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Thread: Can't import my Outlook Express 6 messages into Microsoft Mail

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Can't import my Outlook Express 6 messages into Microsoft Mail

    I was using Outlook Express 6 before getting to Windows mail on Vista Ultimate 32bit system. I have beck up of my stuffs from OE6 in dbx format and want to move it to Windows mail. But when I try doing that using WM import wizard and go to the location where the backup files are saved, it gives me the following error: "No messages can be found in this folder". But the files are right there, I checked it twice.

    Why windows mail is reading those files? How can I get mail OE6 mails into Windows Mail? Somebody please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Can't import my Outlook Express 6 messages into Microsoft Mail

    Just right click your DBX files and go to their properties. Make sure that the files don’t have Read only attribute check box marked. Uncheck those boxes and try to import again in Windows mail. WM actually needs to read and write those files, hence if you have just Read only attribute it wont read the files.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Can't import my Outlook Express 6 messages into Microsoft Mail

    Windows mail wont read the location as well unless it has folders.dbx files on that particular location. Just make sure you have stored dbx in that folder.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Yeah, that was missing I guess hence my Windows Mail was unable to read the folder. I had just backed up dbx files along with eml files but failed to copy folders.dbx.

    BTW, thanks for your help. I now copied the same and imported everything to Windows mail.

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