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Thread: network and sharing center vista cannot turn on media sharing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    network and sharing center vista cannot turn on media sharing

    I am running Windows Vista on my computer and I am using Windows Media Player 11 in my computer. The problem that I am facing is that I am not able to turn on media sharing on my desktop. The network that I am using is private. The same thing I am able to do on my laptop. Can anyone tell me what should I do to solve this problem? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    RE: network and sharing center vista cannot turn on media sharing

    Even I am facing similar type of issues from last couple of months now. If I am trying to click on Change then it will not make any difference. I have tried many things but nothing will turn media sharing on my desktop. If anyone knows any solution to fix this problem then let us know as soon as possible. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    RE: network and sharing center vista cannot turn on media sharing

    If media sharing is not already turned on, you need to turn it on by doing the following:
    1. Click the arrow below the Library tab, and then click Media Sharing.
    2. In the Media Sharing dialog box, select the Share my media check box.

    If you cannot select the Share my media check box, you might not be connected to a private network. For your protection, media sharing is automatically turned off when you are connected to a public network. In addition, if you are connected to a domain network, your network administrator can prevent you from turning on media sharing. More information can be found here -

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