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Thread: windows update does not work

  1. #1
    Jan Guest

    windows update does not work

    I have windows XP. I have it configured for automatic updates.

    Because I didn't see too many updates lately I was wondering if somethings
    is wrong and I decided to check manually.

    So I went to:

    and my browser shows me a page with this text:

    Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating
    software for use with the website…

    The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software
    your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the
    control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it
    to run.


    Does anyone know what could be wrong?

  2. #2
    Patti MacLeod Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    Hi Jan,

    Give this a try.............

    Go to Start>Run and key in:
    net.exe stop wuauserv
    Click on OK or hit ENTER

    Go to Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wuapi.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wups.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wucltui.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wuweb.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 jscript.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 atl.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 softpub.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 msxml3.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    Start>Run and key in:
    net.exe start wuauserv

    Now try the Windows Update site.

    Alternatively, you could create a command script file to run the above
    commands in a Command Prompt window......

    Go to Start>Run
    Key in:
    Click on OK or hit ENTER

    In the Command Prompt window, key in:
    notepad registerit.cmd
    Hit ENTER

    A Notepad window will open with a dialogue box asking if you want to create
    a new file. Click on Yes in the dialogue box.

    Copy/paste the following, between but not including the asterisks, into the
    Notepad window:

    net stop wuauserv

    regsvr32 /s wuapi.dll

    regsvr32 /s wups.dll

    regsvr32 /s wuaueng.dll

    regsvr32 /s wuaueng1.dll

    regsvr32 /s wucltui.dll

    regsvr32 /s wuweb.dll

    regsvr32 /s jscript.dll

    regsvr32 /s atl.dll

    regsvr32 /s softpub.dll

    regsvr32 /s msxml3.dll

    net start wuauserv

    When finished pasting the above commands into the Notepad window, go to
    File>Save then File>Exit.

    Back in the Command Prompt window, key in:
    Then hit ENTER

    When the file is done running, and you're back at the C: prompt, key in:
    Then hit ENTER

    Now try the Windows Update site.

  3. #3
    Graziana C. Guest
    I hadn't checked my windows update in a couple weeks only to find out this
    morning that it was no longer working. I ran Patti's script and now, "I am
    good to go." :)

  4. #4
    leemay Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    Saw your fix in the discussions group and tried it.

    ( Give this a try.............

    Go to Start>Run and key in:
    net.exe stop wuauserv
    Click on OK or hit ENTER

    Go to Start>Run and key in:
    regsvr32 wuapi.dll
    Click on OK or hit ENTER
    Click on OK in the RegSvr32 dialogue box

    When I tried the second entry, I get a pop up telling me it can't find "
    regsvr in windows. I did a search and it is located in several places. Any
    suggestions ?

  5. #5
    Patti MacLeod Guest
    Did you key in "regsvr32" or just "regsvr" along with the applicable .dll
    file that you were attempting to register?

    I keyed in : regsvr32 wuapi.dll and the pop up said windows cannot find

    You said that you did a search and found that it was located in several one of these places the Windows\System32 folder? If not, where
    is it located?

  6. #6
    leemay Guest
    regsvr32.exe is located in C:\1386 (Created 2/18/2005)

    regsvr32.exe " ' ' C:\windows\system32 ( created 8/29/2002 )

    regsvr32.exe " " " C:\windows\service pack files\1386
    (created 8/4/2004)

    That is not so strange, because Microsoft have never released a file
    with the name wucitui.dll. Where did you come over this name, I can't
    see that it is posted to this thread earlier.

    wucltui.dll is in 5 locations in my system ( Note: it is an L after the C
    not an i )

  7. #7
    MarkyTic Guest
    Hi have had the same problem as Leemay.

    The fix did not work at the regsvr32 wucitui.dll stage.

    Did a serch for regsvr32.exe and found it in same places as Leemay plus:

    C:\Program Files\Smart Panel

    HELP!!! WU still does not work, ie hanging at the 'checking for latest

    Didn't work for me.

    i did what you suggest for updating windows system.
    They're work but why web browser open to google website instead to microsoft?

  8. #8
    Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\) Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    As regsvr32.exe is located in C:\windows\system32, you have
    an issue with your path setting.

    I suggest you download and run Fixpath.exe, it should repair
    your path setting.

    Fixpath.exe is in available here:

    To see Fixpath's output, run it from a command prompt...

  9. #9
    MarkyTic Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    With the upmost respect your fix did not help me. Sorry, my problem is very
    slightly different from Leemay's.

    I can do Patti's fix until the regsvr32 wucitui.dll

    When it returns:

    LoadLibrary("wucitui.dll") failed - the specified module could not be not

    I have tried searching for this file with no success.

  10. #10
    MarkyTic Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    thanks Leemay, my printer cartridge is running out!

    Anyway, with the correct spelling I have now completed Patti's fix

    All appeared to go as expected, but, the windows update is still getting
    stuck at the:

    ....checking for latest update software......

    My PC has been spyware free for ages until this week when Spybot SD found a
    W32/Lebreat variant. Spybot SD fixed the spyware and it does not find it
    during scans now.

    Could the worm be the root cause of my windows update problem

  11. #11
    leemay Guest
    I get past the: "Get the latest windows update software" and then after
    the download, this message:"The website has encountered a problem and cannot
    display the page you are trying to view". I wonder if the download messed it
    up ?

    Patti and Markytic:
    I found my problem:

    Disable regsvr32.exe in C:\windows\system32 (change extension to exx)

    Copy regsvr32.exe from C:\windows\service pack files\1386 TO

    Windows update works perfect now. Good luck with this fix.


    This worked for me:

    Disable regsvr32.exe in C:\windows\system32 (change extension to exx)

    Copy regsvr32.exe from C:\windows\service pack files\1386 TO

    Windows update works perfect now.

    It appears that somewhere along the process, the old regsvr32.exe was left
    in system32. The service pack had a newer and larger file.

  12. #12
    MarkyTic Guest

    I understand what you are seeing now. Sounds slightly different to what I

    It sounds like you are getting further into the update than me. I do not
    even download anything! It used to take less than a minute to check for
    latest software as I have 512 broadband. How long does it take you?

    I have tried system restore back to 10 August before I posted on this
    website. Have you restored? and how far back?

    I have Windows XP Professional eMachines 2.6 gig Hz 512mb, Norton firewall
    have windows firewall off, ms antispyware beta, spybot SD, adware se. Been
    running with this set up for 9 mths trouble free. I also run accounts 3
    accounts 2 users and 1 admin. Only ever use the admin at startup to get any
    updates then go into a user account to surf.

    I have tried all of the fixes that both you guys have mentioned and
    unfortunately they resulted in no luck.

    Both scans came up clean. Trendmicro listed the 8 updates as
    vulnerabilities MS05-036 to MS05043.

    I have tidied up the windowupdate.log file word output so it will read easier:

    Service received logon notification
    AU received event of 3
    Service received connect notification
    AU received event of 3
    AU received event of 3
    WU client succeeds CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from
    AutomaticUpdates with call id {0A172166-54F7-4A66-9C33-2603CC76EC1D}

    Cleared the proxy cache.
    WU client executing call {0A172166-54F7-4A66-9C33-2603CC76EC1D} of type
    Search Call
    Checking for different Redirector at:

    Checking for different Redirector at:

    Checking for different Redirector at:

    GetWuidentUrlFromRedirector failed due to error 0x80245003
    IsUpdateRequired failed with error 0x80245003
    OS Version = 5.1.2600.2.0.65792
    Computer Brand = eMachines, Inc.
    Computer Model = Alaska
    Bios Revision = 6.00
    Bios Name = Revision 1.04
    Bios Release Date = 2003-10-07T00:00:00
    Locale ID = 1033
    ClientVersion: iuengine.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
    ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll = 5.4.3790.2180
    ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.2182
    Trying to make out of proc datastore active
    Out of proc datastore is now active
    PT: Using serverID {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
    PT: Using server URL
    PT: Calling GetConfig on server
    Add header for accept-encoding: xpress succeeded
    DetectCompressionType returning type 0, hr=0x1
    GetConfig: 0x8024400a
    PT: Cannot recover from fault, origin=GetConfig, hr=0x8024400a
    Sync of Updates: 0x8024400a
    WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x8024400a
    Successfully opened event cache file at
    C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{0A9EDB44-E157-4118-9926-BAD76F28A3D3}.bin for reading.
    Search Callback Failed, hr is 0x8024400a
    Setting next AU detection timeout to 2005-08-19 21:29:11
    PT: Using serverID {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
    WU client calls back to search call AutomaticUpdates with code Call failed
    and error 0x8024400a
    WU client completed and deleted call {0A172166-54F7-4A66-9C33-2603CC76EC1D}
    PT: Using server URL
    PT: Calling GetConfig on server
    Add header for accept-encoding: xpress succeeded
    DetectCompressionType returning type 0, hr=0x1
    GetConfig: 0x8024400a
    PT: Cannot recover from fault, origin=GetConfig, hr=0x8024400a
    Failed to obtain cached cookie with hr = 8024400a.
    PT: Using serverID {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
    PT: Using server URL
    URL for server is
    Trying to upload 2 events using cached cookie.
    DetectCompressionType returning type 0, hr=0x1
    Successfully uploaded 2 events.
    Deleted event cache file at
    REPORT EVENT: {1DD22FC5-D20B-4599-B200-FB37D1B548FE} 564 2005-08-19
    17:29:05+0100 1 148 101 {D67661EB-2423-451D-BF5D-13199E37DF28} 0 80245003 SelfUpdate Failure Software
    Synchronization Error: Agent failed detecting with reason: 0x80245003
    Reopened existing event cache file at
    C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{10F4D418-B92E-4869-80E2-9CE4817C488C}.bin for writing.
    Reopened existing event cache file at
    C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{0A9EDB44-E157-4118-9926-BAD76F28A3D3}.bin for writing.
    REPORT EVENT: {8122A210-C671-4103-95E1-93ECCD7B4AF8} 565 2005-08-19
    17:29:11+0100 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024400a AutomaticUpdates Failure Software
    Synchronization Error: Agent failed detecting with reason: 0x8024400a
    Out of proc datastore is shutting down
    Out of proc datastore is now inactive

    Hope this helps you diagnose my situation.

    As they say on the sitcom Friends...o my god....!

    Not sure exactly what cured it but used the fix mentioned below. Then tried
    the active x update site which still did not work. My autoupdate at this
    point is set to 'iNFORM BUT DON'T UPDATE'. Then in desperation found a site
    to manually down load KB899588. Which worked ie downloaded and installed.
    Then the little update shield appeared at the bottom right of my screen.
    Said KB898461 ready for download. That worked. Then shiled appeared again,
    and another 7 updates, inc the malicoius software removal tool, were listed
    as required upates. Selected all and ta da all updated.

    So, too scard to even try the manual trigger of the active x update site!
    will leave pc as it is and keep ear to ground re: updates in september and
    see if the shield appears again. Is this a good idea?

    I realised on my log that 1 had 2 error codes. Searched the messages here
    and found a fix from a microsoft guy Joan Zhang subject 'Fix The 0x0245003
    Error!!!!!' dated 6/30/2005 9.56 am pst, from Karloz. Basically stop
    autoupdates and background intel transfer via services, rename software dist
    and then start autoupdates and background intel trans.

  13. #13
    Patti MacLeod Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    Sorry I wasn't able to view any of this thread (or any other, for that
    matter) yesterday, as I was dealing with some home "issues". Anyhow, I'm
    glad that you managed to resolve the problem :-)

    If Spybot was correct in its diagnosis of a W32/Lebreat variant, I would
    update my virus scan definition files and perform a full system
    scan......knowing me, I would also do a free online scan

    If you're still not successful with Windows Update, please post the contents
    of your WindowsUpdate.log file that refer to the most recent date/time that
    you tried Windows Update......there may be error codes/messages in that log
    file that would help point us in the right direction for a resolution.

  14. #14
    LTL Guest

    Re: windows update does not work

    hi Patti this post was extremely helpful to me and seems to have resolved my
    problem......but what exactly did I just do? I'm assuming I stopped and
    started a process that got stuck and did some really cool things to it in
    between.....but that's about the extent of my understanding of what I did.


  15. #15
    MowGreen Guest

    Not Patty but since you've tacked on to a *really old* thread ...
    the system is infected if the browser is behaving in such a manner.
    Using Ineternet Explorer, see if the system can be scanned

    If malware is detected, please post which one[s] and someone will advise
    you as to what the next steps should be.

    Check DNS settings

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