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Thread: new computer with vista/cannot connect to internet using isp route

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    new computer with vista/cannot connect to internet using isp route

    We have a D-Link wireless router with Verizon FIOS setup at home running few Xp laptops and a Xbox 360 console without problem. Recently we bought a brand new laptop with Windows Vista pre-loaded. The problem is this laptop is not able to connect with our network, no matter via Wireless or via Ethernet. I tried calling up our laptop manufacturer Emachines and my ISP, they both said that Vista is not supported with FIOS service.

    So I wanted to know if there is any alternate way we can make vista work with the same? As of now laptop is connected via Ethernet to d-link wireless router through fios, which is of course not working.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: new computer with vista/cannot connect to internet using isp route

    As you said the laptop is connected with router which is connected to FIOS, then I think the problem is with router connection and not the FIOS port. By the way are you getting any IP address? Also is there any third party firewall such as Norton or any of Symantec product installed on your vista laptop? If yes, you will need to remove it immediately because Norton or any third party firewall is well known for creating problems with Vista networking.

    Another reason could be an out dated router. Vista has some new networking features with which older routers are not compatible unless they are updated with the vista compatible router firmware. You can check this Microsoft Article describing the same. . They also have an Internet Connectivity Evaluation tool is available to test the router compatibility. You can download it right from that page.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: new computer with vista/cannot connect to internet using isp r

    I think you are somewhat correct. Yes, my system came preinstalled with McAfee and it has a firewall. I already tried disabling but the problem persists. So I think I’ll need to remove it, will do that.

    Secondly, I was on call with Verizon, they also told me that my Vista laptop is not getting IP Address from D-Link router. So what exactly do I need to do now?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: new computer with vista/cannot connect to internet using isp r

    As per my research whereas older operating system Version 4, vista comes with Version 6. Version 4 was completely compatible with all ISP servers, at the same time Version 6 is yet to reach the milestone. So am sure the problem is with router as there is network in other equipment. So you should try connecting Vista directly to modem and check the modem lock to see if you get an error called "Multicast" or DNS error reading "Layer 6" which in some Windows Vistas are doing some multiple unneeded DNS queries.

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