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Thread: Autostart USB drive when inserted

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Autostart USB drive when inserted

    Hope I get some working tip here. I am thinking to buy few USB drives, burn them with application images and sell. These applications should start automatically when USB Drives are inserted/connected with the system. is there any way we can make the program to AutoRun as soon as the drive is connected to the computer? If yes, please let me know how? Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Don't know if it would work, but have you tried using an autorun.inf file
    (similiar to a CD)?

    Is there any way to to have a script in windows that detects USB insert and runs an application from windows (anivirus).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Autostart USB drive when inserted

    Yes, there is a way for doing the same. You can do it by using autorun.inf like we use to have in CDs. While creating the USB Drive, place a notepad with name autorun.inf, open it in notepad and put this code inside:


    Here programname.exe is your applications name.exe.

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