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Thread: Trouble installing Windows XP SP3 and other MS updates

  1. #1
    DanP Guest

    Trouble installing Windows XP SP3 and other MS updates

    I am having trouble installing Windows XP SP3 and other MS updates. I have
    read and tried many options through
    out the document and links with no success. I have Norton Internet security
    that I disabled and stopped programs that run during startup like AOL IM… It
    looks like it gets through the upgrade and fails at the end.

  2. #2
    Engel Guest
    Hello Dan,

    When you try to install an update for the .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0,
    you may receive Windows Update error code "0x643" or Windows Installer error
    code "1603":

    I hope this post is helpful.

    Let us know how it works ºut.

  3. #3
    DanP Guest

    Re: Trouble installing Windows XP SP3

    Thanks Shenan for the link to asking questions the smart way. Well
    received, let me try it again.

    The problem is when install installing Windows XP SP3 the install fails,
    rolls back and gives a message that Windows XP was partially updated and may
    not work properly. The process seems to get almost to the end before failing.

    What I am running:
    Dell Dimension DXP061
    MS Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 SP2
    Intel Processor

    What I have done:
    Read Steps to take before you
    install Windows XP Service Pack 3 and reviewed perform what was written as
    1. Complied requirements up to the Troubleshooting Windows XP SP3
    installation section
    2. In the Troubleshooting section skipped Not enough hard disk space, Access
    Denied, Insufficient permissions sections. I reviewed,,, never got any error message dialogs
    or any written messages in the svcpack.log file access related or space
    related or what was written in these three articles.
    3. Reviewed the section Errors that are related to the Cryptographic
    service, got through methods 1-5 of article, working on method 6.
    4. This is when I can to this forum for help.

    Errors in the svcpack.log that look important include:
    1. Service Pack 3 Setup encountered an error: The update.ver file is not
    correct. (17 of these lines)
    2. Failed to open c:\windows\$hf_mig$\KB904706\update\updatebr.inf (17 of
    these lines)
    3. GetCatVersion: Failed to retrieve version information from
    C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x57 (20 + of these lines)
    4. PruneCatalogsFromHotfixes:RegQueryValueEx Failed: 0x2 (4 of these lines)
    5. ExConditionalRunInfProcesses: Error 0x1 while running processes in
    section 'ToGac.RunProcess.ProcessesToRun.'
    6. DoInstallation: ExConditionalRunInfProcess failed while durring
    7. Service Pack 3 Setup encountered an error: An error in updating your
    system has occurred

  4. #4
    If you want trouble free installation of SP3, then I suggest download
    the full-file version of SP3
    then go off-line (i.e. unplug the cable from modem/lan), reboot the
    system in SAFE MODE, Install the SP3 (the file you just downloaded),
    reboot the system normally, problem solved!!

    To go into SAFE MODE, you need to press F8 key when booting so that
    black screen with DOS-Like characters appear where you can use arrow
    keys to go to the first item SAFE MODE.

  5. #5
    DanP Guest
    It took me awhile to get through all these methods. Turns out they didn't
    work either, I have the same result and svcpack.log

    I'm going to reply again and copy everything in the svcpack.log file except
    the copy lines.

    I’m Almost ready to boot to windows distribution, format hard drive and
    start over

  6. #6
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Trouble installing Windows XP SP3 the svcpack.log file

    Did you reinstall WinXP just before you installed SP3 and/or did you attempt
    to install SP3 manually or did you install it via Windows Update?

    1883.515: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf070


    How to troubleshoot an unsuccessful installation of Windows XP Service Pack

    LOOK!!! => Free unlimited installation and compatibility support is
    available for Windows XP, but only for Service Pack 3 (SP3), until 14
    Apr-09. Chat and e-mail support is available only in the United States and

    • US:

    • CA:

    • UK:

    • AU:

    • Other: | select
    Windows XP | select Windows XP Service Pack 3

  7. #7
    DanP Guest
    I was replying to Shenan. I had tried everything suggested without any
    success. This included trying the update thorugh the MS update web site,
    direct download of Windows XP SP3, including the IT professonnel version of
    SP3. That's why I included the rest of the svcpack.log file, to see if there
    was something indicating why the update was rolling back.

    I did reenstall Windows XP a few months back over my existing version from
    my OEM CD and got the updates from the MS update web site at that time.

  8. #8
    DanP Guest
    Thanks for the help, I ended up reinitializing the computer back to factory
    and getting all the MS updates installed, installed all apps and Norton

    Now that I have a stable system is there a way to save current configuration
    so I can restore everything if there are problems in the future.

    I had trouble with the MS system restore failing before I tried to install
    MS SP3, tried several dates all failed.

  9. #9
    liv Guest

    updates to winxp sp3 etc

    not to be a complete simpleton... but, it looks as though i would reinstall all your drivers that you know are complatable with your OS, reformat (save all files on external harddrive if possible) Install OS on clean slate...then questionable drivers last. DEFRAG - START AND COMPLETE ALL UPDATES AT ONCE IF POSSIBLE.. COULD TAKE 25 HOURS..



  10. #10
    gtbfl Guest

    Re: Trouble installing Windows XP SP3 and other MS updates

    I had the same problem

    As per:

    775.890: Return Code = 1
    775.890: ExConditionalRunInfProcesses: Error 0x1 while running processes in
    section 'ToGac.RunProcess.ProcessesToRun.'
    775.890: DoInstallation: ExConditionalRunInfProcess failed while durring

    I deleted all Microsoft.Net Framework installs from Add/Remove programs then
    ran XP SP3 which completed, then reinstalled the latest Microsoft.Net

    I didn't figure this out on my own. You can check the following link for the
    whole story

  11. #11
    MowGreen Guest

    Re: Trouble installing Windows XP SP3 and other MS updates

    Sorry, the problem is NOT the same one that your system was
    experiencing. The svcpack.log file in the post is showing that the
    CatRoot2 subfolder has corrupted data. To confirm that this is the issue
    run the SignatureVerification Tool which will create a log file in the
    WINDOWS directory.

    Click Start, click Run, type sigverif.exe, and then click OK.
    Click Advanced.
    Click 'Notify me if any system files are not signed'
    On the Logging tab, make sure the Save the file signature verification
    results to a log file check box is selected
    Give a LogName like C:\Windows\SigVerif.txt and click OK
    Click Start.

    IF SigVerif.txt shows that system (Windows) binaries are Unsigned, then

    1) Log in as an Administrator or with a User Account that has Admin
    2) Start a Command Prompt (Start > Run > type in cmd, click OK)
    3) At the command prompt type the following messages
    3.a) net stop cryptsvc
    3.b) ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 oldcatroot2
    3.c) net start cryptsvc
    3.d) exit
    4) Now go into the subfolder {F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}


    5) Delete all tmp*.cat files from the folder. (If no files that start
    with tmp exist in this folder, *** do not remove any other files***.
    The .cat files in this subfolder are necessary for installing hotfixes
    and service packs.)

    An XP SP3 system that has no Unsigned binaries in the SigVerif.txt will
    show this at the beginning of the log -

    Log file generated on 10/24/2009 at 10:30 AM
    OS Platform: Windows 2000 (x86), Version: 5.1, Build: 2600,
    CSDVersion: Service Pack 3
    Scan Results: Total Files: 3578, Signed: 2535, Unsigned: 0, Not
    Scanned: 1043

  12. #12
    chris howard Guest


    Most of these errors or presumed corruption issues are caused either by malicious software running or Anti-Virus/security software running. I had to download the norton removal tool to get the heinous Norton360 product off my computer. Upon doing that, everything worked in the installation without a hitch. Norton has done nothing but wasted more money then it has saved for the consumer. I'd rather have a virus IMO...

  13. #13
    Bob E. Soxx Guest

    Re: AntiVirus

    Hey HoopleHead EggHeader:

    Why are you replying to a thread from 2008 and changing the subject line? Do
    you really think the OP is coming back and would know to look at your

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