse maid. when Im the one should be the one who decides who I share with, And like youhoos and gaagle who after a certain time can sell our emails and chatline text with everything we have said including pictures etc Whats to stop MS from doing the same to all our private porn files or family pictures etc.

  5. #5
    jeffy2k3 Guest
    I had this same problem last evening; I did a System Restore, but doing
    this has royally messed up my McAfee. If I uninstall McAfee completely
    and try to reinstall it, the computer won't read the cd correctly;
    instead of "Next" and "Cancel," the two buttons on the first screen both
    read "Label" and clicking on them brings up another blank screen.
    However, if I try to run McAfee directly after the system restore, it
    takes five minutes to read the computer and then either comes up with a
    blank screen (with the McAfee header) or says that I must reinstall.
    Any ideas??

    examined the keys under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current
    User\ProfileList\ and was able to find the key for my user id SID.
    enough, the key had a ".bak" appended to it and there was an identical
    that was set to a temp directory. I renamed the other key, removed the
    ".bak" from mine, and changed the State property under my key to 0.
    allowed me to log in.

    how do u find where those are at???

  6. #6
    olracdesign Guest

    Re: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

    turn on your computer then hold press F8 You will see on the screen "
    Repair Your Computer" then Enter. Don't choose Administrator if you
    don't know the password use your own administrator user name and your
    password,. then press Enter.

    On the screen

    You'll see on the first Category "Startup Repair" and the second one
    "System Restore"

    click on Startup Repair then when Your done doing it restart your
    computer. if doesn't work try the second one System Restore then click
    on it. again when your done Restart your computer.

  7. #7
    Kerala Guest
    Few days ago i had the same problem as you : my user profile wasn't
    allowed to be loaded and i was sent to a temporary profile.

    I had followed the instructions above and i had found out that, indeed,
    the key related to my profile was backuped. So i renamed the current
    temp key profile and removed the ".bak" at the end of my key profile (+
    put the value 0 in the state property). I rebooted my computer and
    unfortunatly, the temporary profile was still here! so i returned into
    the regedit and saw that a second key was built for this one (and my
    real key profile was backuped again).
    So what i did is : renamed again the new key profile (.old), remove the
    ".bak" from my key profile (put the property state with the same value
    of the current temporary profile) and deleted the previous temporary
    key profile.
    After that, i could log on my profile again ! but....
    every single file (music, pictures! :( links...) that was stored under
    my c:/users/"name of my profile" (kind of documents and settings) had
    When i look at the seize of my HDisk C:/, it is obvious that i have
    lost all of this... cause i lost many Go :((

    Do you think there is a chance that all my documents aren't lost for
    ever? if yes, could you please help me to find out how i can recover
    all these data ?

    I have been following the steps and went into safe mode and enabled the
    Built in Administrator. Then I logged off and went into the built in
    safe mode admin. and typed in regedit in the search box but nothing
    happens!??? what do i do next? thanks for the help!

    also if i decide to just delete my user account does that mean i would
    lose all of my programs and things such as pictures? thanks!

    See if you can double clicking on it directly at
    *C:\Windows\regedit.exe *can open regedit for you.

    If you delete your user account, you will lose everything in your
    *C:\Users\(user name)* folders, and all of your personall settings. The
    programs will still be installed though, but you would need to manually
    create new shortcuts for them.

    If nothing helps, then see if a new created administrator account will
    work for you. If so, then you can copy the contents of the old user
    accounts *C:\Users\(user name)* folders into the correspond new accounts
    *C:\Users\(user name)* folders from within the new account. Afterwards,
    you can delete the old account.

    can someone please help me with a user orofile failed the logon issue

    I just got the same problem with my new laptop (it has less than a
    month), It froze last night and today it won't sign in. I need it
    urgently because I have some school files I need to burn to a disc...

    I entered with F8, safe mode, but there was only my profile (the owner,
    which should have admin privileges), so I logged in with that profile.
    However, it said it didn't load correctly, so it just assigned a default
    one. I tried accessing my documents, but in Owner's files, though all my
    folders are there, the documents folder is missing...

    I don't need to fix my computer right now, only the files...

    Just had a phone call from the Missus at home. She has just had this
    error appear.

    We both use the same log in account.

    I am right in saying that if I go into safe mode and try a system
    restore from that it might work or do I have to do the rededit bit in
    safe mode log out then log back in to do the restore.

    Also on a difference note. How do I back up my PC, Is it possible to
    save all the data as a "back up file" on a CD incase my laptop ever
    crashes I wont lose the photo's of my baby boy and all my music etc??

    Though the issue is Admin account works OK just I can't activate Guest
    or additional user account and get the same message. I have check
    registry and everything appears OK, ie. no .Bak file. Also none of
    the guest profile or user profile aside from administrator profile
    appears registered?? I'm running a new Toshiba and it has the
    fingerprint reader could it be something to do with that? (long

    I just wanted to thank A.Kirke for the info listed above. When waking my laptop up from sleep I recieved the message "User profile service, service failed to Logon". I have been upset for the past several days w/o being able to retrieve the safe mode manner or access other profiles and no time to deal with it. I decided to search online (via my husbands comp) for solutions to my problem thinking I probably had one of those "no one knows what I'm talking about problems" when I ran across this thread. I applied every detail listed in the quote above and what a wonderful feeling it is to have my computer back.

    I was able to boot up in the safe mode. When I went to system restore it says that I don't have any system restore points. Guess I did not turn that option on. I removed the password from the administrator log on, that was the only account I had set up on the laptop which is using Vista.

    Any suggestions? It comes up in the safe mode but I don't have a restore point to go to.

    i have 2 accounts and the admin account is the account which is not working, ive tried doing system resore but that didnt work, it keeps telling me i need a password to change settings for the accounts but i never made one. im 16, all my coursework is on there please help! Thank you

    In the morning , I got a message that user profile services fails to logon. Then I started and press F8 and ran system restore which completed successfully. System asked me to restart and I did and now I am not getting the message that user profile services fails to logon but it shows only blank screen.It does not show normal window the way, I am using Window Vista home premium.

  8. #8
    aschuster89 Guest
    One other way around the problem w/o using system restore or safe mode:
    If you have another account on the system, even if it is a
    non-administrative account, you can still run regedit
    Open explorer (Windows Key & E), navigate to \windows\system32\cmd.exe.
    Right click and select "run as administrator", enter your credentials
    (the username and password of your privileged account). Once the command
    window opens, type regedit and follow the instructions found in this
    I didn't even have to reboot.
    You could probably run regedit directly (located in \windows) using
    this method, but I wanted to check a variety of other things first.

    iv got on to the folder but i can not find the file that i hav to change can u help

    This may be able to help you with this error.

    I just want to say a HUGE thank you to whoever wrote this post!!!!! I
    came across the same exact problem tonight and I have a huge paper due
    tomorrow that was all saved on my computer. I was freaking out that I
    wouldn't be able to access it because my computer was acting up... I
    followed your steps and everything is now working perfect! Right before
    this happened, my computer wanted to update 10 systems, and usually when
    it does updates, it loads just fine afterwards. I'm not sure why this
    time seemed to be such a problem, but THANK YOU for posting how to fix
    it! You're a lifesaver!

    Successfully fixed the same issue as the original poster, John Bailey. Followed his directions except:

    ..I booted into safe mode.
    ..Opened regedit and navigated to the following key:
    ..HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

    Among the keys with the really long names that start with S-1-5-21, I had one that had .bak like John did. And there was a duplicate with the same name without a suffix. So, Like John instructed, I renamed the duplicate key without a suffix. In this case, I added the suffix ".old" to it. Then I renamed the key with the .bak suffix to just remove the .bak suffix. And I changed the State value from 8000 to 0.

    When I restarted the machine, I was then able to log into Windows normally.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

    I had this same problem and after reading all the posts here I finally managed to put all the piaces together because I am not very familiar with al this computer Vista repairing.

    1. Couldnt log on no more, just like tat out of the blue
    2. I hae only one user so I had no way to log on on my laptop
    3. I managed to go in SAFE MODE:
    -turn on your laptop ( or restart if it is already on) and right after the stat up screen disapears press esc (this will bring you to a black screen with some options)
    - Press F8 for advanced options > Safe Mode
    4. I Tried to run Windows recovery
    - HOWEVER, I had NO recovety points, so Step 4 was useless for me.
    - If you do have one, It will recover your settings to an earlier point and it will be fine
    5. Open Regedit
    -C/Windows/regedit (double click on the regedit file )
    - This opens a new window
    6. Go to (left side of the panel)
    -HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
    7. You will see folders named with waht seemes like a serial key (User keys)
    -one of the long named ones should have a ".bak" suffix (or extention like in a picture file it will be ".jpg" in "photograph.jpg")
    - there will be aother key with theexact same name but withut the ".bak" extention
    - rename that key (right click>rename> go at the end of the name and add a ".old" or whatever just so it is different
    - now that you have renamed the key, you can go back to the main key who had the same name but had a "bak" suffix.
    -Delete ONLY the extention ".bak".
    (If you try to do this before renaming th other key it wont work as the 2 keys will end up having the exact same name so follow the order)
    - Now you have a key without extention and a key with extention ".old"
    - stay on the one without the extention (or click on it if you clicked somewher else in the mean time) and you will see some info in the right panel.
    - At the bottom ,double-click on here it says "State" and change the value that you have for 0.
    8. Close everything and Restart your Computer
    9. It should work, and my files are all still there.
    10. You should set up the windows to make restore points automatically so tht you dont have to go through this again and set up one more user (admin)

    I dont know what it causes teh problem, I was thinking maybe some updates, anyway I found this:
    "Some programs like the Google Updater (if you added the Google Toolbar, Chrome or Google Earth) has been
    known to cause this issue."

  10. #10
    Done Guest
    I tried the solution above and it didn't fix the problem. :mad:
    Instead, I found a much easier fix. ;) I should also mention that, for
    my situation, I only have one User account set up and it is an
    Administrator account. This was not a "new" account, but one I have been
    using since I got the computer three years ago.

    1. Restart the computer and enter "Safe Mode". If hitting the 'F'
    buttons doesn't work, the easiest way to do it is to shut off your
    computer unexpectedly (ie. hold the power button down until the computer
    shuts off).

    2. Go to Control Panel and double-click on User Accounts. For me, when I
    tried to open the Control Panel, it kept shutting down on me. :sa: To
    get around this, open Help & Support. In the search section, type in
    "User Account Control". Click the link "Turn User Account Control on or
    off" and then click the link: "Click to open User Accounts".

    3. First thing: I changed the current password. I'm not sure if this was
    necessary, but I did it anyway :) Remember, I'm only using one
    account. If you have more, you'll likely have to select the offending

    4. Click the link: "Turn User Account Control on of off". Uncheck the
    box and click OK. When prompted to restart the computer, do so.

    5. Use your new password and logon to your account. It should work no
    problem. After this, I reset my password to the old one and re-enabled
    the User Account Control. I figure this provided top protection for the

    My computer has worked the same as it did before this problem. So, I
    figure problem solved. Just the typical bull**** of dealing with Vista
    glitches I suppose.

    I came accross this site when searching google for a fix.

    I was hoping somebody could assist me with my frustrating problem.

    When I boot into safe mode I get a black screen with a cursor and safe
    mode written in each corner.

    I tried to do a system restore yesterday and it seems I have really
    messed up my laptop (Dell inspiron 1720). Luckily I backed everything up
    before this mess happened.

    Booting from the OS DVD doesn't seem to work and I don't have a repair
    option on thr boot menu.

    If anyone could help me dig my way out of this hole, I would be
    eternally grateful!

    First, booting from the DVD may require that you go into BIOS and change
    the boot order.
    Next, obviously the DVD drive must be working, and capable of boot.
    Otherwise, you will need to have alternate media or a replacement drive,
    and use it to start the boot process.
    Some Laptops have a restore to factory image stored on the HD.
    Using it is Mfr/Model dependent. Check the Dell website or your
    documentation for information.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

    I just wanted to take a quick moment and say thank you to the post from John Bailey, bazkennedy and cgos. You were all helpful but these three post led me to a successful fix.
    I recently found myself faced with the logon problem, basically saying The User Profile / service failed the logon / user profile can not be loaded. I was dead in the water because it was the admin account. I had other accounts on the computer so after logging in on a second account. I went into the search bar just above the vista symbol at bottom left and entered cmd, which showed in the search window the cmd.exe command. I right clicked over the cmd.exe and clicked run as a administrator. Just type in the password and your in the DOS prompt. Then type regedit and then follow the above posts information. I did see the .bak at the end of the values. I then followed more of "cgos" information (above post) by renaming the extra identical value (without .bak) just by ending it with.old. I then removed (just) .bak from the value. Then replacing the 8 from the 8000 in the right hand side "state" value. Then logged off my second account and then onto the admin account and all is well.
    It seems a little tricky but after figuring out how to run as admin from a second acct everything went quickly and smoothly after that.
    Good Luck.

  12. #12
    harri709 Guest
    Thanks to this website my problem was fixed. I had the error User
    Profile Service - Service failed logon.
    - When turning on the computer I hit the F8 key several times.
    - The black screen came up I clicked on the Safe Mode command.
    - I was able to open up my computer by this Safe Mode command.
    - I clicked on the help window - One of the options was restore at a
    earlier date.
    - I started a virus scan right away on my McCafee and so far
    everything is working. Except I lost all my favorites. Little price to

    My wife held a key down too long and locked up the keyboard on our HP -
    PC any suggestions on how to unlock. Help!
    Please refer to the F8 solution and
    diregard his post

    Thanks Peggy for your response I did use F8 and got into my safe mode
    and then restored to an earlier date. It worked like a charm! This is a
    great website.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I just followed JujuGogo's post, and I am now able to successfully login to my profile. However, I have lost all my files and documents.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do now?

    Please let me know. This is going to be a HUGE pain if I cannot recover my files.

    Hey JUJU GOGO, your solution works!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: The User Profile Service failed the logon.


    I wanted to say thanks to you and the others....I was quite Scr*wed this morning when my computer got a security update shoved down its gullet and promptly rebooted and failed to let me logon....profile was hosed. A qwik call to our help desk and the AF person there told me I probably lost all of my files (MY WORK!!!!) under that profile.....great.

    I went back logged in as local admin and found this site and this fix.....presto!

    It works....nothing but a couple of hours lost!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: The User Profile Service failed the logon.

    I had a friends laptop with Vista Home Premium with the "User Profile Service failed the logon" problem. But I checked the registry didn't see any .bak files or anything out of the ordinary. So, what I did was set the profile I was trying to make a standard user that wouldn't sign on an Administrator. I then was able to sign in, then convert it back to a standard user. All works now. Hope this helps. Must be something in the group policy settings or some kind of antivirus program that changed the settings??

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