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Thread: Media Center error - Component Registration

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Media Center error - Component Registration

    This is a problem that is ongoing for Vista users since release. I can't find a solution but it is pretty widespread so hoping someone can help.

    A week ago, I made several changes with my system (Vista 64 Sp2 - built 2008). I updated my video driver (in retrospect I remembered that I'd not updated in a long time because it tends to create problems in my older system). I updated Windows (again, this can cause problems, too). I also setup my new BluRay player to access my computer files.

    I noticed a few days later that WMC no longer worked - message: Component Registration Failure....missing or corrupt files. You know the spiel. I also discovered that WinTV wasn't working either.

    First I did a rollback on my video driver, which didn't fix the problem. I did a few restores but that didn't fix the problem.

    I uninstalled my video driver and installed a much earlier version. That didn't fix the problem.

    I then remembered from a problem I had when I first got Vista, WMC cannot handle more than 1 video program. This made me think the error was due to the Sony BluRay sign up. I also felt like there was a problem with the internet connection being able to get the guide, etc. or a connection/port problem.

    I disconnected the BR from my computer. I then uninstalled my network adapter and uninstalled WinTV. I reinstalled the network and installed WinTV. A bit of finagling and = VOILA! = WinTV is working again.

    Now to WMC - it is working better but I still can't get it work. It crashes when I try to setup the TV Signal. When I go at it from the Setup WMC angle, I can get through to the part where it can't find the IR Hardware. Since the IR Receiver works and I can control volume & start WMC using it, there is obviously something wrong with the connection there. Also, when it searches for the channel, 3 comes up just fine but it throws that error message. When I try to setup the TV Tuner, I can hear static.

    A suggestion was to run the sfc /scannow function. I did that and got the message that there were some corrupt files but they were fixed. After messing about with WMC, I ran it again and got the same message. It seems obvious that this is because the act of attempting to setup WMC is throwing off bad files. Nothing more.

    The other threads keep saying that the only solution is to reinstall the OS. It is obvious that little thought is being given to the problem and what is causing it and the answer seems a little pat and/or lazy. Some have mentioned a recent video-type install so it is certainly an issue regarding WMC being unable to run 2 programs. (The first time I ran into this problem was when I installed a web cam all those years ago - web cam = 2nd video program). I won't be doing a reinstall. As I've said, these date back to 2007 and have even had new content added this year so this is a problem that should have been given more attention. Help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    Can you try to follow suggestions given in similar type of threads from the below topic:

    HELP! - Component Registration Failure
    Media Center missing components
    media center critical failure error code 3

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    Well, I've followed the instructions from many of the threads from many sites, including this one. None of it works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    Quote Originally Posted by einstein_007 View Post
    Can you try to follow suggestions given in similar type of threads from the below topic:

    The first url points to an article elsewhere that refers to XP and 2005. Typing in the command given (which isn't easy because it is difficult to interpret spaces AND the command shown isn't on a single line so not sure about spacing around RunOnce), I get back a message that "'C:\Windows\ehome\medctrro.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command. operable program or batch file."

    The 2nd url regards the sfc \scannow, which I mentioned above that I had done so of no use.

    The third is again back to 2009 and XP 2005. It is a lengthy post so I'll peruse it when I have more time.

    Please don't assume that someone asking for assistance to this problem hasn't looked elsewhere. If you'd read my post you would see that I have done the work. As a matter of fact I have a couple of threads open in different windows from that site that your 2nd url directed me to - all prior to posting here. I have been working on it for several days and that includes much internet searching. I was clear in my post about the steps I'd taken and what I believe "broke" Media Center to begin with, all in the hope that someone with more experience than I with computers would be able to intuit a solution from there. I was hopeful that there had actually been some improvement regarding this issue in the 5 years since the articles you directed me to (and those I found during my search) had been written.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    There was one guy who had same problem and found out that the recording shedule data (Recordings.xml) had become corrupted. So, after deleting this file which is located under Users\All Users\Microsoft\eHome\Recording, the problem got solved but note that it will also clear your scheduled recordings.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    I had already seen the "Recordings.xml" fix a while back. Vista doesn't have those folders. I'm sure I did a search for it but, to be honest, enough time has gone by that I don't remember if I found it or not. I know I don't have the file on my computer now.

    I think the problem is more than a recording issue. I cannot connect to the internet. I try to setup WMC and it fails when I try to input my password in. As long as WMC won't accept the password, I can't set up the network.

    THIS is a problem that is prevalent with WMC but, again, no one seems to have any answers. I'd really like to know what the schmucks at Microsoft do all day because it certainly isn't attending to issues that people have. This has been written about in forums for 5 years or more. And it's not just Vista or XP (which are no longer supported). I've heard that Win8 doesn't have WMC anymore - I'm guessing their inability/unwillingness to actually fix problems led them to eliminate it to free up time for Mine Sweeper and Solitaire.

    Sorry, James, and thanks for the help. I'm just frustrated with yet another MS screw up and their unconcern for fixing ANY problem. This isn't the first time.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2008

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    Well, Einstein, none of your links and none of your people have a clue. Luckily for me I found the solution this afternoon. It is easy, it is intuitive and will likely work for just about everyone. No one on these forums was able to accomplish ANY of that!

    bjdraw website
    (Apparently I can't post URLs that will actually help people -as opposed to the suggestions here- so anyone reading this that want to see this solution, just copy and paste.) :P

    According to this guy, all you needed to do was to delete the insides of the eHome folder, restart your PC and let it rebuild the folder. THAT IS ALL! Instead, none of the tech people could seem to figure that out - why? I can't understand how NO ONE knew the eHome file would rebuild. Through my research, I knew the eHome file had the workings of WMC but that was all I knew. Poking and prodding around didn't work for me, but I'm an ordinary person who can understand a little more than the basics of computers. I'm more than a little ticked off that I was patronized about trying ridiculous steps that had proven more times than not that they didn't work and the solution was 1 simple thing that most tech people should have thought of. I don't know what your affiliation to Microsoft is, if any, but not a single one of you got it right.

    You might not like my comment but you might want to consider posting it because there are hundreds of people out there for the past many years that have had the exact same problem and are looking for an answer. This would point them in a direction that is more likely to work than anything you offered and is a simple, non-invasive, non-step intensive solution to try BEFORE any of the crazy things you suggested.

    As a note, your forum told me I must wait 30 seconds between posts. Since this is the first post I've written in 2 weeks, WTH? Gaad, it never stops!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Media Center error - Component Registration

    Quote Originally Posted by columbia93 View Post
    Well, Einstein, none of your links and none of your people have a clue. Luckily for me I found the solution this afternoon. It is easy, it is intuitive and will likely work for just about everyone. No one on these forums was able to accomplish ANY of that!

    bjdraw website
    (Apparently I can't post URLs that will actually help people -as opposed to the suggestions here- so anyone reading this that want to see this solution, just copy and paste.) :P

    According to this guy, all you needed to do was to delete the insides of the eHome folder, restart your PC and let it rebuild the folder. THAT IS ALL! Instead, none of the tech people could seem to figure that out - why? I can't understand how NO ONE knew the eHome file would rebuild. Through my research, I knew the eHome file had the workings of WMC but that was all I knew. Poking and prodding around didn't work for me, but I'm an ordinary person who can understand a little more than the basics of computers. I'm more than a little ticked off that I was patronized about trying ridiculous steps that had proven more times than not that they didn't work and the solution was 1 simple thing that most tech people should have thought of. I don't know what your affiliation to Microsoft is, if any, but not a single one of you got it right.

    You might not like my comment but you might want to consider posting it because there are hundreds of people out there for the past many years that have had the exact same problem and are looking for an answer. This would point them in a direction that is more likely to work than anything you offered and is a simple, non-invasive, non-step intensive solution to try BEFORE any of the crazy things you suggested.

    As a note, your forum told me I must wait 30 seconds between posts. Since this is the first post I've written in 2 weeks, WTH? Gaad, it never stops!
    Thanks from your findings that people who are having this problem can solve this issue. As a side note, this forum is not related in anyways with Microsoft. Many free registered members give their opinion or answers through their research. As for the waiting period on this forum, it was meant for reducing spam on this discussion board.

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