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Thread: slow-file transfer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    slow-file transfer

    I am using Windows Vista SP1 on a desktop and having a laptop that is running with Vista SP1 as well. Both computers have Wireless N Router (Dlink) and USB Wireless G USB adapters. I have turned off Remote Differential Compression.. Wireless connection status is 3 bars on desktop and 5 on the laptop.

    Now the problem am facing is am trying to transfer a file of about 3GB from desktop to laptop. Afetr calculating the remaining time for 10 minutes, finally it said that it will take 15 hours for the same. Well, so far it has been 1 day and 15 hours but still not transferred completely.

    Any help why such a slow transfer speed though the systems are running same OS and pretty much hardware similarity?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: slow-file transfer

    Nope, vista’s file transfer is not as slow as you have mentioned. Probably the cause of slow transfer rate would be USB wireless adapters. You should try changing this temporarily and see you get any improvement.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    RE: slow-file transfer

    Thanks for the help friend. So if that is the culprit, will upgrading it to Wireless-N adapter fix the problem? Be sure because I don’t have any sources to change it temporarily. Will need to buy new ones for both of my systems.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: slow-file transfer

    Well I don’t have much idea about networking and these adapters but as far as I can help is by using TeraCopy beta in Vista. I have been using this since long time. It lets you adjust file buffer sizes in the Options.ini file. When I transfer my files from Xp Pro to Vista Home Premium 32 bit over lan using TeraCopy, I get 8mb to 11mb of transfer speed.

    You can download TeraCopy from here.

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