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Thread: Driver for Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Driver for Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick

    I have got myself a Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick. The CD that I got with it that has the driver for this joystick is misplaced somewhere and I cannot find it anymore. When I went to Microsoft site, then I was also not able to find the drivers for this joystick. So, is there anyone who can tell me from where I can download the drivers for same which can work on Windows 98? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    You should get the driver from the manufacturer's website which is microsoft itself. You can contact microsoft and the will gladly direct you to the driver download page. Or otherwise you can try to download the driver for the Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick from driverguide website, but you will need to register on the same site. You can even try to download the drivers from this link.

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