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Thread: Windows update : Error number: 0x80070002

  1. #1
    Paqman Guest

    Windows update : Error number: 0x80070002

    When I try to reach windows update site with Windows Vista I get the error
    "Error number: 0x80070002"

    I can't find information on this topic in the searcgh, any clues?

  2. #2
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Windows update : Error number: 0x80070002

    You receive a "0x80070002" or "0x80070003" error code after you download an
    update from
    Windows Update, from Microsoft Update, or from Windows Server Update

  3. #3
    Paqman Guest

    Re: Windows update : Error number: 0x80070002

    No, I don't start a download, I am just trying to reach the Windows update
    page. So no download selection were done yet.

    1) I try to reach this site:

    2) Which redirects me to:

    This page contains this :
    "The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
    trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.
    For self-help options:

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Find Solutions
    Windows Update Newsgroup

    For assisted support options:
    Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for Windows Update issues)
    Read more about steps you can take to resolve this problem (error number
    0x80070002) yourself."

    On the upper right corner, I have this string present: [Error number:

    When I click on "find solution", I find a solution(similar to the one you
    pointed out to me) which seems to be related to my problem and titled: "When
    searching for available updates on the Update site, you see the 0x80070002 or
    0x80070003 error "

    I follow the steps, which asks me to stop the (1)Windows update service,
    (2)remove the content of C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and
    C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore and then (3) Restart the Windows
    update service.
    I even played it safe and retried the steps in that page but with Windows
    Explorer 7.0.6000.16609 closed first. (All instances, I browsed the bug fix
    page with FF)

    These steps has no effect and the problem persists.

  4. #4
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest
    Why didn't you post all of that information in your first post?

    The steps you took are those listed in the KB article I cited, Paqman! It's
    possible that an update you installed earlier may have caused the problem.

    In any event, see if downloading/installing this update manually resolves
    the problem:


    Start a free Windows Update support incident request:

    Support for Windows Update:

    For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY in
    the United States and in Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft
    subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls that are associated with
    security updates. When you call, clearly state that your problem is related
    to a Security Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB123456).

    For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
    for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

    For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through
    your usual support contacts.

  5. #5
    Paqman Guest

    Re: Windows update : Error number: 0x80070002

    I usually consider it bad form in a forum structured as this one to add the
    previous post since it is strucutre in a tree view format and that it is
    quite obvious that I answer the post one level up in the tree. Thus, out of
    courtesy, I left the junk out.

    I think my original post was clear enough: "When I try to reach windows
    update site with Windows Vista I get the error. "Error number: 0x80070002" "

    Did I say download, no! just reach the page.

    Yes I know and I found out about this after you posted.

    Out of courtesy for others, you should leave sarcasm out of support public
    forums since it ususally automatically result in sarcasm in return.

    In any case, thanks for the feed back, I will use the support link you
    pointed out.

  6. #6
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest
    Except that this is a newsgroup, not a forum, and not everyone here uses
    that clunky web-interface to access these newsgroups and so doesn't have
    access to the tree-view format.

    I'm having a similar problem but when trying to rename the
    SoftwareDistribution directory I'm getting an error that Access is denied.

    I'm using Windows Vista and have tried turning off other programs (could
    this be a security setting?) - my user setting is as Administrator.

  7. #7
    jbomz3 Guest

    Re: Windows update : Error number: 0x80070002

    Hello , another one here when i try 'Microsoft Update
    just get the Error number: 0x80070002 rubbish . I've tried 'Erro
    message when you use the Windows Update Web site or Microsoft Update We
    site to install updates: \"0x80070002\"
    ( 'Description of the Syste
    Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista and for Windows Server 2008
    ( al
    to no avail , any other ideas ? I've got a email in with microsoft , an
    i telephoned a few hours ago the guy wasn't sure if the update webpag
    defo' works with vista or just xp , anyone confirm that please ?

  8. #8
    sailor Guest
    This is a vista support forum, right? Quit acting like a Microsof
    tool and provide some actual tech support instead of steering peopl
    into the inpenetrable microsoft beaurocracy. I hate to start flamin
    like this, but you're listed as a MS MVP - you should be providing th
    highest level of support

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