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Thread: No text in certain messages, and "sender unspecified" in "from" field

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    No text in certain messages, and "sender unspecified" in "from" field


    Just recently started having this problem. All of the emails whose "from" addresses begin with the letter "W" and beyond give me a message along the lines of "message could not be found" when they are opened. There is no text other than that. And the "from" field on the opened messages displays "sender unspecified," even though the correct address is displayed in the list of emails.

    Anyone know what's going on and how I can fix this?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: No text in certain messages, and "sender unspecified" in "from" field

    If any such mail is received to you then it is the random mail which is send by any organization so don’t you worry it will not harm your system because if the sender is not specified in the recipient lists then the message is the grouped message and if the field is empty that is without any text then I want you to delete such mails.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No text in certain messages, and "sender unspecified" in "from" field

    Try to run repair setup of entire Microsoft Office. This would be enough to fix the issue. You can go in Control Panel and in that look for Uninstall Program. Click on Microsoft Office and at the bottom right click on Change. Choose Repair and follow the onscreen steps. Click on Next to run a full setup. This would be enough to fix the issue. It looks some internal component is damage due to which you are unable to see text. You can try first to take backup of your existing messages and then only go ahead with Outlook repair setup.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: No text in certain messages, and "sender unspecified" in "from" field

    I am giving you a link below. This link will give you a set of hotfix packages for Outlook 2007. You can download this package and run the same in your system. This would help you to get rid of the issue.There is no direct reason available why this issue appear. You can try the hotfix here. This hotfix offer you a set of packages to get rid of various outlook problems. Being a package you get all old hotfix also in it. Try this one if the repair setup fails to work in your system. This hotfix will be quiet enough to get rid of the problem you are facing.

    Outlook 207 Hotfix Package

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