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Thread: Mass Effect 2 Preview

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Mass Effect 2 Preview

    Conceived as a trilogy from the beginning, Mass Effect aims to embed the player in an adventure of epic proportions in which each component has simply added to the previous one, ultimately forming a coherent whole. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Mass Effect 2 is able to support backups from the first part, your character, your choices during the adventure, the characters dead or alive and to keep account in your new game. However, newcomers will not be expelled before they crossed the doorway. According to BioWare, it will be quite possible to discover the universe of Mass Effect from his suite, by the magic of the introduction.

    If it is far from having clarified all the gray areas, this presentation will be at least allowed to know a little more about the Mass Effect 2, starting with the confirmation of "no death" Commander Shepard. Fact which seems to surprise many people in the galaxy. We obviously do not know about this. In any case, Shepard is not only alive, but it is even ready to embark on a mission described as suicidal. While the threat of harvesters will crescendo, many disappearances are listed in the colonies. The ****er will go clarify this mystery. Therefore he is to head a new team to which he wishes to add a little character advisable, Thane, an assassin of the most talented. Not particularly rich in details, the presentation is divided into 3 segments. The first of them gave us the opportunity to see progress on the interactive cinematic already "Scotch" Mass Effect. For the record, the dialogue system to multiple-choice game is based on sequences whose staging, lip synchronization and process to fit the player's choice. A captain of a flying car in the middle of heavy traffic, Shepard and Asari anonymous develop their approach. As in the previous episode, this kinematical high fly act as dialogues. The main difference here is the camera shots of frequently changing, from inside to outside to remind the player that he is en route and that decisions must be taken quickly. Once there, the team enters a tower so massive that it will be interrupted by an overzealous guard. Again, the dialogue opens but the appearance of a symbol in the lower left indicates that it is possible to put a definitive end. On pressing the right key, Shepard balance keeps the window.

    The next scene also demonstrates the increase of these dialogues. Opposed to this time Asari, the player enjoys a scene angles highly mobile, more dramatic than in Mass Effect's first name. The conversation will be interrupted by Thane itself, making a grand entrance you can not say anything, but that allows us to discover the face of a new race in the game, Drell. During this sequence, one could see the progress made in the animations that have become even more natural. Incidentally, these "cinematic" also demonstrate the changing style of the universe that sets and lights are much darker, indicating a heavy atmosphere and dark threats.

    Following the demonstration was dedicated to the fighting. Here, the change is even more radical. First, it is finally possible to give orders to individual team members and without having to put the game paused. Moreover, the fight is directly inspired action games. One point which may worry some. They can at least take comfort in knowing that the Wheel of Power is always present and can pause the game for a more subtle approach. A subtlety that was not really up when Shepard, tired of his pétoires telekinetic powers and decided to release a devastating rocket launchers have worked wonders on the tower defense blocked his path. Please note that physics is now taken into account during the fighting and it is therefore possible heavy objects on the enemies to get rid of them.

    Finally, the last part of the demo was enough to burn the retinas. It would probably be fashionable here to prevent those who wish to keep the surprise intact, do not read, even if it is clear that a rebound after this scene. The other, know that BioWare has given us the spectacle of a Normandy succumbing to the onslaught of an attack of a rare violence. Inside a ship on fire and ready to tear in two, Shepard makes sure that his crew climbed aboard evacuation capsules before crossing corridors to try to save Joker, the pilot obstinate. En route, will the hero of the fire at the empty space within an area ripped from the aircraft. A deafening silence will be disturbed by the sound of breathing Shepard in his suit. Managing to reach Joker, the valiant commander, however, will be projected into space at a time when the Normandy make the soul. Transformed into debris vulgar, our hero begins to wiggle like a worm, while clouds of gas out of the meeting. Bioware conclude this demo, explaining that the choices the player can effectively lead Shepard to death. From our side, we do not know if what we saw is already written, or if all that depend on us.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Mass Effect 2 Preview

    PC MINIMUM System Requirements
    • OS = Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP1 / Windows 7
    • Processor = 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent AMD CPU
    • Memory = 1 GB RAM for Windows XP / 2 GB RAM for Windows Vista and Windows 7
    • Hard Drive = 15 GB
    • DVD ROM = 1x Speed
    • Sound Card = DirectX 9.0c compatible
    • Direct X = DirectX 9.0c August 2008 (included)
    • Input = Keyboard / Mouse
    • Video Card = 256 MB

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