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Thread: Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)

  1. #1
    mizsub Guest

    Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)

    Good to know it's not just me having these problems, 6 restarts on my laptop
    already today and outlook keeps loading in safe mode which of course means
    i'm losing some functionalities, slightly frustrating as 2 hours in to my
    working day at the office and nothing achieved as yet!! aaarrrgghh!!

    Let's keep everything crossed for an extremely quick fix!!!! :{

  2. #2
    Shawn Guest

    RE: Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)

    > Good to know it's not just me having these problems, 6 restarts on my laptop
    > already today and outlook keeps loading in safe mode which of course means
    > i'm losing some functionalities, slightly frustrating as 2 hours in to my
    > working day at the office and nothing achieved as yet!! aaarrrgghh!!

    I just went through some of this on one of my servers. SQL Server had a few
    services disabled ('cause I rarely require it). Chances are good that this is
    what is wrong with you, too.

    Right click My Computer, select Manage, Services and Applications, Services.
    Now find everything that STARTS WITH "MSSQL" or "SQLAgent" that has a
    "startup type" of "Disabled" and change their startup type to "Manual".

    You will then be able to successfully install the related updates.

    It will require a reboot. After it comes back up you can re-disable the
    services if you want.

    What a waste of time. Good luck!


  3. #3
    mizsub Guest
    Yes after spending much time trying to restart the services during the
    install attempts i decided to forget it and disable them. Not great news for
    Business Contact Manager though so it's a good job i don't need to use that
    facility today.

    Thanks for confirming my solution. I had posted this prior to disabling the
    services mainly through frustration... let's say i needed to complain about
    it!! :)

    I'll try re-installing with all such services switched off and keep my
    fingers crossed..

    Have a good day....

  4. #4
    Raj Guest

    Code 737D Error - Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack

    Kind Attn: Windows Vista Business - Online Update Team,

    Today I have tried to update my computer with your latest updates which
    arrived today. Most of the updates where installed successfuly but there is a
    problem while installation of the Code 737D Error - Security Update for SQL
    Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109) update.

    I have tried to install so many times but it fails to install every time.

    Kindly fix the problem on the priority basis.

    With Regards,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    None of my SQL instances are disabled, but it still won't install via WSUS.

  6. #6
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)

    From MS Support:

    Error: 733F-- Services Failed to Start

    Description: This error occurs when the installation program can’t start the
    SQL Server services. This can happen for several reasons including: expired
    account password, invalid user account, user account does not have
    permission to start the service, or there is something else wrong with the

    Resolution: To help you determine which service is failing to start, view
    the summary.txt file that is created at...

    %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Log\Hotfix

    Once you determine which service is failing, do the following:

    1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

    2. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Services.

    3. Locate the SQL Server service causing the problem and try to manually
    start the service.

    4. If the service still does not start, try resetting the password or the
    user account. After doing this, restart the service manually

    More information, see:

    If you need additional help, please post your summary.txt file located at

    %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Log\Hotfix

    to the SQL Server Setup MSDN forum at
    ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
    AumHa VSOP & Admin

    mizsub wrote:
    > Good to know it's not just me having these problems, 6 restarts on my
    > laptop
    > already today and outlook keeps loading in safe mode which of course means
    > i'm losing some functionalities, slightly frustrating as 2 hours in to my
    > working day at the office and nothing achieved as yet!! aaarrrgghh!!
    > Let's keep everything crossed for an extremely quick fix!!!! :{

  7. #7
    mike115 Guest

    SOLUTION: Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack

    So everyone is getting a different message or error code. In order to help
    EVERYONE with their unique problem simply go to "program files," "microsoft
    SQL Server," "90," "Setup Bootstrap," "LOG," "Hotfix," and "Summary" (note:
    just select the normal Summary with no numbers in the name). Now a window
    will pop up...look towards the middle left for a line that says "Error
    Description" under the "Product Installation Status." The product should be
    "SQL Server Database Services 2005."

    Now all one needs to do is correct whatever it is in the error description.
    For example, mine said "Error Description : MSP Error: 28062 SQL
    Server Setup cannot install files to the compressed or encrypted folder:
    c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\. To continue, make sure that your
    installation directories are not compressed or encrypted, or specify a
    different directory, and then run SQL Server Setup again."

    So I just went to Program Files and decompressed my Microsoft SQL Server
    folder and voila!! it worked perfectly. To decompress just right click on
    the Microsoft SQL Server folder, click on properties, and uncheck the box
    next to Compress (you may have to go to Attributes and click on Advanced
    first though).

    Another person posted that this could also be a message:
    The error description would be: "SQL Server Setup cannot upgrade the
    specified instance because the previous upgrade did not complete. Start the
    Remote Registry service and go to Add/Remove Programs, select the Change
    button for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then select SQL instance [2] and
    complete the setup."

    There are probably more errors than the two i listed above. Just fix the
    one that your computer specifies and all should work out in the end.

    P.S. I also find it very lame that Microsoft could not test these updates
    properly first before sending it out to its millions of users. Just shows
    how ignorant this big company has become after people have become dependent
    on it. Luckily more users are switching to Macs. I would too, but again,
    there are some programs only found in Windows that are essential to my work
    and therefore the big company has made me dependent on them again.......

  8. #8
    Display_Name Guest
    Solution as received from Microsoft Support to Code 737D Error - Security
    Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack.
    Much to my amazement, the support response was excellent and the
    instructions were not only concise but worked.
    Kudos to Microsoft - my past experiences with their customer service lead me
    to believe that it was virtually non-existent. The response to this request
    was timely - within 24 hours and accurate.
    Below is their response and instructions:
    Thank you for contacting Microsoft Windows Update Support. My name is Alex,
    and I am glad to work with you. For your reference, the case ID for this
    service request is SRX*******. You can contact me directly by sending an
    email to ******** with the case ID in the subject

    From the problem description, I understand that the computer failed to
    install KB948109. Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood.

    I understand the inconvenience you have experienced. Please be assured that
    I will do my best to resolve the issue.

    The issue may be caused by one of the following factors:

    1. The installation is affected by some third-party security software.
    2. The downloaded installation file is corrupted.

    In order to narrow down the cause of our issue, let's refer to the following

    NOTE: Some third party programs can affect the Windows Update service. If
    you are running any third party applications such as Spyblocker, Internet or
    web accelerators (programs designed to boost the speed of the Internet
    connection), security or anti-virus programs (Norton, McAfee, etc.), I
    recommend we temporarily disable or shut them down and then try accessing
    Windows Update later. Please be sure to enable them again when the update
    process has been completed.

    Step 1: Rename the Windows Update Softwaredistribution folder
    This issue may occur if the Windows Update Software distribution folder has
    been corrupted. We can refer to the following steps to rename this folder.
    Please note that the folder will be re-created the next time we visit the
    Windows Update site.

    1. Close all the open windows.
    2. Click the "Start" Button, click "All programs", and click "Accessories".
    3. Right-click "Command Prompt", and click "Run as administrator".
    4. In "Administrator: Command Prompt" window, type in "net stop WuAuServ"
    (without the quotes) and press Enter.

    Note: Please look at the cmd window and make sure it says that it was
    successfully stopped before we try to rename the folder. However, if it
    fails, please let me know before performing any further steps and include any
    error messages you may have received when it failed.

    5. Click the "Start" Button, in the "Start Search" box, type in "%windir%"
    (without the quotes) and press Enter.
    6. In the opened folder, look for the folder named "SoftwareDistribution".
    7. Right-click on the folder, select "Rename" and type "SDold" (without the
    quotes) to rename this folder.
    8. Still in "Administrator: Command Prompt" window, type the command "net
    start WuAuServ" (without the quotes) in the opened window to restart the
    Windows Updates service.

    Note: Please look at the cmd window and make sure it says that it was
    successfully started. However, if it fails, please let me know before
    performing any further steps and include any error messages you may have
    received when it failed.

    If the steps above do not work, let's refer to the following steps to
    manually download and install the update.

    Step 2: Download and install the update manually.
    1. Please download the update from

    Please note its location.

    2. Please double-click the downloaded file to install the update.

    If an error is encountered when installing the update manually, please
    capture a screenshot for further research

    How to capture a screenshot
    1. Press the Print Screen key (PrtScn) on your keyboard.
    2. Click the "Start" Button, type "mspaint" in the Search Bar and Press Enter.
    3. In the Paint program, click the "Edit" menu, click "Paste". Then click
    the "File" menu, and click "Save".
    4. The "Save As" dialogue box will appear. Type a file name in the "File
    name:" box, for example: "screenshot".
    5. Make sure "JPEG (*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF)" is selected in the "Save as
    type" box, click "Desktop" on the left pane and then click "Save".

    Please send this saved JPEG file to my email account at

    In the meantime, to clarify the issue and provide more accurate
    troubleshooting steps, please assist me in collecting the following

    How to collect the WindowsUpdate.log file
    1. Click the "Start" Button, type "WindowsUpdate.log" (without the quotes)
    in the Search Bar and Press Enter. We will see a file named
    2. Now click on the "File" menu and then click on the "Save As".
    3. From the left panel, click "Desktop" and click the Save button.

  9. #9
    paulp Guest
    Dear Alex Sang.

    Your advice was excellent and perfectly presented and worked extremely well
    (although Update history now resides in the renamed Folder).

    Thank you very much.

    I do not know why obtaining solutions like this is so difficult and time
    consuming - this information should be readily available to anyone who
    googles "Error Code 737D" and follows a link to a Microsoft Help Site.

    Thanks again!

  10. #10
    Robert Aldwinckle Guest

    Re: Code 737D Error - Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service

    and search for the decimal equivalent of your code...
    and add (MSFT OR MVP) as an additional filter expression
    (e.g. to try to highlight threads with answers)...

    Oh great. That (filter) information is there but it is not indexed
    by the site's search engine...

    So try a Live Search full web search then:

    and use some links to Cached hits if necessary.

    Otherwise the way the forum site's search appears to work is that
    it can find you *threads* which contain the code and give you
    the date and the poster's name but from there you have to find
    the hit manually. How useful! (In a thread of 160 posts, given
    over 11 pages? Not!)

    Perfect. An MVP who "doesn't know what to do" (but who at least
    knows enough to provide a verbose log for someone to look at)...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    SQL Server resolutions

    I had MSSQL MSDE installed as part of Pinnacle Systems software. I disabled the MSSQL engine. When the MSQL SQL Server 2000 update came out - it failed. Shawn's advice in the above thread instructing me to change the MSSQL* from disabled to manual solved the problem. The update which was a pain in the neck for the past couple of months has now been successfully applied. Thanks Shawn.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)

    This worked well for me:
    Fix for SQL 2005 SP2 patch (KB948109) not installing
    Rename C:\Windows\System32\CatRoot2 to
    net stop WuAuServ
    Rename C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution to

    Change permissions on (give full control to the folder/files for listed accounts)
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data
    Disable any virus scan
    Run the stand alone update.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Security Update for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (KB948109)

    SQL Server Installation Problem And Operating System Compatibility Warning

    Hello everybody,
    I have question ablout the installing SQL Server 2005 in the windows XP profesional, I always install sql server on my machine with the Windows XP professional edition as usual without any problem but now
    I have a strange problem, first on the System configuration stepeverything is OK except €œSQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning) €œ ,with this message :

    - SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)
    ·SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

    ·Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

    Meanwhile the main problem is in the €œ Component to install €? window as I don€™t see these serises of component checkbox enable! Except the €œWorlstation component, books online and development tool €œ,

    sql server database services -->disable
    anlysis services -->disable
    reporting services -->disable
    notification services -->disable
    integration services -->disable
    Worlstation component, books online and development tool -->enable

    And after that I make sure about the serious problem and then I decide to continuing installation with clicking on the enable check box and then I have an instance of SQL Server on my machine but it isn€™t compelete .
    I tried to solving my problem with unistalling the SQL Server and reinstalling the this software again but this problem still exist, and then I decide to change my window and reinstalling this again , I do that but
    It is not work out!!

  14. #14
    navkor Guest
    I'm not sure if it's too late to add input to this, but I resolved the issue
    successfully. The first thing you want to do is download and save the
    installation file from this location and after saving it unzip it.

    Then, go to add/remove programs in your control panel (or just uninstall a
    program if you're using vista).

    Then select Microsoft SQL 2005 and click Change at the top of the list.

    Then select Microsoft SQL Express

    and click next...follow the instructions until it asks you to go find the
    source of the file "sqlrun_sql.msi". That's when you'll go to your unzipped
    folder and go to setup and then click open. It'll finish doing the install.
    Then you can finish doing that and any subsequent updates.

    I am having the same problem, still!

  15. #15
    Harry Johnston [MVP] Guest

    Re: Code 737D Error - Security Update for SQL Server 2005 ServicePack

    Have you tried the suggestions already in this thread?

    Otherwise, as this thread is very old, I suggest you start a new thread with a
    detailed description of your problem, including which operating system and
    service pack you are running.

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