Hi all how can we know the temperature of the processor and various components is it a program or in the BIOS
Hi all how can we know the temperature of the processor and various components is it a program or in the BIOS
You can use the software Speedfan for temperatures.
See this thread here : How do I monitor CPU temperature?
T ° c normal depends on the CPU.
In what concerns you, a P4 3Ghz it seems to me that 40 - 45 ° c seem appropriate, since it seems that the P4 heat more than the Athlon 64.
The trend was reversed by a few years or duron turned Toll to 50 bp and Pentium 30 - 35
takes in the 25 - 30 ° C, according to the breakdown of the tower.
My Athlon 64 runs at 36 - 38 at rest, and 26 cm - 29 ° depending on the T c of the room.
Anyway, in case of overheating CPU current is cut off before they deteriorate