- Win key + Arrow Up: Maximize the current window
- Win key + down arrow:
- Restores the default size of the current window if it is maximized
- Minimizes the current window has its default size
- Win key + left arrow: part of the current window to the left of the screen
- Win key + right arrow: part of the current window in the right side of the screen
- Win key + Shift+Left: Jump to left monito
- Win key + Shift+Right: Jump to right monitor
- Win key + Home: Minimize / Restore all other windows
- Win key + T : Focus and scroll through items on the taskbar.
- Win key + Space: Peek at the desktop
- Win key + G: Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order
- Win key + P : Adjust presentation settings for your display
- Win key + X : Mobility Center (same as Vista, but still handy!)
- Win + +(plus key) : Zoom in.
- Win + - (minus key): Zoom out.
- Shift+Click a taskbar item: Open a new instance of that application
- Middle click on icon : Open a new instance
- Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon : Open a new instance with Admin privileges
- Shift + Right-click on icon : Show window menu (Restore / Minimize / Move / etc)
- Shift + Right-click on grouped icon : Menu with Restore All / Minimize All / Close All, etc.
- Ctrl + Click on grouped icon : Cycle between the windows (or tabs) in the group
- Alt + P in the explorer: Show / hide the preview pane