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Thread: Errors 1231/1232 Unidentified Network

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Errors 1231/1232 Unidentified Network

    I am bit annoyed with the issue that I am facing. I am on Vista. I had gone through number of threads made on this issue but it looks none of them has a valid solution. Here is my problem. I am having a broadband internet. The ISP has provided a modem which was connected to my system directly. Later on I purchased a Router and added that in between. But after that when I try to connect to the network I am getting a error 1231. What is the error. I think the router will automatically take all the settings and it is going to work well. But somehow it failed to work properly. I hope there will be any way to fix the problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Click Start and in the box type ncpa.cpl and hit enter. Go to the lan adapter and right click on it. Choose Properties. Here you can find a networking tab where you will need to configure the properties manually. Many people has face trouble after adding a router in between the modem. It is recommended that you must ensure that the settings are well configured. This time in the default gateway you have to put the router ip and then check back. It will work well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    If you are not aware a number of router comes with network setup wizard. This wizard helps you to connect your internet or network automatically. It is not at all complicated to use. For that you have to in the router and choose setup. It will detect your settings and add that in the router. Second thing you have to go in Network Sharing and then click on your local area connection. There you will need to click on the TCP/IP properties and set all option in it on automatic. That's all. The internet will start working.

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