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Thread: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    I have recently started with the CakePHP!! CakePHP is a framework for development [framework] PHP fast, free, open source. It is an underlying structure for developers to enable them to create Web applications. Our main goal is that you can work in a structured and quick, without loss of flexibility. This is all I know about it. Now I am expecting some more help from your side. I want to know some basic principles of CakePHP. I am sure that you members will help me like always.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    The CakePHP framework provides a robust base for your application. It can handle every aspect, from the user's initial request to the final rendering of the website. Moreover, as the framework follows the MVC principles, you can easily customize and extend most aspects of your application. The framework also supplies a fundamental organizational structure, since the file names to the tables of the database, keeping all your application reliable and coherent. This look is straightforward but powerful. CakePHP Controller includes classes [Controller], Model [Model] and Vista [View], but also includes other classes and objects that make development in MVC a little quicker and enjoyable. Components [Components], behavior [Behaviors], and Helpers [Helpers] are classes that provide extensibility and reusability, quickly add functionality to the MVC base classes of applications. As of now we are going to maintain this level of difficulty, is preparing the details about how to use these tools.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    A component is a class that helps the logic of a controller. If you want some logic and shared among multiple drivers (or applications), a component is usually a good choice. For example, the class of core EmailComponent makes creating and sending email as easy as a breeze. Rather than writing logic in a controller method, you can package a component to be shared. Controllers are also fitted with callbacks. You can use these callbacks if you need to insert some logic in the CakePHP core operations. Callbacks available include:
    • beforeFilter () is implemented earlier than any controller action
    • beforeRender (),implemented subsequent to the controller logic, but previous to the view is submitted
    • afterFilter () is implemented after all the controller logic, including the submitting of the view. There may not be any variation between afterRender () and afterFilter (), unless you physically call render () on the controller and have included some logic after that call.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    A helper is a class that helps the logic of a view. Just as many drivers use a component, the assistants [helpers] make access and share multiple views presentational logic. With one of the assistants of the nucleus, AjaxHelper, handling Ajax requests in views is much easier. Most sections of code recurring applications in their views. CakePHP facilitates the reprocess of code designs [layouts] and elements. By default, every outlook rendered by a controller is placed in a blueprint [layout], the elements come into play when you have to reprocess these diminutive pieces of content.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    The backend of a CakePHP application, a database is used. It supports the following database management systems:
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLite
    • MSSQL
    • Oracle
    • ODBC
    • ADOdb
    The so-called model, the available data dar. In a user management which users and user groups working with, the user (user) and user group (user group) the models. Each model brings with a number of methods that are used for managing the data. For example, there are methods to read from the database (Model:: read () or Model:: findAllById ()) for storing the data in the database (Model:: save () and Model:: save field ()) or to Create a new data set (Model:: create ()). Thus, the CRUD functionality in the models already built. CakePHP to automatically adjust the required database queries (including any required join in SQL commands) generate. The configuration is done through the application of certain conventions when assigning the names of database tables, models and controllers. It requires no configuration files.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    Models can be extended to behaviors. It is different class, in which functionality is encapsulated to extend the model. An example is the Tree Behaviour: it extends to any model to methods for manipulating tree structures are used. It is said that the model behaves like a tree - the name of Behaviour. Thus follow the principle Behaviours Do not repeat yourself , because they can be used in several models. In model validation information can be stored, which determine what may have fields or not. In forms with validation errors will be automatically displayed an error message. The controller contains the so-called business logic and provides interfaces to interact with it. These interfaces are called to Ruby on Rails Actions analog. An HTTP request contains the name of the controller and the method to be executed, the dispatcher then evaluated and forwarded to the controller are the of. It can also be passed parameters for the method. The appearance of URLs using routes flexibly adaptable. Controllers can be expanded in functionality by Components. CakePHP itself contains many components, such as session management, request handling and security. Also, access control lists can be implemented.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: What are basic Principles of CakePHP?

    In a view defined as the presentation layer of a CakePHP application. It concerns with a view to a template , which output data of the controller is filled with content created by. Can be arbitrary PHP code to be embedded in a template. Views can also also buffered to be. For recurring expenses in a project member can draw on, which one can imagine as the templates are templates. There are also helper, the periodic codes often produce, such as HTML forms, JavaScript scripts and code for AJAX communication with the server. In the development phase can also be dispensed to the creation of views, by using the scaffolding in the controller option. This dynamic views for manipulation of the tables are created.

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