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Thread: WSUSand error 0x80244019, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code =

  1. #1
    Skamionek Guest

    WSUSand error 0x80244019, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code =

    We just went from WSUS 2 to WSUS 3 and none of the clients are checking in.
    I found a document by accident show what IIS virtual directories are needed
    (but cannot relocate it) We keep our existing data. I see the client
    machines but they have not checked in since last week.

    2007-05-03 08:50:05:203 1836 c10 Service *************
    2007-05-03 08:50:05:250 1836 c10 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
    2007-05-03 08:50:05:250 1836 c10 Service *********
    2007-05-03 08:50:06:046 1836 c10 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.374
    2007-05-03 08:50:06:046 1836 c10 Agent * Base directory:
    2007-05-03 08:50:06:109 1836 c10 Agent * Access type: No proxy
    2007-05-03 08:50:06:109 1836 c10 Agent * Network state: Connected
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
    Windows Update Agent ***********
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
    global settings cache ***********
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * WSUS server:
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * WSUS status server:
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * Target group: Workstations
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:345 1836 c10 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:477 1836 c10 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
    Updates ###########
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # WSUS server: http://hobbes/selfupdate
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Detection frequency: 22
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Target group: Workstations
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
    day at 3:00
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
    (User preference)
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:626 1836 c10 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
    2007-05-04 07:00:00
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 AU AU finished delayed initialization
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 Report *********** Report: Initializing
    static reporting data ***********
    2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
    2007-05-03 08:50:57:421 1836 c10 Report * Computer Brand = Dell Inc.

    2007-05-03 08:50:57:421 1836 c10 Report * Computer Model = Precision
    WorkStation 370
    2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Revision = A08
    2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Name = Phoenix ROM BIOS
    PLUS Version 1.10 A08
    2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Release Date =
    2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Locale ID = 1033
    2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    new PID is available
    2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    code = 404
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    events with hr = 80244019.
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    new PID is available
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    code = 404
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    events with hr = 80244019.
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    new PID is available
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    code = 404
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    events with hr = 80244019.

  2. #2
    MowGreen [MVP] Guest

    Re: WSUSand error 0x80244019, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code=

    It would behoove you to post the issue here :
    Windows Server Update Services Newsgroup

    MowGreen [MVP 2003-2007]
    *-343-* FDNY
    Never Forgotten

    Skamionek wrote:

    > We just went from WSUS 2 to WSUS 3 and none of the clients are checking in.
    > I found a document by accident show what IIS virtual directories are needed
    > (but cannot relocate it) We keep our existing data. I see the client
    > machines but they have not checked in since last week.
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:05:203 1836 c10 Service *************
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:05:250 1836 c10 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:05:250 1836 c10 Service *********
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:046 1836 c10 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.374
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:046 1836 c10 Agent * Base directory:
    > C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:109 1836 c10 Agent * Access type: No proxy
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:109 1836 c10 Agent * Network state: Connected
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
    > Windows Update Agent ***********
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
    > global settings cache ***********
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * WSUS server:
    > http://hobbes/selfupdate
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * WSUS status server:
    > http://hobbes/selfupdate
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * Target group: Workstations
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:345 1836 c10 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
    > downloads
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:477 1836 c10 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
    > Updates ###########
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # WSUS server: http://hobbes/selfupdate
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Detection frequency: 22
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Target group: Workstations
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
    > preference)
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
    > day at 3:00
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
    > (User preference)
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:626 1836 c10 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
    > 2007-05-04 07:00:00
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 AU AU finished delayed initialization
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 Report *********** Report: Initializing
    > static reporting data ***********
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:421 1836 c10 Report * Computer Brand = Dell Inc.
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:421 1836 c10 Report * Computer Model = Precision
    > WorkStation 370
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Revision = A08
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Name = Phoenix ROM BIOS
    > PLUS Version 1.10 A08
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Release Date =
    > 2006-07-07T00:00:00
    > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Locale ID = 1033
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    > new PID is available
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    > clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    > DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    > http://hobbes/selfupdate/SimpleAuthW...impleAuth.asmx
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    > error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    > code = 404
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    > Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    > 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    > events with hr = 80244019.
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    > new PID is available
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    > clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    > DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    > http://hobbes/selfupdate/SimpleAuthW...impleAuth.asmx
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    > error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    > code = 404
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    > Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    > 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    > events with hr = 80244019.
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    > new PID is available
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    > clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    > DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    > http://hobbes/selfupdate/SimpleAuthW...impleAuth.asmx
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    > error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    > code = 404
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    > Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    > 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    > events with hr = 80244019.

  3. #3
    Brian Guest

    Re: WSUSand error 0x80244019, soap error code = 0, HTTP status cod

    Can you connect to the WSUS server via a web browser, ie
    http://wsusserver:8530? I found that this error on my system gave me an
    access denied. I am still trying to figure that out however that is what I
    found so far. It seems to be a permissions error.


    "MowGreen [MVP]" wrote:

    > It would behoove you to post the issue here :
    > Windows Server Update Services Newsgroup
    > MowGreen [MVP 2003-2007]
    > ===============
    > *-343-* FDNY
    > Never Forgotten
    > ===============
    > Skamionek wrote:
    > > We just went from WSUS 2 to WSUS 3 and none of the clients are checking in.
    > > I found a document by accident show what IIS virtual directories are needed
    > > (but cannot relocate it) We keep our existing data. I see the client
    > > machines but they have not checked in since last week.
    > >
    > >
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:05:203 1836 c10 Service *************
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:05:250 1836 c10 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:05:250 1836 c10 Service *********
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:046 1836 c10 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.374
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:046 1836 c10 Agent * Base directory:
    > > C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:109 1836 c10 Agent * Access type: No proxy
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:06:109 1836 c10 Agent * Network state: Connected
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
    > > Windows Update Agent ***********
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
    > > global settings cache ***********
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * WSUS server:
    > > http://hobbes/selfupdate
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * WSUS status server:
    > > http://hobbes/selfupdate
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * Target group: Workstations
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:313 1836 c10 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:345 1836 c10 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0
    > > downloads
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:477 1836 c10 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
    > > Updates ###########
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # WSUS server: http://hobbes/selfupdate
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Detection frequency: 22
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Target group: Workstations
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Approval type: Scheduled (User
    > > preference)
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Scheduled install day/time: Every
    > > day at 3:00
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:510 1836 c10 AU # Auto-install minor updates: Yes
    > > (User preference)
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:626 1836 c10 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to
    > > 2007-05-04 07:00:00
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 AU AU finished delayed initialization
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 Report *********** Report: Initializing
    > > static reporting data ***********
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:55:642 1836 c10 Report * OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:421 1836 c10 Report * Computer Brand = Dell Inc.
    > >
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:421 1836 c10 Report * Computer Model = Precision
    > > WorkStation 370
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Revision = A08
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Name = Phoenix ROM BIOS
    > > PLUS Version 1.10 A08
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Bios Release Date =
    > > 2006-07-07T00:00:00
    > > 2007-05-03 08:50:57:619 1836 c10 Report * Locale ID = 1033
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    > > new PID is available
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    > > clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    > > DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:18:621 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    > > http://hobbes/selfupdate/SimpleAuthW...impleAuth.asmx
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    > > error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    > > code = 404
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    > > Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    > > 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:515 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    > > events with hr = 80244019.
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    > > new PID is available
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    > > clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    > > DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:581 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    > > http://hobbes/selfupdate/SimpleAuthW...impleAuth.asmx
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    > > error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    > > code = 404
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    > > Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    > > 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:597 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    > > events with hr = 80244019.
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or
    > > new PID is available
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT Initializing simple targeting cookie,
    > > clientId = bbb1819b-6a83-47f3-94e8-b1c1330f98c9, target group = Workstations,
    > > DNS name = njg0300.njpliga.local
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT Server URL =
    > > http://hobbes/selfupdate/SimpleAuthW...impleAuth.asmx
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: GetAuthorizationCookie failure,
    > > error = 0x80244019, soap client error = 10, soap error code = 0, HTTP status
    > > code = 404
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: Failed to initialize Simple
    > > Targeting Cookie: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: PopulateAuthCookies failed:
    > > 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshCookie failed: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: RefreshPTState failed: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 PT WARNING: PTError: 0x80244019
    > > 2007-05-03 08:51:20:663 1836 184 Report WARNING: Reporter failed to upload
    > > events with hr = 80244019.
    > >


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