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Thread: portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

    hey everyone playing portal 2 here is something to make you go wow!!!!, i have come across a new cheat that enables the player to fire rockets in the game and i am telling you its real fun it is bind g fire_rocket_projectile and add this to your arsenal its lodes of fun to be able to fire rockets now and you can play it all day long with out having to think twice just fire a rocket on who ever comes in front of you just have a look at this video and you will come to know what am i talking about. go to you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

    that's really awesome i love the game already and still like to play but this makes it so much better to play with and its lodes of fun thanks for the update this is great portal 2 rocks man. there is no other game in portal where i am able to enjoy so much and to say the truth the maps and the situation that we come across there make the game so happening its just crazy. there is always something new to see on each of the levels .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

    hey are there any maps available on this i would really love someone to come up with a map for this soon and there i could have all the fun with this i definitely see some potential to this cheat hope will come to maps based on the cheat. and is some one been using this how does this feel like and what are the advantages to this new feature. it would be more fun if there could be some way to set the cool-down only just having rocket and playing is not all that can be done here it could be made more interesting by including more features.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

    i play the game every day but i don't see how some would be able to use these cheats on the co operative mode on valve. or is there a way to start up a server. but when i come to think of it there has never been a private server for portal 2 you can only play it through valve. so how can you enable cheats over the co operative mode and be able to play with these new found tools that we have come across and it will really be fun to be able to do that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

    this seems to be alot of fun to play using this cheat and it does make the game a little more interesting who could have though that cheats can be so fun. now that i have come across one please help me to find all the cheats for this game and have loads of fun with them. i hope you will post all the cheats you have come across on this thread. there are a few i came across and am using them and want to have more or if possible all of the cheats out there for portal 2.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: portal 2 cheats--bind g fire_rocket_projectile

    i used it when i connected to a private and random server and started playing normally on the game but then got am idea that the people on that server had no idea about the cheat and suddenly i enabled the sv_cheats and it worked there i killed every one on that game and it was so awesome but i felt bad about that so it is not like me to do that with innocent people who have no idea of what did i do that killed them.

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