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Thread: How to remove fixmyregistry.exe file?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    How to remove fixmyregistry.exe file?

    Is there anyone who can guide me to uninstall this virus or malware? If I am going in Control Panel and then Uninstall then this program automatically installs the speedmypc.exe file. After unintsalling this speedmypc via the control panel it will then install this fixmyregistry.exe file? The anrivirus installed in my pc is not able to detect this virus. So, can anyone tell me a valid solution to get rid of this program once and for all? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to remove fixmyregistry.exe file?

    There is a anti-adware called ADWCLEANER that you can use to remove the fixmyregistry.exe file from your computer. It is powerful tool that allows you to remove the spyware, adware and other malware equivalent from your computer. This program is not intended as an alternative to a virus itself, but rather a complement to it, to be used as a verification system that is further to be used when the virus does not seem to be able to eradicate all threats.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: How to remove fixmyregistry.exe file?

    If the above is not able to remove the threat then download Junkware Removal Tool. This program is portable so you dont need to have it installed in your system. You just have to run it on the pc by double clicking on the program and it runs independantly. You will also have the added benefit of being able to always carry it around with you, maybe in a USB stick and you can use it on all computers when needed. Once started you realize another novelty. The program does not have a user interface of its own but will be executed within a DOS window. At the end of the process of analysis and removal, junkware Removal Tool will provide us a complete log with all the operations that were carried out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: How to remove fixmyregistry.exe file?

    The best tool to remove all this kind of malwares is Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware that will allow you to eradicate active malware infecting your machines. The rather simplistic interface is divided into nine tabs; research, protection, update, quarantine, reports, exclusions, parameters, other tools. You have two methods of analysis; a quick review scanning of your system with reduced detection base and a comprehensive review carefully analyzing all of your storage devices.

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