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Thread: Windows does not recognize hard drive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Windows does not recognize hard drive

    I have installed a new sata hard drive in my system but it is not getting listed in "My Computer" along with the other drive. I can see it in device manager under the ide atapi controllers/ primary ide channel and it gets recognized in bios as well. I don't know what is stopping it form appearing in my computer, do i have to enable it from somewhere??? so as to see it in "My Computer" ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Since you have installed a new drive i want to know if you have formatted it before installing in your system ??? Newer raw drive needs to be formatted and partitioned before they are installed in any system. If you have missed that part than put it in an enclosure, format it, partition it and than install it in your system.

    If that's not an issue than update your bios, it is recommended to update bios after installing components like, graphics card, sound card, optical drive and HDD.

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