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Thread: What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?


    I intend to buy soon for PlayStation 3 and a HD screen. I started to watch the price and I realized a fairly big difference: I find monitors 22 "good quality / price for Rs 14,000, while LCD TV 22" in general begin to 20,000 to 24,000 ...

    1) I'd like to know what differences are there between these two types of screens (apart from the TNT and the remote )?
    a) are there special filters used on the TV?

    2) Is it more advisable to buy a monitor or a TV just to play a console?

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?

    The resolution will be different, monitors in 1050 and 768 for the tv hd ready

  3. #3
    Dr. V Guest

    Re: What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?

    You should go with the monitor, I use a 20'' widescreeen LCD samsung myself and the quality is superb. I'm not even on the highest resolution setting. It's more cost effective IMO, Tv at that size you mentioned is prolly 450$ at least. If you go with the monitor don't forget you need the special VGA cable as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?

    Instead of a HD-TV I own a 24 inch dell ultrasharp LCD monitor (widescreen). It has VGA and component and DVI inputs. The best thing to do is that if your monitor has DVI which most new monitors do then buy an HDMI/DVI lead. Plug the HDMI lead into the back of your PS3 and the DVI end into your monitor and hey presto. The screen image is just so amazing, and it has a better refresh rate than a HDTV as well.
    Check your monitor can display 720p and 1080p resolutions tho. Luckily mine can.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?

    hi guys ..

    I already have a LCD TV [20"] and want to use it as a primary monitor for my PC ..
    the TV has a VGA input so i can directly connect it via a VGA cable
    but can the TV run in other-than-native-resolutions like a LCD monitor ??

    and for using the TV as a secondary monitor; how can i connect it to my PC ??
    i dont have a plug-in graphics card ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: What differences between LCD monitor and LCD TV to play on PS3?

    How to Use Your TV as a Second Monitor for Your Computer

    Take your computer monitor down to the lowest resolution possible, preferably 640 x 480. If you can’t get this low, try 800 x 600 (or the lowest setting).

    Check and see if your computer and your TV have any matching output/input connectors, such as S-video or composite. If so, just hook them up with the appropriate cable. For example, you would connect the S-video port on your laptop (or desktop if available) to the S-video port on your TV screen with an S-video cable. Expect the quality of the TV screen to be poor when you perform any regular tasks, such as checking email or surfing the Internet.

    Another option is to buy a converter box (at an electronics store such as Radio Shack) that plugs into a computer's standard VGA connector and turns it into a composite video signal. Connect the box to your TV's composite input with a composite (RCA) video cable. This setup will probably also give you pretty poor quality for regular tasks.

    Or, get a splitter that will take the computer monitor's output and send it two different ways: back to the monitor and to another connector that will work with your TV. This option is essentially the same as the previous, just with a twist depending on what your computer supports.

    Or, purchase a video card that supports dual screens or TV-output. This may be the simplest option outside of S-video hookup, but you will need to consider your computer and system before making this decision.

    Hope this help you .

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