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Thread: Importing e-mail and contacts from Outlook 2000 into Windows Mail

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Importing e-mail and contacts from Outlook 2000 into Windows Mail

    I have a very old computer running with Outlook 2000 and it contains various important email, contacts, etc. I recently bought a new laptop that came pre-installed with Vista 64bit OS and Windows Mail. Now, I wanted to import all my emails and contacts from Outlook 2007 hence backed it up as pst file but when try importing the same in Windows mail, it says:

    "Messages cannot be imported from the MAPI client.
    MAPI is not installed on this computer or an error occurred while
    initializing it"

    I thought I can use it on Vista by installing Outlook 2000 but that seems to be incompatible. So I don’t have any other idea. Request you guys to please help me out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Importing e-mail and contacts from Outlook 2000 into Windows Mail

    Windows Mail cannot read PSt files unless and until Outlook is installed on the same computer. And yes, Vista supports Office 2003 or higher. So there are two ways you can import your backup.

    First: Install Outlook express on your old machine and import everything from Outlook 2000 to Outlook Express. Now create a new back using OE in dbx format. Now move this DBX file to Vista and import into Windows Mail.

    Second: You can download Office 2003 Trail and import those PST files to the same and later export data from Outlook 2003 trail to Windows Mail.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Importing e-mail and contacts from Outlook 2000 into Windows Mail

    Yeah, that’s the only for doing what you need. Even I imported my Outlook 2000 pst first to Outlook 2007 on Vista by creating a new profile. And later opened Windows mail, went to file > import > messages > MS Outlook. It asked me to select outlook profile. I just selected the newly created one and imported everything without any problem. Hope that helps you.

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