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Thread: Wordpress sites slowing down on its own

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Wordpress sites slowing down on its own

    I am quiet new in Wordpress and I am not able to figure out why this thing is so slow. I had just crated a basic sit with 6 menus and a basic theme. I had some some changes by reading a blog. It was written some tops things to do on on first wordpress site. Like adding a security plugin, comments moderation, installing wpcache for better performance, etc. After when everything was done I found the site is working quiet slow. I want to speed this thing up. Before trying up any other plugin I want to know what is better to do here. Should I remove the plugins.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wordpress sites slowing down on its own

    There might be something that is causing the site to slow down. Here you have to check that once and test it. I am quiet sure that there can be some internal plugins causing the site to work slow. You can try turning it off once and test back. If this is not the problem then you have to contact the hosting provider. Site performance is also affected if you are on a low shared hosting.You can upgrade your plan to a much better one where you get more bandwidth. There are certain tools in the cpanel that can offer you information on the output of your site.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wordpress sites slowing down on its own

    Under plugins you can find ample of things that can speed up your site. I will recommend you to do a few stuff that might help you to boost up the site output. Start with installing W3 Total Cache. This is a tiny plugin that let you to do a lot of thing. Most of the settings in it are automatic. After adding you can configure your site to perform well. And if this plugin is not helping then there are others. But it is good to remove it. There is no use of adding multiple plugins of same kind. Another better way of fixing site output is using a CDN. There are some free CDN service you can start with.

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