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Thread: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Walkthrough

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    Feb 2012

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Walkthrough

    Ubisoft brings another game in the series of Ghost Recon by name Future soldier this year. The troops equipped with futuristic weapons and techniques are back in action after bomb explodes on allies of the English countries. They have to travel all over the earth at various places to bring the wrong doers to justice. You have to fight across various environments of various places with bullets and explosives flying all over the place. Get ready with assault rifles and sniper rifles; combine them with power of stealth camo to take down the enemies. Bring in the tanks and aircrafts for extra firepower and support. Use remote UAVs to spy on the hidden enemies, follow their steps unseen and plan your moves. When the time and situation is right, eliminate all of them.

    I am giving you the walkthrough of single player campaign for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Techarena so that you can follow the moves you need in the game, if you feel you are stucked.


    This is a short part in the game where you have to just follow the instructions. This part is just given to provide an introduction to Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. The game starts with you sitting in a Humvee and you have to just follow the instructions that you see on the screen. You will see a person wearing a hat kneeling down. You will have to shoot him in the head. After this, you will need to repel down and go to the left side from where you landed. Now you will have to start your thermal vision and kill a single enemy standing in front of you. After you kill him, you will find yourself in an area where your team mates will be walking between two trucks. Clear the whole area of enemies after which a cut scene will load.

    Nimble Guardian

    The mission starts with you following your team behind a wall. After a point, you will be prompted to throw a sensor to locate all the enemies in the current area. Once done, you will need to kill two enemies standing at 12 ‘o’ clock from where you are standing. You will also need to kill two more enemies who are at the left side of the wall from where you are standing. Now get over the other side of the barricade and you will find ammo there. Pick it up and continue to move along the small alley along with your team. There you will find stairs on which you have to descend. From the stairs by remaining behind the wall, throw another sensor down to locate the enemies. There you will find a VIP marked with blue marker that is being held by 4 enemies. Kill them and 2 more enemies will come out of ally. Kill them too and continue to move on the right side of the ally. Now you will find three enemies ready to attack out of window. Take cover behind the short wall and kill them. Continue along that way till you find another ammo crate. Pick the ammo and keep moving along the path. Again you will come across an area where you will need to take cover along the wall and throw a sensor below. This sensor will reveal two enemies on the left side of the roof and some on the right side at the base of the building whom you’ll need to kill. After this you will have to watch a cut scene on whose ending some enemies will come on Humvee shooting at you. Kill them and reach till the bay door. Besides it, you will find a ladder. Climb this ladder and get under the blue tarps along with your team. Now you will be at the entrance of the building with a door to next room. Throw a sensor to reveal the location of enemies past the door. You will have to breach the door. Breaching will take the game in slo-mo. In this slo-mo you will need to take down the 4 enemies in the next room. Exit this building by opening the Bay door which is locked from inside. As soon as you reach outside get on the streets and reach the building on your left side. Take cover behind it and throw some frag grenades to kill the enemies. This will kill most of the enemies at that place. If any of them escapes and survives, you can take cover behind the cement barricade and kill him. You will now see a red colored cart besides which there will be a slope. Go upwards along the slope until you see an enemy on humvee coming towards you. Move to the left side of the slope to take cover behind the building. Use the swap cover technique to reach the highlighted area without getting killed. Once reached at that place, you can kill the gunner by taking cover behind the corner of the bricked wall. Now continue along with the slope and you will find a cement barricade below which there will be more enemies. Throw the sensor to locate the enemies and kill them. On the right side, you will see another slope to move upwards which ends in a stairs. You will find ammo crate on this slop. Reload the weapons and move up the slope. At the end of slop, you will hear explosions and see a white truck behind which your team is hiding. Don’t run directly towards them as two enemies with RPGs are standing there. You need to kill them first or else they’ll kill you, be quick here, they won’t wait for you to take proper aim. Clear the area of the enemies and continue to move on the stairs on the right. There you will find suppressors for your weapons marked with blue markers. In that area, nearby you’ll find a door which you need to enter along with your team. The key element in this part is stealth. After opening the door, you will find a beat-up truck behind which you need to take cover and use sensors to locate enemies. You have only four minutes to rescue the hostage VIP after which the enemies will kill him. Even if you get detected they will kill him. So you need to be stealthy and eliminate the enemies in a tactical way. Pick the lone enemies first and then the ones in group. In this area you will find stairs that will take you in next area. Kill the enemy at the entrance in one shot and then proceed. After this you will exit the building where you will find another ammo crate. Sprint to the next building and remain crouched under the left window besides the door. Now you will be prompted to rescues Paez and eliminate all the enemies in the area. After doing this, you will have to escape with Paez. After taking Paez out of the room, more enemies on a truck will appear. Take the driver and gunner along with some more enemies on the building. You will find an way on your left which will lead to a civilian area. Again there will be two enemies marked in red. Kill them without hurting any civilian and them you will find another alley filled with enemies. Kill them and exit to finish the mission.

    Subtle Arrow

    The mission will start with two enemies in front of you. Kill them stealthily and proceed to the observation point along with your team. You will see a village in front of you. Move forward and reach its end to find some guards holding hostages. Kill them and release the hostages. Proceed further to next village. Here you will be prompted to remain in prone position to avoid some enemies. Once the enemies are gone, get back in standing position and proceed along the path. There you will see a burning building with a white truck in front of it. Let your team take cover behind the truck. There will be some enemies behind the truck you need to kill. If you use stealth properly, you can reach at the top of the slop on right side of the truck. On reaching top, a short cut scene will start. Then you can reach halfway down the slope and mark the enemies for sync shot. If you don’t prefer this method, then see to it that the hostage survives. Now unite with your team again to watch another cut scene. Then proceed towards the mission marker again. In your way again you will find three enemies on which you need to use sync shot. Actually there are 4 enemies, with fourth enemy on the roof. You need to take him to initialize sync shot. Proceed further to reach a building behind which there will be rows of tents. Only one enemy is there which you need to kill. Other people there are civilians and you need not bother about them. Proceed in that area to find many dead bodies with tires stacked in front of them. There you will find more two enemies standing beside a well which you need to kill using sync shot. There you will also see some women carrying water in tub. You will find two enemies behind them, Kill them. A short cut scene will start and with a guard in front of you. Kill him and proceed further to find a gunner on the truck, eliminate him and go under the tent to see supply stack on other side. On the other side of supply stack, you’ll find three more guards and your target in orange tank top. Mark them for sync shot. Exit the area from a hole in the wall on right side. On the other side, you’ll find more three guards who will leave the area soon. Then cross the road to find more tents. There will be one guard you’ll need to kill stealthily. Proceed further to meet your team. Further you will see a white colored car around which there will be stacks. From behind this stack, mark three enemies in that area. One of them will be on roof. Use sync shot on them to kill. One of these three enemies will be Macaba. On the left side of the stacks, you will find another way which will bend right. On its end you will find colorful crates. With taking cover behind it you need to kill four guards in that area using sync shot. After coming out of cover, you’ll find 3 more enemies you’ll need to take down. Then you will proceed towards area with many huts. Run straight through them to reach airstrip.

    As soon as you reach the airstrip, an cut scene will begin and end with you standing on hill top. Yu will see three guards along the slope. Kill them using sync shot and move down the slope to reach the hangars. At the entrance of left hangar will be a guard which you need to mark. Inside the right hangar, you will find two more enemies that you need to mark. Using sync shot kill all the guards in hangar area. After this, on the right side of the right hangar, you’ll find a sniper on the watch tower, whom you’ll need to kill. Between the passages of two hangars, you’ll find another guard patrolling whom you need to kill. Another guard will enter the hanger who needs to be killed. Now you will see a hangar at a distance whose entrance you have to reach. You will see an airplane in it with three guards on its right side. Mark them and there will be a fourth on the watch tower on right side, kill all of them. Now you will find a plane taking off which you need to stop. Throw some grenades in its path and keep shooting the propeller to bring it down. Now run to the place where the plane crashes where another hanger will be present. In this hanger, you will find more ammo. On the hill that is on your right side, a truck with enemies in it will come. Kill all the enemies and proceed further. The area will be a dark here and so you need to use magnetic goggles to find your way. On your way you will find two parked cars. Hide behind them and let the two enemy’s trucks pass. After the trucks go, proceed to next village where you need to kill three enemies in sync shot. One will be on the roof while two in the truck. On far left, one guard will be present and should be killed. Proceed further to find another enemy who’ll be patrolling the tents. When in this area a sandstorm will arrive which will provide you a good cover. Kill all the enemies in this area and sprint towards the desert where the plane has crashed. Kill all the enemies at the crash site. Now you will be ambushed from all the sides. There will be a cabin with ammo crate in it. Fight all the enemies in the truck and hiding behind the rocks to clear the area. After this a third truck will appear which you need to kill. After this, a helicopter will land ending this mission.

    Noble Tempest

    On start you will need to deploy a flying drone to scan the area for enemies. You will find four enemies in the hut which can be killed by breaching from backside of the hut. On left side of the hut, you will find three enemies talking to local people who can be killed using sync shot. Now you will find a way on your right side which you need to follow. You will find a crossing highway with a lone enemy standing. Kill him and proceed. You will reach a point where you will find some guards which need to be killed. Now sprint towards the Oil harbor to watch a cut scene. After this cut scene, send the drone to mark the enemies in that area. Mark them and let your team mates lock them as target. Once done finish them and proceed along the path. Here you will meet your team at the starting end of a bridge. Hide behind the barricade and send the drone to scan and locate enemies on other side of the bridge. Go towards the other end of bridge by hiding behind the barricades. There will be many enemies present. Decide which will be hardest to take and kill them using sync shot. Kill others to clear the area. Move towards the left diagonal corner to find Skyes marked in blue. Now you will be dressed like gangsters and will hold a pistol in one hand. Call in airstrike when needed. Use guided missiles to terminate two helicopters. Now follow the skies to the nearby hanger. He will take you on some stairs and passages to other side of the hanger. On the left side of the Hangar, you will find a sewer pipe through which you need to go. At its end, you will exit it and find a chopper ready to rescue Skyes. Now move diagonal right to find another sewer pipe. Cross it to enter area with four enemies. Send a drone to mark them and take them out. Proceed to next area with buildings where use the drone to mark enemies. Take cover behind the Gasoline cans on left side of the area and use sync shot to kill enemies. Move towards next gasoline cans and use a grenade to kill nearby enemies. Shoot the remaining enemies and then use the sensor to find other hiding in that area. Proceed further to cross the dirt road and you will find some stairs on the left side. Climb them and you will see your team assembled there. No get inside the door and pass the corridor to reach to another door on top of the slope. On opening the door, you will find series of brick walls on right side which you need to pass and follow your team to the blue marker. Now you will come across a street where you have to go towards the left side. You will find some civilians running across the street. Go straight till you find a building. Now take a cover and send a drone to scan the area. You will find an enemy on the watch tower and two below it. Mark them and kill them using sync shot. Enter the watch tower and get to the top window. There you can see more 4 enemies at a distance which you can mark for sync shot. After this, you will need to exit through the back door where you will find ammo crate. Turn left and follow team mates to reach the gas station. Enter the building at the gas station and you will see watch tower through its window. In this area, you will find 4 enemies. One on the watch tower, two on the left side of the back part of the building and another lone guard next to them. Send the drone to mark them and kill them using sync shot. Now exit the building along with your team and move towards right near the gas station. Take cover behind the white car there and a cut scene will start playing. Now you have to go back to the same place where you began this mission. You will need to use the buildings and other structures to get cover from chopper flying around. You have to make your way to the beach. Once you see the beach, you will see a cement barricade. Take cover behind it, throw sensor, find and kill all enemies. Run towards the extraction point to end the mission.

    Tiger Dust

    In the beginning of this mission, hop over the short wall and sprint towards right and jump over the brick wall. Now crouch and move towards the barricade. In this area there are 3 snipers, 2 on the roof and 1 on the watch tower on the left side. Mark them and kill them using sync shot by killing two on the lower side of the area. On right side of this area, you will find stairs which you need to use to go down. Then hop over the wall and then again proceed downwards to get into an alley between two buildings. This small ally will open up in an open area where you will find a single guard near a building with a satellite besides him. Kill him and you will see a small ledge on right side. Get down it and you’ll find an ammo crate. Now here in this area there are 3 snipers on towers. Mark them using drone and kill them using sync shot. Now sprint on the path between two buildings to reach another area where there will be a single enemy in a balcony. Mark him using drone and kill him. Now you will need to follow your team to roof top of the building on the right side where there is a glass skylight. Wait for other team mates to arrive and then launch a drone. Fly this drone to the place where you killed the enemy in the balcony and fly it in the vents and through the stairs. Now when it reaches the centre of the room, emit sonic pulse to reveal locations of all enemies. Now you will be viewing a cut scene. After it ends, turn to the left and get behind the first car. Use sniper to kill the gunner in the balcony of the burning building. Move to the next car and throw a sensor to locate enemies. Move behind the bus and kill 2 enemies on other side of it. Move behind next bus and eliminate a small group of enemies behind it. Now go to the white colored wall which is on the right side of the bus. Behind this wall a group of enemies will be coming towards you to attack. You need to kill them. There will be a building across the wall in whose balcony will be a sniper, kill him. Now move towards the dumper truck and throw sensor. Kill all the enemies and then launch a drone. You will find two humvees. Kill the gunners on it and proceed further. Move towards the car and again a cut scene will begin. On its end, you will be handling a machine gun and attacking every enemy vehicle and chopper that comes towards you. Enemy vehicles will be marked in orange marker. Now you have to escape the area so you have to hop over the wall and towards the street. While running on the street, keep a look for a mud hut with a barricade to take cover behind in front of it. Here two trucks will appear and start attacking you. Destroy them by using grenades. Proceed and kill any enemy that comes in your way to reach to extraction point.

    Silent Talon

    This mission will begin with no visibility. So activate the magnetic goggles and follow your team to barricades on the left side. This area will have some enemies which you can mark and kill using sync shot. Wait for the truck driver to alight before you mark him. Now you will have to follow your team and a small robot to the hill top. Deactivate the magnetic goggles as the vision is proper. At the bottom of hill, you will find three enemies and a tank. You will need to mark them and then use Warhound to kill them. Warhound is a mortar based weapon. Two attacks of Warhound will destroy the tank. Continue usi8ng Warhound to clear the area of attacking enemies and then proceed down the hill using the slope. When halfway down the slope, fire missiles from Warhound to destroy enemy’s communication satellite. Now fly the Warhound over enemy base and attack the base using the missiles. Some trucks will come out of the base from the other side. After the base is cleared, enter it to find ammo crate and weapon stash to change weapons. Now follow the Warhound which will take you on slope on either side of the enemy’s base. As you reach the top of the slope, you will need to kill the enemies on the right side in the truck. Again use the Warhound to take the gunner on the watchtower and achopper at a distance. Now that this area is cleared, move down the other side of the slope. There will be tanks and some enemies waiting for you to the bottom of the slope. Use Warhound to eliminate them. See to it that you remain under cover till the area is cleared. The enemies might kill you as soon as are spotted. Once down the slope, go straight towards the boat for extraction. After a cut scene, you will be set on a path. Proceed and you will encounter three enemies. Kill them and keep moving till you find some railings. Take cover behind it and enter the Warhound mode. Kill all the enemies at the bottom of the hill. Proceed till you reach the submarine. But quickly find cover as you will be attacked by RPGs from two sides. After clearing this area, you will proceed to an area where enemies with turrets will attack you. Use Warhound to kill them and proceed further. Keep moving in the upwards direction on the stairs while keep attacking the path using Warhound to clear it of enemies. Now there will be a bridge that you need to follow your team mates to. There will be short cut scene and you will reach to the other side of the bridge. On the left side of the bridge will be a big bay door which can be used to exit the area. Take cover behind the containers to avoid being attacked by the RPGs. Use guided missiles to kill them. Use mortars to kill the enemies that are hiding behind the sandbags. Now proceed forward to reach helipad. There you will attack by two helicopters that can be eliminated using guided missiles. Now follow the Warhound till it takes you to white colored boxes. Hide behind them and fire mortars to kill enemies hiding behind the sandbags. More enemies will come out of the weapon cache which you need to kill using the mortar. Also there will be RPG in the watch tower that can be killed using guided missiles. The area will be cleared when you destroy the humvee that enters the area. Use Warhound’s guided missile. As you proceed, you will find a big building on right side in which there will be enemies at the bottom and on the top. The middle floor will have enemies with turrets. Clear the enemies in this area and reunite with your team inside the building. Once your team arrives, go down the stairs to find the hidden missiles. Plant explosives come back up. Now run at the hole in the wall to find cover for protection against the explosion. After the explosion, you will be attacked by a helicopter that can be taken down by use of guided missiles. Clear the area using mortars and go up the slope to escape to the extraction point.

    Firefly Rain

    In the beginning you will have to move in the trees using the night vision. Kill two enemies walking around and wait silently for the trucks and patrols to pass by. Proceed towards the entrance which is being guarded by 4 guards. Mark them and kill them using the sync shot. You will find a slope around the entrance which you need to climb. On top of the slope, you will find a dumpster behind which you need to take cover. Now use the drone to mark the enemies in that area. There will be two snipers in the centre and one on the roof that you need to mark. Move forward and you will find gasoline containers. There will be two guards you need to kill to activate sync shot for the marked snipers. On clearing this area, you will cross a bridge where you will unite with your team on the airfield base. There you will find a door under which you have to sneak. Once entered the area, use drone to get it over the blades and on the ledge. Once on the ledge, use sonic pulse to mark every enemy in vicinity. There will be huge fans which you will need to pass. Go in the ones which have stopped till you reach the end. Once at its end, climb the ladder along with your team to airstrip. Launch the drone to mark enemies. You will find some snipers and some units on ground that you can mark for sync shot. As you proceed to next area, you will see a forklift behind which you need to take cover. There are many enemies here, s you need to kill them using stealth. After clearing the area, proceed towards the infiltration point marked in blue. You will need to sneak inside the hangar silently through the right side. Now move along the right side walls to unite with your team down the stairs. This stairs will be found when you exit to the right door of the hangar and behind the tail of the airplane. After the door is opened, you have to send drone through the fans and use sonic pulse. Go prone and pass the fans to open the double doors and climb stairs to reach near the railings. Take cover behind it. Now attack the enemies below directly. Once you take cover behind the railings, let the alarm ring as the enemies cannot attack you directly. You will also find some boxes on the left side which can be used as cover when attacking enemies on left side of the area. Some enemies in this area will rush towards you using riot shield, kill them using incendiary grenades. After you exit this area, you will unite with your team and you will also find ammo crate. Pick the incendiary grenades as they will be needed. Now you have to go near the parked humvee and control the machine gun while your team mate drives it. You will have to complete the regular gun-in-a-car fight where you have to shoot the enemies that you encounter in your path. After the scene, the humvee crashes. On the right side, you will see a catwalk. Proceed by taking cover as there are 2 snipers there which you need to eliminate. Where the catwalk ends, you will find stairs on your left. Use night vision goggles to descend on these stairs to enter the sewers. Travel to the sewers to find a ladder that will take you back on the other side. Once there take cover as you will be attacked by many enemies from the left. Use incendiary grenades to kill them. Also there will be some enemies attacking from the right. You will need to change your cover accordingly. After this fight, an enemy tank will enter the scene. You will be prompted to call in the air strike to destroy the tank and end this mission.

    Ember Hunt

    This mission will start with you following your team. The team will take cover behind the fence. There will be many enemies on the other side of the fence. Use the sync shot to kill those on the left. After you clear this area, go towards the bricked buildings in the area which is the way for the blue icon. You will have to climb some ledges on your way. You will then regroup with your team in an area with some old cars. Move along the left side of the area to find a soldier descending some stairs. There will be 2 more soldiers on heighted place. Mark them and use sync shot to kill all of them. Move over the wall and you will find enemies involved in fight with each other. This will make it easy to kill them individually. After you clear the area, you will be attacked by another wave of enemies that you need to clear. Use frag grenades on the enemies with riot shield. Take right cover and eliminate them. You will find a house in that area. Get inside and jump out of the window to reach the street. Walk down the street till you reach the dead end and then turn right. Follow the brick wall till you reach the bay door. Behind the bay door, there will be around 10 enemies. Mark the enemies behind the pillars and use sync shot. Kill others using stealth. Clear the area and you will find an ammo crate here. Head to the door and hop through the brick wall to get out of this area. Now move up the stairs and follow your team to cross over another broken wall. According to the story your systems are hacked and thus your system will start showing outlines of enemies that are not present. But this is not hard as it sounds. Go prone and exit the doorway. As soon as you reach other side, your system will show some snipers and around 50 enemies. But there are just 8 to 9 enemies present. Here you just have 4.30 minutes to rescue Osadze, thus quickness is needed. Clear the area by assaulting when under proper cover. Take sniper on the wall and sprint towards the next area quickly. Sprint towards the road where you’ll need to kill some more guards. You will need to kill many enemies on the other side of the large fountain wall by taking cover behind the wall. Sprint up the stairs behind the large church doors. Run across the cathedral and to the right side you’ll need to breach the door to kill 2 enemies behind it. After a short cut scene, you will have to exit the cathedral from back door passage. The way will have many enemies and they won’t be shown in your system since it is hacked. Use the Cover swap technique to pass this area. Once outside the church, kill the 2 snipers on the roofs of the buildings in that area. There will also be RPGs that will be hard to find. See from where their rockets come and follow the trails to find their locations. Quickly kill them or they’ll kill you. After you clear this area, move down the path to unite with your team. As you move towards the extraction point you will have to watch a short cut scene after which you will be ambushed by many enemies. After clearing the enemies, two helicopters will land to extract you. But again some enemies will start attacking from other side. After killing them you will have another cut scene where Osadze is shot. Run towards him and the mission ends.

    Deep Fire

    As the mission begins, walk along the right side of the area to reach towards the drilling ship. When facing the ship, look towards the left side to find a gate with flashing red lights on it. You have to move towards the ship by climbing small hops and taking cover behind snow mounds. Once you reach near the ship, you will see 2 guars at the ramp that is used to enter the ship. You can enter the ship without killing them by stealthily moving from the right side of the ramp. There on the deck, you will find a forklift to take cover behind. Now move towards the nearby pillars stealthily and you will be united with your team. Mark the 2 gaurs present in the area and kill them in sync shot. Also at the end of the area, there will be 2 guards, one on the catwalk and other below it. Take them using the sync shot. You will then unite with your team in the back left corner of the area and use the door to proceed. You will now enter a hallway and there will be stairs at the end f it. Stealthily kill the guard near the railings and get down the stairs to stealthily kill another guard. You need to reach the generators which are on the left side. There will be 3 guards you need to tags, one on the right catwalk, one on the left catwalk and one on the ground. Use sync shot to kill them. Now that the area is clear, you can run down the back left side and get ammo. Now stick to the wall and throw the sensor to locate enemies. Now take cover behind the nearby crates and kill all the enemies in that area. Move up the stairs which is covered by many enemies. You will be given only 3.30 minutes to reach to the top. You will again pass another room which you need to clear by throwing sensor and then clearing the enemies. Run towards the right side door of the room and wait for your team. Turn right across the hallway and on left side you will find open doors. In this area you will find 3 guards which can be taken by use of sync shot. Outside this room on the left side, you will find ammo crate and then go up the stairs. Use night vision and tag three enemies on the left side. Use sync shot as you kill two enemies on the right side. You will need to kill some more enemies to reach the second deck of the ship. On the second deck, go in the left side to find a catwalk turning right. Take cover on it and kill all the enemies below. Once you clear the area, move to the ground level. As soon as you reach down, you will be attacked by enemies from both right and left catwalk. Clear them to get ambushed by enemies from front catwalk. Take proper cover as you need to survive. Ammo crate is available in back right corner of the area. Once the area is cleared, you will follow your team up a ladder to find a door leading to a helipad. After a short cut scene, you will enter the helicopter. You will be given control of the machine gun and you will have to kill all the enemy’s humvees, trucks and helicopters. You will then be taken to enemy base which you have to destroy to complete the mission.

    Valiant Hammer

    In the beginning of the mission you will be following a trail. Once you reach a broken tree, launce the drone to follow the trail and detect the enemies. 3 guards will be walking along the trail and one will be in the nearby cabin. Kill all of them in sync shot. Launch the drone again and mark the enemies within the cabins. Kill them using the sync shot. Follow the trail and it will end on the left side of the gate. Now take cover behind the stack of 2x4s and tag 3 guards near the gate. Use sync shot to kill them. Once they are dead, enter the drone mode to see other 3 guards walking towards the gate. Once the area is cleared, run towards the gate and go prone. Now launce the drone again and mark guards at the bottom and the balcony of the big cabin. Use the guard on the left hill to activate the sync shot. Launch the drone again and mark 3 guards on the right cabin. Kill the 2 guards in the left cabin to activate the sync shot. You will unite with your team on the ledge and a short cut scene will start. After this, we have to follow the trail again and reach till the tractor. Here launch a drone again to mark the enemies patrolling and one enemy behind barrack. Use sync shot to kill them. Now move towards the fence and exit the area through broken part of the fence. There you will find a cart with wooden logs in it. Take cover behind it and launch the drone. Mark the enemy along the trail, one sniper on the tower, one in the window of the shed and one behind the shed. There will be another enemy on the right of the cabin that you can kill to activate sync shot. Now you have to move to the next area which will have only one enemy that can be stealthily killed. Now move across the blue indicator to enter the building using the stairs. Gather Intel from the desk. Now go back down the stairs and use the turret to kill the guards and destroy tank outside the building. After clearing the area, your team will reunite and a short cut scene will begin. After the cut scene, a group of tanks will proceed along the path. You need to take cover behind nearby wagon to avoid them. After this, you walk into a gate with stairs on the left side. Walk till the balcony and mark three enemies and kill them using sync shot. Kill the remaining enemies to clear the area. While moving towards the next area, you will find many houses which can be used as covers while fighting against enemies. Once you clear this area, you will find an artillery tank at the end. You need to destroy it by planting charges. Now you have to move towards a bus with machine gun mounted on it. Destroy the two humvees and all enemies in the area. Once the area is cleared, move towards the left corner where you have to jump out of the bus window and reach the windmill where you will need to kill 2 more enemies. You will now find a wagon filled with logs behind which you need to take cover. One guard will come out of the gate that you need to take down. Now climb up the stairs and kill all the enemies below it. After exiting the gate on the right side, you will have to destroy artillery. Now head back the road to unite with your team mates. Now go out through the door and use drone to mark enemies in the graveyard. Clear the enemies here and exit the area through gap in the wall on right side. Follow to the team’s regroup point by going in the direction of the blue indicator. Walk along the river bank and use drone to mark enemies in far left and far away in the centre of the area. Kill them using the sync shot. Proceed to the next area on the right side where you will encounter a lot of enemies that you need to take down. There are turret gunners that should be first taken out. After clearing this area, move out of the gate and wait for team to unite. Walk towards the old house where there are 3 enemies. Use magnetic goggles to see the through the walls and tag them. Use sync shot to kill them. Find a hole on left side of the house that you have to enter. You will find an ammo crate as you proceed. Now get on the ramp on left side. There will be a tank above the ramp. You need to throw grenades to destroy it. The right wall explodes for you to go through it. Follow the hole to unite your team. In the next part you will be attacked by lot of enemies from all sides. You have to take cover behind the pillars to protect yourself. This is actually a survival part. The airstrike is bound in 1 minute and you have to survive. You shouldn’t let enemy get near you or you’ll be dead. On surviving this, the mission will end.

    Walkthrough to be continued...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Walkthrough

    Gallant Thief

    When this mission starts, just keep walking forward till you reach some containers. Behind those containers will be a guard. You can kill him by sneaking behind him. Just to the left side of the containers you will find a hill with a slope leading upwards. Go on it and reach at top where you will find some cement pipes. Take cover behind them. In this area, there will be four guards. But you don’t need to kill them as you can ignore them. Just throw a sensor and you will be able to see them. If you walk from the extreme left side of the area, they won’t notice you and you can get to the back side of the hill. After crossing the hill, you will reach the path which leads to the prison. Once you reach near the prison, you will find an area which will be guarded. There will be a guard shack with wall adjacent to it. By sticking to the wall, you can reach near the guard shack. There will be a lone guard in the shack whom you need to kill. Once done get behind the shack and you will see a parked truck on your right. You need to sneak behind it. There will be two guards in your path. They will be in open, so killing them might attract attention. You can easily sneak past them without getting detected. Now you will see a big bay door which will be closed. On the left side, you will find another door through which you need to enter. Once inside launch a drone and take it to the centre of the room using the vents to fly it. Once you exit the vents, you will see an open door, enter it and then launch the sonic pulse to disable controls of the left door. Once the door is opened, enter the building and follow the blue indicator to find your way out from other side. As you exit, you will find a stack of pallets behind which will be a lone guard. You can sneak behind him and kill him. There you will find another door with red light above it. You try to open it, but fail. Now you have to go down the slope. Now turn left where the slope ends and proceed to walk along with the truck. I suggest you to walk on the right side of the tuck so that you are not caught by the guards on the left side of the path. The truck will then reach a curvy path, stop following it and on the left side you will see a slope on which you have to climb. Once on the top of it, you will find a wall to which you will have to stick. The place where the wall ends will have a single guard, sneak behind him and kill him. The door which he was guarding has a retinal scanner. If you turn behind, you will see an open door, enter it. Now head down the hallway and you will find a blue marker along the window. On reaching it, you will have to watch a cut scene. Keep going down the hallway till you reach an open door and then turn right to find two guards. With quick movements, you can give both of them two headshots. Now exit the room and you will have to go down the slope. At the end of the slope, you have to plant the first beacon. You will find two portables between which you have to proceed. After going down the slope, you will find a light pole on left side where there will be two enemies who need to be executed. Proceed and you will find a guard in between the path, sneak behind him and kill him. Continue on the left side path to reach the second beacon. After planting the beacon remain hidden till the patrolling guards pass from the path. Now go on the left path till you reach the dead end. From here you can easily reach the third beacon. Just see to it that you remain in dark to avoid being detected by enemy. Turn to the right where you planted beacon and there you will find three guards. One besides the truck, one inside the shack and one behind the shack, you need to stealth kill all of them. The guards will move away after few minutes. If you have enough patience to wait than you can sneak past them easily. Now in the left corner of this area, you will find location for 4th beacon. Plant it and proceed through the open door and follow up the slope. On the left side, you will find a door within which there will be another door with red light on it. Enter it and you will find an elevator. You will see a cut scene on whose ending, you have to go down the slope and then you will find a stack of pallets. Take cover behind it. In this area there will be three guards. One will be on the catwalk, another below the yellow and black sign on right side wall and third near the closet. Use the sync shot to kill them. On the right side of this room, you will find another passage where you to proceed from. There will be a lone guard patrolling. Wait for him to turn back on you before you use stealth to kill him. On the left side of the passage you will find stairs on which there will be a two more guards. Kill them using stealth and proceed further. As you move on the platform, you will see some pillars down. One of the pillars will have fire extinguisher on it. Behind this pillar will be a guard whom you need to ill using headshot. Proceed further in next area. Here only one enemy will be patrolling who can be taken down using sniper. Now you will need to launch the drone and fly it through the vents and the shaft to inspect the cell. Once done, exit the drone mode and keep walking on the catwalk. From the right side window, you will see a lone guard, kill him and continue to walk on the catwalk. At the end of the catwalk, you will find a door. Stick to the wall as a guard will exit through the door and you need to kill him. Once done, don’t enter the room, but hide behind the stack of the pallets and explore the cell using the drone. Locate Volodin and then use sonic pulse to unlock the door of his prison. Exit the drone through the window and exit the drone view. Now reach to Volodin and head through the door opposite to the door and enter the hallway. Here you will find some enemies that you need to kill. On left you will find a ladder which you need to climb and continue walking till you reach dead end to reach the bay door. Wait for Volodin to reach near the bay door after which you will have to watch a cut scene. Now follow Volodin from fire to extraction point. As you reach the extraction point, enemies will start attacking you from all side, you have to protect Volodin till all enemies are killed. This will end the mission.

    Invisible Bear

    On beginning of the mission you will have to follow your team down to the street. There you will see a tank. Just stay away from it. There will be two enemies standing in front of the tank that you need to tag and other two on the wall behind the tank. Use sync shot to kill them. Get away from this area and you will find a door on right side. Enter this door and climb the stairs to start a cut scene. There will be two snipers present in this area which you need to kill. There will be weapons box in this area where you have to equip yourself with snipers. On the left side window, you will find three snipers on the roof on the building. You need to kill them by taking cover. On the right side window, you will find another building with three snipers in windows. On the floor below, you will find two snipers in the window and one in window above. The third sniper on the above floor will be difficult to find. You have to find correct position to kill him. After this, a helicopter will come to find you in the building. Take proper cover till it goes away. After it goes, two more snipers appear on building to the right which you need to kill and another on building of the left side. After this, move out of the area and a cut scene will start. After the cut scene many enemies will appear and you have to fight them. Once the area is cleared, get out of the area to proceed to secure point. But don’t just run towards it. Now keep moving along the street till you reach silver heating units. Near them you will see two truck on whose back side you need to take cover. You will find two guards who you need to kill using stealth. In this area, many enemies will be standing near the trucks. Kill them and proceed down the street. Take proper cover as you will come under a heavy attack from every open side. Once the area is cleared, you will have to go down the stairs on your right. Proceed till you find cement barricades. Take cover behind it as you need to destroy the tank in this area. This tank has to be destroyed using the grenade launcher. On the left side of this area, you will find an ammo crate where you have to refill your ammo and enter the fast food joint. Once inside, take cover behind the counter as many enemies will start coming out to kill you. Here you have to be very accurate as they can come near you. Kill every of them and be quick, if you miss any of them, they will kill you. Keep the street scanned all the time as they will try to sneak near your position every chance given. Another tank will enter the area which needs to be destroyed using the grenade launcher. Kill the remaining enemies and clear the area. Regroup with your team to start a cut scene. Now head to the office and take cover behind the first desk that comes in your way. Throw sensors to locate enemies and kill them to clear the room. Head towards the elevator and wait for your team to unite. Once done, climb up the ladder to start another cut scene. After this, one of your team mates plants an explosive on the wall to blast it. After explosion of the wall, enter the room and clear it. You will find Bukharov hiding behind the desk; kill him to finish the mission.

    Shattered Mountain

    As the mission begins you will have to walk on the road you are. Keep on the left side till you find two patrolling guards. Tag them and kill them using sync shot. Keep walking on the left side of the road till you a truck. On the other side of the road, there will be three enemies. Two enemies on the road and one in the balcony of the house of on the hill. Another sniper will be hill on the left side of the road. Use sync shot to kill them all. Reunite with your team near the gate and keep moving along the road. There you will again find three enemies whom you need to kill using sync shot. Now stealthily move towards the house on the left side of the road and hide behind a cart in this area. Kill two enemies standing near the hut and then use sensor to locate Yunkov. Once found, with proper positioning, you can eliminate him through the window. There you will find last soldier behind the house which you need to kill and then proceed down the road to reach another house. There will be two enemies behind the hut, three inside the hut and your target Grigoryev. Tag four of them and kill them using the sync shot. Do this by crouching under the windows of the hut and throwing in sensor to locate all of them. There will also be a hostage inside the hut whom you don’t have to hurt. There will be some more enemies in this area which you will need to kill. To reach to the next target, you will have to proceed to through the forest. There will be an ammo crate behind the hut where you will have to refill your ammo. When you enter the forest a timer of 5 minutes will start, so now you have to act quickly. Sprint in the forest and keep running till you reach a wall. There will be an opening a wall from where you have to go to the next side. Head down the slope to find a hut behind which there will be a lone guard, use stealth kill and then enter the hut from opening on left side. Inside you will find Ryzhkov walking inside the hut, Tag him. Now move stealthily and exit the hut through the window to find Zadornov, tag him too. Now when there are no guards, you will find a stable in front of the window you came out of. When you reach the stables, turn to the left and you will find a cart along the wall. Take cover behind it and shoot Slepyshev to trigger the sync shot. Two guards will enter the stable from right doorway and you need to kill them. Now move to the secure point and clear the area of enemies. Near this secure point, you will find a barn on whose 2nd floor is the ammo crate. Resupply and then stick to the wall near the catwalk. Two enemies will enter the barn that you need to kill. If you look outside the window, you will see three enemies walking near earth mover. Tag them and use sync shot to kill them. They are difficult to spot as they too cloak like you can. Now from the window on the right side, more Russians who will be invisible start to attack. Clear them out and the barn will be attacked by the special ops that you will have to kill be switching windows from left and right. Once cleared the enemies, you will have to move towards the secure point. You will find two enemies on the way whom you need to kill and then move towards the last 2 targets. You will come across an area where there will be lot of houses. Run through them to find Tereschenko. Since you are under timer and assuming most of the time has been spent, just open fire at Tereschenko to kill him. Keep sprinting till you reach a road with a wall. On other side of this wall, there will be many more enemies. You don’t need to kill them as they won’t notice you. In case, you get noticed you will come under fire of many bullets and RPGs. Now get on the other side of the wall through a small opening and kill the enemy with RPG on other side of the tree. He is the enemy that might notice you easily. Now many enemies will come driving humvees which you need to kill to clear the area. Head up the slope on the right side of the area till you reach the wall. By taking cover behind the wall, kill the guards in that area hiding behind the trees. Clear the area to and then chase Petrakov and kill him. Find the extraction point and watch the cut scene.

    The game will end here. Hope you have enjoyed Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and this walkthrough have proved useful for you. Thanks for reading.

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