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Thread: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

  1. #1
    althomas69 Guest

    KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    missing something?

  2. #2
    Crupi52 Guest
    I am having the same problem. I am getting error code: 0x663

  3. #3
    adamkertesz Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    Same non-install, error code 0x643. Tried to delete downloaded from
    C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download, did not help.
    Probably we have to uninstall something (service pack 1 or the whole 1.1),
    Or we will have a better update-pack.
    Who knows?

    "althomas69" wrote:

    > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > missing something?

  4. #4
    cman Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    I'm having the same problems and getting the failed to install error code.
    The update keeps popping up though regardless of how often I attempt to
    install and it continues to fail.

    "althomas69" wrote:

    > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > missing something?

  5. #5
    tp01masch Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    I also am having a problem. I have two computers. A Dell 650 Workstation
    where the update failed and a Toshiba Tecra M4 where the update worked. I
    have tried several times on the Dell with no success. I also deleted it and
    everything else from Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and that did not

    "althomas69" wrote:

    > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > missing something?

  6. #6
    oldman50 Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    I get 0x643

    "Crupi52" wrote:

    > I am having the same problem. I am getting error code: 0x663
    > "althomas69" wrote:
    > > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > > missing something?

  7. #7 Guest

    Re: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    On Jul 10, 11:16 pm, althomas69 <>
    > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > missing something?

    I got the same problem, solved it like so:

    1) Download the update (KB928366) from the Microsoft Download website:
    When running the update it asks for a file called "netfx.msi".

    2) To get "netfx.msi" (if it's not on your harddrive), download the
    Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package from
    This is a file called "dotnetfx.exe". Use WinRAR to open the file.
    Among the file in the archive you'll see "netfx.msi". Extract this
    file somewhere.

    3) Point the KB928366-updater to the file "netfx.msi" you just
    extracted. Installation will continue normal and the update will
    finish without an error.

    Hope this might be of some help!

  8. #8 Guest

    Re: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    On Jul 10, 5:16 pm, althomas69 <>
    > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > missing something?

    Here is EXACTLY what you do to solve this problem for Windows XP 32
    bit. If you happen to have a rarer 64 bit version, server OS, or
    SOMETHING else follow the same general instructions but get the
    version of the files appropriate for your system but first, Microsoft
    has pissed me off beyond belief. I looked in my log and this same
    thing happened 6/2006...thanks MSFT for torturing us again this year.
    I thought it was a familiar feeling...nice branding...this is a huge
    humiliation for their .NET team in my opinion or perhaps we should
    start calling them the .NOT team...anyway....

    1) Go to the control panel and select the add/remove software tool
    then TRY and remove everything with .NET in the name. If you can
    remove everything go to step 3. If you cannot remove everything go to
    step 2.

    2) Go and download the windows installer clean up tool at:

    run the windows installer clean up tool and BE CAREFUL to only select
    the .NET items from the list and remove them. Note: this will likely
    leave the names as "dead links" in the Add/Remove Software list
    (ahhh ...Microsoft thoroughness at its best) but not to worry they
    will do no harm and will get fixed when we finish. It's possible to
    clean them up but let's stay out of the registry :-)

    3) Go and get the file "dotnetfx.exe" this is ".NET 1.1" from:

    install it.

    4) Go and get the file "NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe" this is the ".NET
    1.1 service pack 1" from: my personal website (JUST KIDDING,
    RELAX...get everything of course from a domain)

    install it.

    5) Install the SECURITY patch, the dreaded KB928366, we have all grown
    to hate. You can install it from the Windows Update program (be sure
    to ONLY select the KB928366 patch and NOTHING else, we dont want to
    put back 2.0 or 3.0 yet). It's OK go ahead and click will be can do's just one more time... :-)

    6) Re-run the Windows Update and you can add back in .NET 2.0 and 3.0

    7) Post to thank me...

    Now WHY hasn't Microsoft posted instructions yet? .... What is UP?!

    Good night!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I have this problem as well. Currently its occuring on a live production server. Most of the suggested fixes is to "uninstall" and "reinstall". These are simple not viable options for me. In addition, I need 1.1 as well 2.0 operational on the server at all times.

    Why doesn't someone from Microsoft fire the person that created the problem and get this fixed?

  10. #10
    Tony P Guest

    K928366 won't install - found a solution

    I was having this problem on a Dell Inspiron. I killed off all non-essential processes, started the update, and then killed explorer.exe too.

    I don't know what was causing the update to abort, but here are some things that were running:

    kpf4ss.exe kpf4gui.exe (Sunbelt Personal Firewall)
    nvsvc32.exe (NVidia)
    EM_EXEC.exe (Logitech)
    appservices.exe (Iomega)
    acs.exe (Atheros) - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

  11. #11 Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    Gliorgios, To finish your last sentence...was your complete uninstal using
    Windows Uninstaller v3.0 to uninstall all 3 >Net Framework entries and then
    reinstall all three again "SUCCESSFULL" or NOT? If successful, how did U find
    ..Net Famework V2.0 and 3.0 to reinstall. If your way works, it's the first
    even available as Microsoft Remains DumbMum to any responses to DEFECTIVE
    KBKN928366 FAILURE TO INSTALL after Downloading.

    "Giorgios" wrote:

    > Same problem. It must be wide. Microsoft must come up with a solution
    > to it. I had same problem with .NET framwork 1.1 SP1 and I had to wipe
    > all the .NET with clean up tool which I got from support and than reinstall
    > all again.
    > Gman
    > "cman" wrote:
    > >
    > > I'm having the same problems and getting the failed to install error code.
    > > The update keeps popping up though regardless of how often I attempt to
    > > install and it continues to fail.
    > >
    > >
    > > "althomas69" wrote:
    > >
    > > > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > > > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > > > missing something?

  12. #12
    Mark M Morse Guest

    Re: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    Hi Rusty and John:

    I had a reoffer problem with this update on an XP system. After
    searching this newsgroup, I
    found the following post (pasted below) by a great guy in France.
    His steps
    are easy to follow, and it fixed my issue. His post is from

    Maybe it will help you, too.


    ~ Mark


    This is an old bug showing up again. Although the official solution
    involves reinstalling the framework after manipulating the registry
    with the
    installer cleanup tool, there's a much simpler way to fix this:

    1. Instead of using Windows Update, download the KB928366 package
    from here:
    Do not install yet.

    2. Download the .Net framework 1.1 redistributable package from here

    3. Use Winzip or a similar utility to unpack dotnetfx.exe in a
    folder of
    your choice. You should get the following files:

    4. Launch the KB928366 installer. It will soon complain that it can
    find the
    installation CD-ROM (don't ask me why). Browse to the folder where
    unpacked the dotnetfx files.

    That's it.

    This procedure can be applied to any similar situation regarding
    framework updates. I'm using it since years (that is, since this
    Update bug exists).

    Good luck.

    Patrick Philippot - Microsoft MVP
    MainSoft Consulting Services

    rusty wrote:
    >i give up

    > JohnBurns wrote:
    >> Same here. HELP! Microsoft - you have a problem!

  13. #13
    SAM-R Guest

    Re: KB928366 Microsoft Support Team Dumb and Mum

    Try this. It was posted here in July.

    1) Go to the control panel and select the add/remove software tool
    then TRY and remove everything with .NET in the name. If you can
    remove everything go to step 3. If you cannot remove everything go to
    step 2.

    2) Go and download the windows installer clean up tool at:

    run the windows installer clean up tool and BE CAREFUL to only select
    the .NET items from the list and remove them. Note: this will likely
    leave the names as "dead links" in the Add/Remove Software list
    (ahhh ...Microsoft thoroughness at its best) but not to worry they
    will do no harm and will get fixed when we finish. It's possible to
    clean them up but let's stay out of the registry :-)

    3) Go and get the file "dotnetfx.exe" this is ".NET 1.1" from:

    install it.

    4) Go and get the file "NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe" this is the ".NET
    1.1 service pack 1"

    install it.

    5) Install the SECURITY patch, the dreaded KB928366, we have all grown
    to hate. You can install it from the Windows Update program (be sure
    to ONLY select the KB928366 patch and NOTHING else, we dont want to
    put back 2.0 or 3.0 yet). It's OK go ahead and click will be can do's just one more time... :-)

    6) Re-run the Windows Update and you can add back in .NET 2.0 and 3.0

    <Eugene H Brown> wrote in message
    >I now have 83 downloads and same amount of "Install Failures" for
    >Microsoft's KB928366 along with 25 plus online unanswered inquiries to
    >, all of which I've never encountered such an upfront sign of
    >total failure from Gate's
    > If you EVER find a FIX for this MS Mess please let me know of solution
    > procedure.
    > Meanwhile, I don't think a fix is forthcomng from this now sinking
    > ship-MS. So am spending too much considerable time to NEVER AGAIN be
    > abandoned by another OS Giant run by a an non-operative customer support
    > team. I believe Apple's MAC appears to be a considerable alternative in
    > favor of available. I now search to both learn about new to me MAC OS.
    > And of course a good deal on new investment. ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED.
    > Sincerely,
    > Eugene H Brown
    > 13617 Porter Creek Rd
    > Charlotte, NC 28262-1659
    > 704.503.4740
    > EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

  14. #14
    Adrian Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    I had the same issue but I found the cause, and a non-destructive fix.

    ..NET, SQL 2005, Visual Studio, MSXML and many other packages that use
    Windows Installer tend to drop MSI and MSP files in C:\Windows\Installer.

    Updates to such packages often seek the original files in this folder.
    The .NET patch q928366 is one such update.

    But these files can be rather large and you can end up with a lot of them,
    and if the C: drive gets full, some people identify this folder as using a
    lot of space and figure that .MSI and .MSP files are not required for any
    existing software to run, so they are safe to delete...

    On my server, the MSP & MSI files had been moved to another drive, and if
    you hover the mouse over them or right-click and select properties, summary,
    it tells you what each was for.

    I just copied all the MSI and MSP files that identified themselves as
    relating to .NET back to C:\Windows\Installer and reran the patch, and it
    worked, no problems.

    "althomas69" wrote:

    > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > missing something?

  15. #15
    Arniecat Guest

    RE: KB928366 Security Update won't install after downloading

    Have the same problem this end!!! frustrating!!! I looked at the quantity to
    download and it says nil, also the time is the same!

    "hammer ready" wrote:

    > "althomas69" wrote:
    > > Whenever I try to apply this update, I keep gerring the error message that it
    > > won't install. Ive tried over and over but still the same results. Am I
    > > missing something?

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