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Thread: Warcraft Wireless Headset gives Cracking noise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Warcraft Wireless Headset gives Cracking noise

    Last week, I had a system crash and had to wipe my PC and perform a factory restore and reinstall all of my software. Prior to this the headset worked fine. After reloading all the software I now have crackling and popping on the headset with any sound playback. I confirmed it is not an issue with the headset or dongle as I installed the software on my wife's laptop and the playback is perfect. As such I can only assume the problem has something to do with the installation on my computer. I have an HP m9515y PC and using Windows 7 Ultimate. I have completely uninstalled the headset software and removed all the drivers using Driver Sweeper in safe mode. After reinstalling the same issue occurs. I even went so far as to wipe the entire PC again and reinstall all the software and I am still having the same issue. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Warcraft Wireless Headset gives Cracking noise

    I typically keep the headset tethered with the USB cable so that it keeps the charge and can play games more than the 9 hours. The headset is now fully charged and plugged in and still getting the same crackling and popping. Also, I installed the software on my wife's laptop and it runs perfectly, so it does not appear to be a hardware problem (or else I would d be experiencing the same thing when connected to the laptop).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Warcraft Wireless Headset gives Cracking noise

    I am only covering the whole thing I did to get it to go away, but while it was tethered and charging I had the headset off... once it was charged I disconnected the USB cable, powered it up and hit the connect button on the USB receiver and the headset. Once they were connected I went into the Audio Control Panel software for the headset and configured them. I know it probably won’t fix your problem and you've probably already tried these steps but I just wanted to give a little more detail. Good luck and I hope you get them working.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Warcraft Wireless Headset gives Cracking noise

    Sorry to hear that. Something else you might consider at this point is other devices that could be on the same channel as the wireless headset like a wireless router. Try changing the channel your router is broadcasting on. I have had issues with RF interference from routers and cordless phones in the past and it's always helped when I checked and changed their channels.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Warcraft Wireless Headset gives Cracking noise

    Have you verified that if you can enable/disable EHCI handoff in Your BIOS? I have Tactic 3D Sigma and I experienced the same crap. I reinstalled drivers and such many times but after I got in my CMOS Setup and disabled EHCI Handoff I haven't had any more snap crackle and pop from my headphones. I did a lot but I think that could have been the thing solving it for me. check if You have that option on Your motherboard.

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