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Thread: PagePlus Cellular forbids Verizon Wireless Smartphones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    PagePlus Cellular forbids Verizon Wireless Smartphones

    I am planning to get myself new Samsung Galaxy S mobile phone or any of the Verizon Wirelessphone and I have decided to use PagePlus cellular network in my new phone. But I have recently heard that pageplus will not provide new connection for any of the Smartphone or any Verizon Wireless phone. So I am not very sure about it that it will provide me the connection or not if anyone have details about this issue please let me know. So that I can really go for new phone with PagePlus as my network operator.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    re: PagePlus Cellular forbids Verizon Wireless Smartphones

    I really don't have any idea about such thing going to have with any of the smartphone or the phone you are going to select. I think better for you is to go for Samsung Galaxy S phone as you will be able to use any of the network operate but if you go for any of the phone with Verizon Wireless then it might be not possible to use PagePlus on your phone as the phone is from Verizon Wireless. So better choice for you can be the Samsung Galaxy S for the PagePlus as your network operator.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    re: PagePlus Cellular forbids Verizon Wireless Smartphones

    Yes this thing is going to have soon or it happened already, they have already excluded all phones from Blackberries, All Palm devices and several HTC devices. This is because the phones caused many kinds of billing matters, tied up customer sustain and cost them money and time. You can use several phones with Page Plus such as Ampd phones, Straight Talk phones, and Regular Verizon non prepaid phones. You can also use Motorola and Samsung Smartphone with it. You can have more option to use PagePlus as your network operator except you are not using phone from Blackberry or HTC etc. Now you need to think again which phone you want to go for as you more emphasizing on PagePlus.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: PagePlus Cellular forbids Verizon Wireless Smartphones

    I can provide you with the list of phones they are going to ban now and in the near future so that you will be able to select the phone you can use with PagePlus. I think the phones are banned by PagePlus include Blackberry, HTC, Palm devices and verizon wireless. You you need to think out of this phone so that you can use PagePlus as your network. I think you can also consider some of the other network provider which also provide you with the plans which are provided by PagePlus the list include Air Voice Express,Verizon phones including Mingo Wireless, H20 cdma, Black Dog Wireless and Lucky Wireless. You can have it as option.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    re: PagePlus Cellular forbids Verizon Wireless Smartphones

    Yes there are banning the Verizon Wireless phone and all the smartphones from different companies. Because PagePlus is facing many problems when it is used with any kind of mobile phone like billing issue and also with the plans which they are offering to customers. So they will now provide service to the selected mobile phones like Motorola, Samsung, L.G etc but you will be not able to use smartphones from HTC, Blackberry or device from palm. So you can now think which phone you want to go for if you want to use PagePlus.

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