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Thread: Can't import outlook express messages into Windows Mail. Help?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Can't import outlook express messages into Windows Mail. Help?

    I was using Outlook Express so far as my default email client for various POP3 account. I have a huge backup of DBX file. Now I want to import this backup to the newly setup Windows Mail on Vista. When I go to Import wizard and go to the location where the dbx files are saved, instead of reading those files Windows Mail gives me an error saying something like "no items match your search" that is followed by a pop saying :

    “no messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has the required files open. please select another folder or try closing applications that may have files open.”

    I request you guys to please let me know what could be the problem. I really need these backups to be migrated with Windows Mail.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Can't import outlook express messages into Windows Mail. Help?

    Hey buddy, I guess you have just copied the .bix files on vista location but you left “Folder.dbx”. This is located at the same location where your messages are stored in Outlook Express. Unless and until you have this folder along with dbx (backup), Windows Mail will not read them and you cannot backup them as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Have you set the file properties to read and write? If not that may also be the problem. Because when you backup any dbx, windows mail need the right access as well. So right click your dbx file, click properties and make sure than it is not only the read file. Just uncheck the readonly box. Now try importing it with windows mail.

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