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Thread: How to copy/paste content from Text Editor to Excel without unwanted characters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    How to copy/paste content from Text Editor to Excel without unwanted characters

    I have a formula composed of 3 lines in one cell:

    =" IF c_MSISDN_NDC" & $E3 & " IS NOT NULL THEN
    utl_file.put_line (l_file_handle, '
    '||c_pkg||LOWER(l_curr_table)||'(c_new_point +" & $E3 & ", 1,
    utl_file.put_line (l_file_handle, '
    '||c_pkg||LOWER(l_curr_table)||'(c_new_point +" & $E3 & ", 2,

    this produces a text string, e.g. as below:

    utl_file.put_line (l_file_handle, '
    '||c_pkg||LOWER(l_curr_table)||'(c_new_point +70, 1, c_oper_name);');
    utl_file.put_line (l_file_handle, '
    '||c_pkg||LOWER(l_curr_table)||'(c_new_point +70, 2, c_oper_name);');"

    when i try to copy/paste it into a text editor, i get the following:

    utl_file.put_line (l_file_handle, '
    '||c_pkg||LOWER(l_curr_table)||'(c_new_point +69, 1, c_oper_name);');
    utl_file.put_line (l_file_handle, '
    '||c_pkg||LOWER(l_curr_table)||'(c_new_point +69, 2, c_oper_name);');"

    as you can see there are unwanted double-quotes at the beginning and end of the line. this is nothing to do with the texteditor as i get the double-quotes in notepad also (but there i dont get the linebreaks i need so i'm using an alternative). I also tried copy/paste-as-special the results of my formula to another column, then copy/pasting that new column. same result as above, still double-quotes. this issue only seems to occur where a cell contains linebeaks. Any ideas how to not get the double-quotes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to copy/paste content from Text Editor to Excel without unwanted characters

    I think it does have something to do with the receiving application. I got the double quotes in NotePad and UltraEdit (another text editor). But I didn't get them when I pasted into MSWord or WordPad. And then I could copy from MSWord or Wordpad into NotePad and no double quotes showed up. Another option may be to write to a text file directly. Maybe you could use a macro that writes your data.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to copy/paste content from Text Editor to Excel without unwanted characters

    There is one more thing you can try here. You can copy the content from Text editor and copy it in Notepad. Then again copy and move the same to Excel. It can be due to additional formatting which is causing the unwanted characters in Excel.

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