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Thread: how to map network drive with Cisco systems VPN Client on Vista

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    how to map network drive with Cisco systems VPN Client on Vista

    I need some help here to deal with a problem in Windows Vista. I am using a 32bit system here. I am trying to map a network drive. It is on the vpn network. It is not working and there is no way I can find a solution for it. First of all in Windows Vista network I cannot see the drive even when I am connected to the network. So can anyone help me here. I think I am missing something in the settings. The drive is visible but I am not trying to access the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    re: how to map network drive with Cisco systems VPN Client on Vista

    You can start with configuring WINS server first. This will help you to get a proper VPN connectivity. There are ample of resources on web that can guide you to work on map drive on a vpn network. The major big issue with VPN is name resolution. Once it is fixed you would be able to deal with the connectivity problem. Once the name resolution issue is sorted by configuring a WINS server you can then map the driver and it will be detected and remain constant.

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