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Thread: Error 0x80070005

  1. #1
    Chris V. Guest

    Error 0x80070005


    I'm getting desperate with one of my machine (on +/-90) that refuse to
    install the update it has downloaded.

    The agent gets the updates from my Intranet WSUS server (list of update
    retrieve looking ok to me), then notify me than update are ready to be
    installed (as Setup in far so good).

    then I log on as Domain Admin, double-click on the icon, Express Setup..and
    all updates failed.

    Found in the log:

    2005-08-01 16:33:20 1384 478 Handler Attempting to create remote handler
    process as <DOMAIN>\<ADMINACCOUNT> in session 0

    2005-08-01 16:33:21 2176 8a4 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0200) ===========
    2005-08-01 16:33:21 2176 8a4 Misc = Process: C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt.exe
    2005-08-01 16:33:21 2176 8a4 AUClnt FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. wuauclt
    handler: failed to spawn COM server
    2005-08-01 16:33:21 1384 478 Handler FATAL: 0x80070005: ERROR: Remote update
    handler container process created (PID: 2176), but exited before signaling
    2005-08-01 16:33:21 1384 478 Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80070005
    2005-08-01 16:33:21 1384 478 Agent *********

    I already tryied to:
    Reinstall the agent,
    Re-register all the DLL
    reboot the server
    Grant Everyone full contril on the windows Update COM component in

    All without success..... and it's the oly server I have with such problem...

    Any help will be welcome before I'm considering changing job :)

  2. #2
    fermu Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005

    Hi Chris,

    The solution to this problem is discussed in a previous post in this
    I think you have the exact same situation, see if this helps you.

  3. #3
    fermu Guest
    I was wondering if you had any resolution to this as I've just started
    to try to resolve the same error. Updates were working fine until early

  4. #4
    Chris V. Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005

    Hi Fermu,

    I'm afraid I already tried all that.. and still have the problem.. that's
    why I posted here :)

    Just tried your trick as well.. but still no luck.

    Any other input will be welcome..

  5. #5
    Chris V. Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005

    I also forgot to mention that install fails also when launch from
    WindowsUpdate web-site but works well if I downlaod the HF and install it

  6. #6
    fermu Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005

    The error code 0x80070005 means, "ERROR ACCESS DENIED"

    You may want to read this kb article about your issue,

    **/Updates from the Windows Update Web site are not installed and an
    "Error 0x80070005: Access is denied" error message is logged to the
    Windows Update.log file;en-us;836926

    If all suggesstions does not work try restoring the default permissions
    in the system typing this command (start /run /cmd.exe)

    secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb

    (all in one line)

  7. #7
    Chris V. Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005


    Still no succes with all provided steps.

    But I found, in Security event logs,. few Event with ID 560 at the exact
    time of the failure reported in the log, and the PID matches the one
    reported in the windowsupdate.log.

    Details about the Events :
    Object Open:
    Object Server: Security
    Object Type: Event
    Object Name: \BaseNamedObjects\crypt32LogoffEvent

  8. #8
    fermu Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005

    i'm sorry to answer so late.... :-P

    i'm out of new ideas, Chris.... this event does not seen interesting...

    but we can test the permissions set for the object, "CryptoSupport"

    Your can follow this steps to do it,

    start /run /dcomcfg,

    navigate to, "My PC" > DCOM settings > Cryptosupport > Security tab,
    All permisssions, are set in "use predetermined". (in my case)

    PD: My WinXP is in spanish, i give you the translations to english for
    all the steps, but i don't know if they are correct or not. . :-P

  9. #9 Guest

    Re: Error 0x80070005

    Your problem looks similiar to mine. I fixed it by doing the

    1) launch "dcomcnfg.exe"
    2) navigate to "Component Services\Computers\My Computer"
    3) right click on "DCOM Config" and choose "Properties"
    4) choose the "Default Properties" tab
    5) select "Impersonate"
    Server can impersonate the client for the benefit of the client.

    Then try the Windows Update again.
    Good Luck!


  10. #10
    CF Guest

    Error 0x80070005

    Windows updates are failing due to above error messages. Microsoft support
    site talks about the Windows Update key within the registry. Applied updates,
    clicked ok, then re-started system. Some permissions were grayed out, while
    others were not. Not sure if what I did did the trick. Please advise


  11. #11
    Windows XP no longer runs Updates Guest

    RE: Error 0x80070005

    I have this same error msg. I was up-to-date with all updates until I tried
    downloading and installing the last 12 (the "IE vulnerability" group) which
    includes updates for Office, IE and I think Outlook Express. After
    dowloading and installation, rebooted as usual. Now I can no longer get
    updates, and only get the following EVERY time I try to visit Microsoft

    [Error number: 0x80070005]
    The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are
    trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem.
    For self-help options:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Find Solutions

    Windows Update Newsgroup
    For assisted support options:

    Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for Windows Update issues)

    I have followed every suggestion to no avail, including running
    services.msc and the "Registry" fixes.

    This is why I am migrating to Linux! But for the immediate time I still
    need to get this fixed! WTF Microsoft?

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