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Thread: Silicon Image SiI 0680 Ultra-133 Medley ATA Raid Board Driver

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Silicon Image SiI 0680 Ultra-133 Medley ATA Raid Board Driver

    I have a Windows XP SP2 running desktop with raid board. When I installed the non raid drivers on this system, I found numerous new files with name “pnp680” in my system 32 folder. This file was with several extensions such as inf, sys, cat, etc. Now the problem am facing is Windows just wont use the pnp680r (raid) files in anyway. As a troubleshoot, I deleted all these files (with 680 n its name), restarted the computer and reinstalled card again. But that dint helped. My system still recognizes it as non-raid version.

    Do someone here have any idea regarding this? F yes, please help me guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    RE: Silicon Image SiI 0680 Ultra-133 Medley ATA Raid Board Driver

    The silicon post BIOS is a normal function of RAID,you should see both you're hds in the RAID utility when it posts at every start-up,if youre not seeing you're drives, you're not running RAID.Press the proper keys to enter.Also,youre RAID adapter is on a PCI card,simply move the card to a diffrent PCI slot,configure youre set,boot to xp cd,press F6,install,at xp boot screen select,install xp,"repair this copy"....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Silicon Image sill 0680 ultra-133 problem

    Even I am facing a similar problem after dual booting Windows XP with Vista. There was no problem during the installation but due to some reason Vista is not able to find IDE Drives though there are three drives on my pc. I got the Silicon Image sill 0680 ultra-133 medley ata raid controller card as well as 1 Sata drive. Now there are 1 sata and 3 IDe drives which is recognized well by XP but not Vista.

    Somebody suggest me to install the driver again. I did the same as well as update my Card’s bios but still the problem persists. Any help please?

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