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Thread: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474) says...

  1. #1
    Stewart Guest

    Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474) says... copy of Windows is not genuine, and that I may be a victim of
    pirated software.

    Windows came with my HP computer last year. It has a certificate of
    authenticity and I seriously doubt HP is a pirate (even if this update
    suggests otherwise). Moreover, this copy of Windows has be validated
    several times before (when downloading software from Microsoft's web
    site, for example), without any problems whatsoever.

    I have tried several of the suggestions on the Windows Genuine
    Advantage Talkback forum at...

    I have went to to revalidate, with no
    success. I have also tried the MGA Diagnostic Tool, which resulted in
    a bunch of garbage without any solution offered. I was going to post a
    copy of the results to the WGA Validation Problems forum at...

    ...but it appears I have to sign up to something to access that
    forum (a lot of talk about Windows Passport, Hotmail, and more) and
    provide even more information about my computer for Microsoft to screw
    up. Since I would rather not do all that, I'm instead sitting at my
    computer in a really pissed off mood, with not a clue what to do next.

    At the same time, my copy of Office XP is also now saying it is not
    a genuine copy, which may or may not be related to this Windows update
    (the update doesn't say anything about Office, but this started at the
    same time). I purchased Office XP from a military PX several years ago
    (the military is also not likely a pirate, in spite of what this
    update suggests), and it has also been validated numerous times before
    (to download updates and additions from Microsoft's web site).

    As I said, I'm in a really pissed off mood. I really don't need this
    hassle in my life at the moment. So, instead of doing anything else to
    fix this, I'm not doing another thing. If Microsoft can screw up my
    computer with an update, they can just as easily fix it with an
    update. And I damn sure expect them to do so soon. If I'm deprived of
    the use of my computer for one moment because of this garbage, or am
    forced to continuing seeing bs messages all over my computer each time
    I use it, I'm going to look into the possibility of taking Microsoft
    to the German equivalent of the American small claims court.


  2. #2
    Robin Walker [MVP] Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474) says...

    Stewart <> wrote:

    > copy of Windows is not genuine, and that I may be a victim of
    > pirated software.

    This problem might be caused by failure of a recent update to install
    correctly. That might be caused by some problem in your PC, rather than a
    defect with Microsoft's Genuine Advantage validation program.

    > So, instead of doing anything else to
    > fix this, I'm not doing another thing.

    Should you change your mind, please post into followups in this thread:

    (a) the contents of the file C:\WINDOWS\WgaNotify.log
    (b) the output from the MGADiag application (click the "Copy to clipboard"
    button and paste the result)

    Robin Walker [MVP Networking]

  3. #3
    Mike Kerr Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB9054

    I'm as hacked off as Stewart ... I can't get any of the Diags offered in the
    mails to work ... my machine simply stalls ... I attempted to paste my
    WGANotify.log but it is too long ... is there somewhere else i can put it.

    I object to the inference that i would use illegal software ... any positive
    help would be gratefully received.


    "Robin Walker [MVP]" wrote:

    > Stewart <> wrote:
    > > copy of Windows is not genuine, and that I may be a victim of
    > > pirated software.

    > This problem might be caused by failure of a recent update to install
    > correctly. That might be caused by some problem in your PC, rather than a
    > defect with Microsoft's Genuine Advantage validation program.
    > > So, instead of doing anything else to
    > > fix this, I'm not doing another thing.

    > Should you change your mind, please post into followups in this thread:
    > (a) the contents of the file C:\WINDOWS\WgaNotify.log
    > (b) the output from the MGADiag application (click the "Copy to clipboard"
    > button and paste the result)
    > --
    > Robin Walker [MVP Networking]

  4. #4
    Alias Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474)says...

    Try using System Restore to restore your computer to a date prior to the

    Once again, folks, WGA screws paying customers and doesn't affect the
    pirates one iota. I guess it's time to take the Linux plunge.

    Last edited by FReakMaster; 07-05-2008 at 06:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Shenan Stanley Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474) says...

    Alias wrote:
    > Once again, folks, WGA screws paying customers and doesn't affect
    > the pirates one iota. I guess it's time to take the Linux plunge.

    I do have to ask, as I have been curious for a while..

    How does anyone know it does not affect the "pirates one iota"?

    One cannot assume it does not affect the pirates just because:

    - "the pirates" don't come post here complaining (although - quite a few
    of these posts do begin with "I am using the corporate Windows XP" or "I
    borrowed my friends CD to upgrade" or such - not this one in particular -
    but there are a fair number.)
    - piracy levels (which I would like to know where these accurate counts
    come from!) have or have not reduced
    - there are cracks released within days (hours) of each rendition of the

    While it is easy to assume that the true "software pirate" remains
    unaffected (as they have the skills to avoid any issues you would think - as
    they are probably the one writing the cracks and such) - there are probably
    many others that are using "pirated software" that know they are using
    pirated software that got said pirated software from friends/family members
    and have not one clue how to download/find said cracks.

    Is that number small? Maybe - hard to gauge.
    Is the number of people actually using pirated software large? Maybe - I
    would venture to say that is hard to gauge as well - because if it was easy
    to gauge - well - it would be easy to counter too, eh?

    While it would be fair to say that this is affecting some well-intentioned
    paying customers as well as some pirates - I do not think you can say it is
    not affecting the pirates with much confidence.

    Personally - on the issue of whether or not Microsoft should be doing
    something like this - I could care less. It is their product they are
    selling - their good/bad choices are their own to make. They will have to
    deal with the results of said choices. (Although you may argue that some
    small resellers and perhaps even large ones have to deal with it too, in
    the end - Microsoft is the one that deals with it because said small and
    large resellers may just choose to use *nix and open office on their next
    personally-sold set of PCs.. For the short term - yep, annoying as hell to
    more than just those who the mechanism is supposedly setup to annoy. For
    the long term - if you can predict the future, I need more money - give me a
    stock tip.)

    My reason for interjecting is that I think if one is going to complain - one
    should complain properly. There is no proof that it is not affecting
    "pirates one iota" because these are not exactly a set of people you can
    poll easily (since you may not know who they are) and you can find many
    posts in these newsgroups and forums like it all over the internet that have
    people either saying "I knew I was using an illegitimate copy of Windows
    XP - but I let it go until now - how can I get rid of this message?" or
    "Hey - anyone know where I can find the crack for the latest release?"

    A true software pirate may be unaffected. The people who initially released
    the pirated versions and/or those who know how to quietly stay in the
    background and get what they need to continue working along may be fine.
    However - those are not the only software pirates out there. There are
    those who know almost nothing about computers, but know their frioend or
    cousin charlie installed Windows XP on their machine and they never paid for
    it. There are those who did it because at the time, they just didn't have
    the money and they knew the right people. There are those who did not even
    know their OEM sold them a pirated version (the truly innocent software
    pirate - they do exist and I do have empathy for them - just like anyone
    else who gets taken in the many other ways possible out there in the real

    So say, "Why should honest people who have proof they paid for the software
    they are being told they did not pay for have to suffer when many software
    pirates (who are the target of said actions) will just download the latest
    crack and move on?" That is fairly accurate. Saying that it has no affect
    on pirates is a guess.

    Also - I truly want to know where people get their "piracy numbers" from. I
    have seen it thrown out that piracy has "decreased/increased since the early
    '90s" (depending on which side of the argument presents it) and I have to
    ask - how do we know that? Wouldn't one have to report that they were using
    the software without paying in an open and representative poll of the planet
    in order to get such information? Numbers are great - they can be bent to
    anyone's will I suppose!

    I don't care about either fanatical side's agendas (the super-microsoft
    conformists or the anti-microsoft pushers) - I just want to know where
    someone - anyone - actually collects these numbers and how they can say they
    are valid representations of.. well - anything.

    Yes - it sucks when good people get caught up in implementations meant to
    protect someone elses interests.. But there is no reason to go to an
    extreme opposite (when you cannot prove that extreme opposite) to make your
    point either.

    Shenan Stanley

  6. #6
    Alias Guest
    My ISP has a private Usenet. The cracks are posted one day after the
    WGAs are released is how I know. They are also posted on non MS Usenet
    Last edited by FReakMaster; 07-05-2008 at 06:43 PM.

  7. #7
    Michael Jennings Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB9054

    On Fri, 02 Jun 2006 08:43:02 -0700, Al wrote:

    > Well, to cap off an equivalent analogy, because people steal cars did NOT
    > make my dealership the last time I visited, render my ignition key
    > inoperative until the dealer replaced it weeks later with one that worked.
    > Doc H.

    It's more like adulterating the gas of drive-away self-service suspects.
    Very annoying if you went in and paid instead of taking off without paying.
    That's not an exact analogy, because filling up on a different OS will run
    your computer. You'd have to figure out how to use the new fuel, though.

    You own the computer. Microsoft owns the operating system. If they're
    inclined to motivate you to try alternatives, you may choose to decline
    or accept. Creatives like OS-X. Geeks like Linux. Everybody else groans
    and goes along with the less expensive (money + time) Redmond alternative.

  8. #8
    Alias Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474)says...

    Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
    > People that make such extreme statements are wrong in this case.
    > Just like other all inclusive statements such as "always", "never","doesn't
    > affect the pirates one iota."
    > Such statements are usually false.

    And the Jupiter goes on to say how it's true:

    > The proof is in the posts in the newsgroups.
    > You have seen post from people who find out they were unknowingly sold
    > pirate Windows.
    > Others have a friend do them a favour and install their copy often not
    > knowing it is a license violation.
    > These are common cases where the computer owner wants to make it right even
    > if it costs.
    > Some people just want to do what is right.

    If a person suspects that their copy of XP is not genuine, they can put
    it in an envelop and send it to MS for inspection. There is no need to
    subject people who have a genuine copy to this nonsense.

    > But if by pirates you discount the casual pirates and only include the
    > determined thieves, the statement is true.

    Of course! I didn't say "casual pirates", I said PIRATES!


  9. #9
    Michael Jennings Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474) says...

    "Stewart" <> wrote in message
    > Okay, after a good sleep, I'm game for one more try at this. Just
    > checked my update history on the Microsoft Update site and each
    > installed successfully (no failures in a very long list of updates -
    > especially long considering this computer is just over a year old).


    While you're in a reconsidering mood, you might want to look
    at Al's postscript to Jupiter Jones at the end of this thread,
    and consider the forum again. (I hate passport too, but...)

  10. #10
    Ottmar Freudenberger Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB9054

    "dapl" <> schrieb:

    > Im happy to paste MGADiag if you tell me where to find it.....


  11. #11
    Alias Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474)says...

    Michael Jennings wrote:
    > "Stewart" <> wrote in message
    >> Okay, after a good sleep, I'm game for one more try at this. Just
    >> checked my update history on the Microsoft Update site and each
    >> installed successfully (no failures in a very long list of updates -
    >> especially long considering this computer is just over a year old).

    > <snip>
    > While you're in a reconsidering mood, you might want to look
    > at Al's postscript to Jupiter Jones at the end of this thread,
    > and consider the forum again. (I hate passport too, but...)

    Be careful what you say there or they will ban you.


  12. #12
    Robin Walker [MVP] Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB9054

    Al <> wrote:

    > went to the WGA forum, sent my diagnostic and log file
    > for my legitimate, non-pirated software, and they solved the problem
    > right away.

    What was the fix? It might be of help to others.

    Robin Walker [MVP Networking]

  13. #13
    Windblows Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB9054

    Ok, first of all the disclaimer. There are many reasons why Microsoft might
    detect an irregularity and confuse legitimate software for non-legitimate.
    In the meantime you can do these fixes 'til ol' Bill gets around to you. Let
    it be said that counterfeit software is against the law and this information
    is not intended to support you losers.

    Yada, Yada. Okay, now to the meat and bones. Anybody telling you to delete
    stuff or screw with your registry is just some nerd techy that's gonna
    confungle it all up for you. The fixes are simple. Just take your time and
    follow them to the T. DO NOT DEVIATE! Allow me to reiterate, DO NOT DEVIATE!

    So Microsoft is detecting a pirated XP on your drive (truly not pirated of
    course, because you have a legit copy . . . naturally). You will have a blue
    star logo annoyingly appearing on the tray. It will persist and get worst.
    Here's the fix. Go to “My Computer” icon>Local Disc ( C: )>Windows>system32.
    Now find and rename these two files (any other name will do): “WgaTray.exe”
    and “WgaLogon.dll”. Now close the window. Hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete, click “Task
    Manager” and click the “Processes” tab, click on “wgatray.exe” and click “End
    Process” button, a warning window will pop up and hit “Yes”. Restart computer

    Hmm hmmm, until you fix the supposed pirated issue you may still see a
    warning icon in you tray prompting you to update. This annoying little
    Windows Update icon will connect you to the Microsoft website where it will
    redetect the non-resolved issue (as of yet) and then start the cycle all
    over. To get rid of that pesky little updates icon follow these steps. Go
    to “Start” button>run>type in "services.msc" and there's gonna be two areas
    you want to concern yourself with in that window. First is "Automatic
    Updates": right click on that and hit properties and the properties window
    pop up, you will see "Startup type", select manual and hit "apply". Now click
    "Automatic Updates" and at the upper left corner select "stop the service".
    The second area of concern is "Security Center", take the same two steps that
    you did for "Automatic Updates". When you've finished go up to the file
    button of the window and hit exit. Then restart your computer. VOILA!

    Now please note until you resolve the pirated issue you will be able to
    download security updates but will not be able to bask in the plethera of
    Microsoft wonders. Such as Internet Explorer version 7 (although you will
    have version 6) or Windows Media player version 11 (but you will have version
    10). I know . . . it's crushing. Besides Firefox and WinAmp are much
    better alternatives anyway. If you haven't yet fixed the pirated issue and
    happen to reload the original blue star logo . . . just follow the simple
    steps and DO NOT DEVIATE!

    Hope this helps until you . . . resolve your issue with Microsoft. ; )

  14. #14
    Cher (BIRDWISE) Guest

    RE: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474)

    Well, I am with you. I have had many more problems than validation issues;
    it is actingg as genuine malicious spyware o n my machine. I considered
    calling the local consumer report tv station to come and see this. No one
    woud beleive it. I am in Boston MA. I see you are in Germany. Microsoft has
    realalay blown it this time. See my other post at WGA Latest Info Reply. Good
    Luck. Cher BIRDWISE
    "Stewart" wrote:

    > copy of Windows is not genuine, and that I may be a victim of
    > pirated software.
    > Windows came with my HP computer last year. It has a certificate of
    > authenticity and I seriously doubt HP is a pirate (even if this update
    > suggests otherwise). Moreover, this copy of Windows has be validated
    > several times before (when downloading software from Microsoft's web
    > site, for example), without any problems whatsoever.
    > I have tried several of the suggestions on the Windows Genuine
    > Advantage Talkback forum at...
    > I have went to to revalidate, with no
    > success. I have also tried the MGA Diagnostic Tool, which resulted in
    > a bunch of garbage without any solution offered. I was going to post a
    > copy of the results to the WGA Validation Problems forum at...
    > ...but it appears I have to sign up to something to access that
    > forum (a lot of talk about Windows Passport, Hotmail, and more) and
    > provide even more information about my computer for Microsoft to screw
    > up. Since I would rather not do all that, I'm instead sitting at my
    > computer in a really pissed off mood, with not a clue what to do next.
    > At the same time, my copy of Office XP is also now saying it is not
    > a genuine copy, which may or may not be related to this Windows update
    > (the update doesn't say anything about Office, but this started at the
    > same time). I purchased Office XP from a military PX several years ago
    > (the military is also not likely a pirate, in spite of what this
    > update suggests), and it has also been validated numerous times before
    > (to download updates and additions from Microsoft's web site).
    > As I said, I'm in a really pissed off mood. I really don't need this
    > hassle in my life at the moment. So, instead of doing anything else to
    > fix this, I'm not doing another thing. If Microsoft can screw up my
    > computer with an update, they can just as easily fix it with an
    > update. And I damn sure expect them to do so soon. If I'm deprived of
    > the use of my computer for one moment because of this garbage, or am
    > forced to continuing seeing bs messages all over my computer each time
    > I use it, I'm going to look into the possibility of taking Microsoft
    > to the German equivalent of the American small claims court.
    > stewart

  15. #15
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (Windows Update #KB905474)

    Cher (BIRDWISE) wrote:
    > Well, I am with you. I have had many more problems than validation issues;
    > it is actingg as genuine malicious spyware o n my machine. I considered
    > calling the local consumer report tv station to come and see this...

    <guffaw> Oh, please...

    See your similar thread in WinXP General. You've got a hijackware
    infection, my dear, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with KB905474!
    ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
    MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
    AumHa VSOP & Admin

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