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Thread: How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

    I've been with Sprint Mobile and now about 2 years. I love them. I have no problem at all, except in very limited circumstances and poor coverage in my house. I called and spoke to a customer service person about how to obtain the Airave device and after a few back and forth was decided to send me more than you would pay for it. I assume it was like $100.00 and a bit like $ 10.00 per month. Since I am a customer with a credit limit cap that said he could not offer it for free. I could use one and unfortunately, I have been struggling to get ahead and really cannot afford anything extra right now or in the foreseeable future. Some of my colleagues said to threaten to cancel but I'm not comfortable with that idea because I really like Sprint and no matter what I'm going to stay with them. I thought it would help me a lot to have the best coverage in my house for me to consider leaving my home phone to try to save some money. Please help me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

    I realize they are happy with Sprint, except for coverage in your home. There is absolutely no point in paying Sprint deficiencies as if they are offered a free Airave, there are other options such as Straight Talk, which offer a very spirited price of services (including limitless) in the form of prepaid . Directly Talk works with Verizon and I think some of his work the phones from AT & T. Plus is an alternative that is in the Verizon Wireless network as well. Get a prepaid phone, you get a usable signal inside your home also allows you to leave your home phone, saving you money.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

    Just confer Sprint a call and clarify that you have bad coverage at home. I think that should only come through you as it did for me. I understand they are pleased with Sprint, apart from for coverage in your home. There is absolutely no point in paying Sprint deficiencies as if they are offered a free Airave. That was accurately what I thought when I heard Airave. I seem around at Sprint stores and cannot discover one. I lastly determined to call Sprint customer service only. When I told them that the coverage in my house is bad, said: "We will give Airave for free and waive the monthly fee." Sprint sent a new version of the Airave (most recent that I saw described on the website of Sprint). The unit arrived promptly and works fine for the road after being connected and initialized. All I had to pay was an activation fee of $ 18.99 for the device.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

    I have read many comments about the products as Airave, which is related to the only "problem" that is, if you could even call this a problem. There is a "delivery area" somewhere in my way when my connection Arias ranging from the regulation of the Sprint network. When that happens, the call is dropped. The review I read says that if you actually have a decent coverage of Sprint, which are the introduction of a problem since they compete and the call can exclude and collected by the other. You ended up spending a decent coverage irregular.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

    While I had an Airave, depart to the Sprint site and handle the list of phone numbers that can access it. But if someone else took your Airave signal and not on the list would not be able to make or receive calls. You receive a notice that lie within a private network and move to another area. This was the first generation of Airave and things possibly have distorted since then. It has been in a drawer as I stirred and have been able to receive a fine signal at home.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: How can I get An Sprint Airave Device

    I, the restriction of access is an option. I was not aware of it. My phone connects through a device somewhere in my building so it is assumed that everyone who simply "open.” I found this FAQ:
    1. Can other Sprint customers use my Sprint Airave?
      All Sprint customers with a Sprint phone can use and benefit from the Airave, improve the coverage, provided they have not restricted the Airave. However, the "Visit" Customers should have the voice Airave unlimited calling plan itself to take advantage of unlimited nationwide calling.
    2. "I can limit access to my Sprint Airave?
      Yes, you can bind access to the Airave device by making a list of Sprint phone numbers (up to 50 phone numbers). You can build your list Service Call Sprint Customer Service.

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