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Thread: Installing xp without floppy drive

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Installing xp without floppy drive

    I have built a computer but my mobo does not support fpdd and I want to use windows xp with raid 0 config. I have tried to install it with modified xp made by nlite. it kept giving me a fatal error from asms file.

    I dl nlite installed.
    copied windows xp files to hd
    run program nlite
    put raid and sata driver into the file using the program
    made image and burn cd
    tried to install xp
    it failed giving me the error message saying E:\ I386\asms blah blah blah
    can anyone help me with this ? thank you

  2. #2
    Ken Blake, MVP Guest

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 04:57:49 +0530, kakashi1982
    <> wrote:

    > I have built a computer but my mobo does not support fpdd and I want to
    > use windows xp with raid 0 config. I have tried to install it with
    > modified xp made by nlite. it kept giving me a fatal error from asms
    > file.

    I can't help with your error, but let me comment that I think RAID 0
    is almost always a poor idea. Although it sound like it should improve
    performance, it normally doesn't help at all. Read here: "Why RAID is
    (usually) a Terrible Idea" at

    > I dl nlite installed.
    > copied windows xp files to hd
    > run program nlite
    > put raid and sata driver into the file using the program
    > made image and burn cd
    > tried to install xp
    > it failed giving me the error message saying E:\ I386\asms blah blah
    > blah
    > can anyone help me with this ? thank you
    > --
    > kakashi1982
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > kakashi1982's Profile:
    > View this thread: Installing xp without floppy drive

    Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP (Windows Desktop Experience) since 2003
    Please Reply to the Newsgroup

  3. #3
    Shenan Stanley Guest

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    kakashi1982 wrote:
    > I have built a computer but my mobo does not support fpdd and I
    > want to use windows xp with raid 0 config. I have tried to install
    > it with modified xp made by nlite. it kept giving me a fatal error
    > from asms file.
    > I dl nlite installed.
    > copied windows xp files to hd
    > run program nlite
    > put raid and sata driver into the file using the program
    > made image and burn cd
    > tried to install xp
    > it failed giving me the error message saying E:\ I386\asms blah blah
    > blah
    > can anyone help me with this ? thank you

    I bet your system would support a USB Floppy Diskette.

    $20-$40 $ US and you're done and you have something lying around for those
    strange moments. ;-)

    Or you could get an OS that is not 8-9 years old with two successors
    already. *eg*

    Read up here:

    Should give you virtually every way to integrate those drivers in one way or

    Shenan Stanley
    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

  4. #4
    Anteaus Guest

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    Excellent article, and something I've been trying to convince people of for
    years, ever since we had a single disk failure in a SCSI RAID1 Netware server
    trash the data on the PAIR. This was with a quality disk controller too, not
    a junk one.

    Unfortunately the 'name dropping' problem dictates that uninformed people
    assume RAID must be good.

    Apart from the problem of cheap, poor-quality controllers, you have the
    issue of disaster-recovery. Assuming you have a full backup of course- can
    the backup or disk-imaging software restore the data to an exotic RAID array?
    All too often the answer is NO, but -because you have only one RAID array and
    therefore cannot do restoration tests- the only time you get to discover this
    is when the whole office is twiddling its collective thumbs, and the boss is
    breathing heavily down your neck in the comms room.

    "Ken Blake, MVP" wrote:

    > I can't help with your error, but let me comment that I think RAID 0
    > is almost always a poor idea. Although it sound like it should improve
    > performance, it normally doesn't help at all. Read here: "Why RAID is
    > (usually) a Terrible Idea" at

  5. #5
    db Guest

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    there are usb floppy drives


    perhaps, you might try to
    install windows
    on an ide first.

    then move the drive to a
    sata plug and set your
    bios to boot from it.

    then if you might have to do a
    repair install on that drive in
    order to resyncronize the o.s.
    to its new location - maybe.


    incidentally forget about raids.

    with today terabyte disk drives
    becoming a standard,

    raids are passee.

    DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
    - Systems Analyst
    - Database Developer
    - Accountancy
    - Veteran of the Armed Forces
    - nntp Postologist
    ~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen


    "kakashi1982" <> wrote in message
    > I have built a computer but my mobo does not support fpdd and I want to
    > use windows xp with raid 0 config. I have tried to install it with
    > modified xp made by nlite. it kept giving me a fatal error from asms
    > file.
    > I dl nlite installed.
    > copied windows xp files to hd
    > run program nlite
    > put raid and sata driver into the file using the program
    > made image and burn cd
    > tried to install xp
    > it failed giving me the error message saying E:\ I386\asms blah blah
    > blah
    > can anyone help me with this ? thank you
    > --
    > kakashi1982
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > kakashi1982's Profile:
    > View this thread:
    > Installing xp without floppy drive

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    found out that my xp disk was faulty . end of problem, thank you

  7. #7
    Patrick Keenan Guest

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    "Shenan Stanley" <> wrote in message
    > kakashi1982 wrote:
    >> I have built a computer but my mobo does not support fpdd and I
    >> want to use windows xp with raid 0 config. I have tried to install
    >> it with modified xp made by nlite. it kept giving me a fatal error
    >> from asms file.
    >> I dl nlite installed.
    >> copied windows xp files to hd
    >> run program nlite
    >> put raid and sata driver into the file using the program
    >> made image and burn cd
    >> tried to install xp
    >> it failed giving me the error message saying E:\ I386\asms blah blah
    >> blah
    >> can anyone help me with this ? thank you

    > I bet your system would support a USB Floppy Diskette.
    > $20-$40 $ US and you're done and you have something lying around for those
    > strange moments. ;-)

    I recently had to use my USB floppy drive to rebuild a pretty new TOshiba
    laptop. The XP install found the floppy drive and picked up the SATA
    drivers, and allowed me to format the disk. Worked great - until it
    started copying files. *Then*, it wanted to see the floppy to re-copy the
    drivers and couldn't find the drive. I had to use nLite and rebuild the
    install CD to get past this.

  8. #8
    John John - MVP Guest

    Re: Installing xp without floppy drive

    Patrick Keenan wrote:
    > "Shenan Stanley" <> wrote in message
    > news:uNJ0oKLPKHA.1372@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
    >> kakashi1982 wrote:
    >>> I have built a computer but my mobo does not support fpdd and I
    >>> want to use windows xp with raid 0 config. I have tried to install
    >>> it with modified xp made by nlite. it kept giving me a fatal error
    >>> from asms file.
    >>> I dl nlite installed.
    >>> copied windows xp files to hd
    >>> run program nlite
    >>> put raid and sata driver into the file using the program
    >>> made image and burn cd
    >>> tried to install xp
    >>> it failed giving me the error message saying E:\ I386\asms blah blah
    >>> blah
    >>> can anyone help me with this ? thank you

    >> I bet your system would support a USB Floppy Diskette.
    >> $20-$40 $ US and you're done and you have something lying around for
    >> those strange moments. ;-)

    > I recently had to use my USB floppy drive to rebuild a pretty new
    > TOshiba laptop. The XP install found the floppy drive and picked up
    > the SATA drivers, and allowed me to format the disk. Worked great -
    > until it started copying files. *Then*, it wanted to see the floppy to
    > re-copy the drivers and couldn't find the drive. I had to use nLite
    > and rebuild the install CD to get past this.

    This is because the Windows Setup program only supports a handful of USB
    drives for F6 driver installation method, that is explained here:

    Adding the standard Microsoft USB storage drivers to the txtsetup.oem
    file on the floppy diskette usually resolves this problem, see here:
    Adding the USB floppy's vendor ID should also fix the problem, see here
    for an example:


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