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Thread: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    Hi, I am here to share a tip which I recently came through. On of my computers, I was trying to re-install Windows XP Service Pack 2 but every time it use to get failed with an error message saying:

    “STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options”

    I worked on this for 2 days and finally managed to get the fix. What I did was I used another XP CD and that worked fine. Actually the system was trying to get the drivers off from that cd but use to fail as it was not having any drivers. Hence when I changed the CD, setup found the proper drivers and problem fixed.

    So if any of you guys are facing this error with Windows XP SP2, just try changing your installation CD. It will work.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    I was having the same issue with a new build I was doing for a client, and all I did was disable the boot sector virus protection in the BIOS and it fixed the problem. Hope that helps someone in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I dont think the solution is same for the said error on all different computers. Even i am having the same problem on my XP laptop but not while installing. My system is already ready and since from past few days it is crashing with the abobe mentioned Stop Error. I searched web and tried more than 20 solutions so far including software fix, hardware fix and many more but yet no success.

    I am actually not able to boot into my computer since yesterday, Blue screen appears right before reaching the desktop. However i am able to boot into Safe Mode without any problem. Now i have nothing left to workout. Hope anyone of you can help me for the same. Thank you very much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I saw a laptop today that had stop error 0x0000006f when booting to normal mode - but would boot to safe mode. This PC had been running fine previously. Turns out it was infected with some kind of rootkit. I took the hard drive out, put it in a different system, and scanned it with AVG. It found several TSDD????.DLL files in the windows\system32 folder and a couple TDSS????.SYS files in the windows\system32\drivers folder amongst a few other things. It booted up fine once it was clean.

    My post only applies if you are getting blue screen error 0x0000006f and it boots in safe mode. The first couple of posts in this thread indicate that malware isn't the only possible cause for this error.

    If the PC boots in safe mode, i would scan it with Malwarebytes' AntiMalware first. You can download the setup file from <> and the rules file from <> on a working PC and save them on a flash drive and install on the PC with the error. If that doesn't take care of it and you still think it's some virus/spyware then you are probably better off posting on a spyware removal forum - like this one

    For everybody

    If you are installng XP

    -Change your instalation CD
    or - Change you CD-reader
    or - Rare case your Hard disk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    I have been through this error last month itself. After working hard for a week finally i managed to fix the problem. In my case TDSS was present as a hidden device in Device Manager. You need to change the settings to View Show Hidden Devices. Now look in Non-Plug and Play Devices (Disable TDSS) If you restart the computer, you are still infected.

    After doing the same, insert your XP Installation disk, reboot the system and enter Recovery console. Now delete all TDSS files you find. In my case i found about 6 in %systemroomt%\system32 and 1 in %systemroot%/system32/drivers

    Once done, reboot into safe mode, enter registry by typing "regedit" in RUN box, press F3 to bring up the search bar and search for TDSS. You will find several entries for the same. Delete them all. But before doing all these make sure you backup your registry. Hope it helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    Ok, after countless hours searching and sleuthing for this issue, I could not find a resolution...until now. This is my first post ever on a technical forum, so be gentle to me. I will probably never reference this form, so you if this helped you, please let me know by sending me comments to my email at.

    Technical Symptoms:
    Blue Screen (BSOD)
    Session 3 Initialization Failed (Session3_Initialization_Failed)
    STOP 0x0000006F (0xc0000034)
    This BSOD would load for both normal and safe mode.
    The operating system in question was Windows XP Home SP2.

    Reason: The issue occurred after I ran a virus scan using a PE boot disk that deleted the C:\windows\system32\smss.exe system file.

    Resolution: By using the "dir smss*.* /s" at a DOS prompt from the PE boot disk, I was able to search the whole computer for any available files and it found a clean version in a directory. So to fix the issue I copied C:\windows\$ServicepackUninstall$\smss.exe to C:\windows\system32\ using a PE boot disk.

    Acknowledgements: , this link gave me a hint that it may be smss.exe (even though it references win2000). Upon looking at the antivirus logs, sure enough the smss.exe was found to be infected and deleted it as it could not disinfect it. I'm assuming if I did not have a virus free smss.exe file on the C: drive in another folder, I may have to pull it from a CD or find it online.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    I had the same problem with a clients computer. I relooked the scan logs from the machine I did the external scan on. The file c:\windows\system32\drivers\ftdisk.sys had been infected and was therefore removed. I replaced the file from a known clean machine and the computer booted fine.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    I had exactly this problem .... BSOD 0x0000006F (0xC0000034 ....
    The only solution was the one that Cancermage has highlighted here. Although the microsoft KB article really refers to WIN NT not WIN XP. But my problem was SMSS.EXE was missing from %systemroot%/system32/ .... I have no idea how it got to be missing or what process/procedure removed it but simply finding a good copy from another (working) XP system and copying it into %systemroot%/system32/ did the trick.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    In the really big picture this error -- BSOD 0x0000006F (0xC0000034 ... -- is Windows answer to being able to find certain files during the boot process. That can happen for a great number of reasons: I just got it when booting from a Win XP install disk on a machine with no hard drive installed. (Checking out the BIOS, etc. before getting a drive for it.)

    So when this message appears, the thing to do is try to think why Windows is unable to find the files. There are many different causes but your recent history probably gives clues. Trying to boot in safe mode will tell you if there's a bootable system there that's just missing (or has corrupted) files for a normal boot. chkdsk will let you determine if your HD is defective. If you have a working machine you might be able to slave the ??? drive to its drive and use that OS to poke around. You might also use a bootable floppy or USB drive to get enough of a system for a look.

    You might ask why Windows doesn't give a more specific message -- like "No HD detected" or "File SPQR.dll missing or corrupted" but I can't answer that.

    Windows is like that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: STOP Error 0x0000006f Session3_initialization_failed Options

    Quote Originally Posted by walt939 View Post
    In the really big picture this error -- BSOD 0x0000006F (0xC0000034 ... -- is Windows answer to being able to find certain files during the boot process. That can happen for a great number of reasons: I just got it when booting from a Win XP install disk on a machine with no hard drive installed. (Checking out the BIOS, etc. before getting a drive for it.)

    So when this message appears, the thing to do is try to think why Windows is unable to find the files. There are many different causes but your recent history probably gives clues. Trying to boot in safe mode will tell you if there's a bootable system there that's just missing (or has corrupted) files for a normal boot. chkdsk will let you determine if your HD is defective. If you have a working machine you might be able to slave the ??? drive to its drive and use that OS to poke around. You might also use a bootable floppy or USB drive to get enough of a system for a look.

    You might ask why Windows doesn't give a more specific message -- like "No HD detected" or "File SPQR.dll missing or corrupted" but I can't answer that.

    Windows is like that.
    Yes, there could be many reasons and the different solutions can be applied for this issue, like using the sfc /scannow command to fix the corrupted files automatically, using last known good configuration or else using the Repair installation of Windows by inserting its Windows CD/DVD in the cd rom drive. There are many things you cannot be sure of.

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