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Thread: KB976569 KB979909 KB979906 fail to install

  1. #1
    arnoldkrg Guest
    The three .NET updates fail to install. I have manually deleted all .Net
    Framework packages and reinstalled. I have applied Microsoft Fix It 50123. I
    have used the .NET cleanup tool to uninstall all .NET Framework packages
    twice and reinstalled in the correct order (3.5 first then 1.1 etc) and still
    I cannot get these updates to install. I opened a request for assistance via
    email and was simply referred back to here.

    I have the following in update history:
    Error Code: 0x643
    Try to install the update again, or request help from one of the following

    BUT the event log for each failed update is as follows:

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 11720
    Date: 12/06/2010
    Time: 11:23:31
    User: xxxxxxxxx
    Computer: xxxxxxxxxx
    Product: Microsoft Fix it 50123 -- Error 1720. There is a problem with this
    Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete
    could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom
    action RUN_32_PARSEARG script error -2146827859, Microsoft VBScript runtime
    error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
    Line 22, Column 14,

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 7b 39 32 41 43 35 46 35 {92AC5F5
    0008: 39 2d 39 39 39 39 2d 34 9-9999-4
    0010: 30 32 39 2d 39 43 31 45 029-9C1E
    0018: 2d 42 43 32 44 33 36 44 -BC2D36D
    0020: 30 46 45 46 30 7d 0FEF0}

    Perhaps the event log may help someone help me to fix this problem. I have
    been trying to fix this for days now. Ihave tried to run scripten.exe to
    enable scripting but that says my software is newer and I dont need to run
    it. I have also reinstalled the winows installer latest version (I believe)

    I should also tell you that I am running Windows XP Pro service pack 3 with
    all required updates (except the problem ones) installed. AVG Antivirus
    installed Spybot search and destroy installed and Adaware. BUT I have
    disabled all of those whilst trying to install the updates to no avail.

  2. #2
    Larry H36 Guest
    -- KB979906 will not install and really wants to keep coming back. A real

    See the following

    I got kb979909 and kb979906 updates installed by registering the Windows
    Script Host. To do this I ran the command
    regsvr32.exe wshom.ocx

    with Start > Run... Both kb979909 and kb979906 run VBScripts. On my
    computer, both were failing with an error code of 1720 and the message

    ActiveX component can't create object: '' Line 23, Column 16

    in the MSIxxxxx.log file. Registering Windows Script Host got the scripts
    working. I re-ran the updates and both completed.

  3. #3
    CottonRLS Guest
    I've got the same problem with two of the three files you mentioned('09 and
    '06). I get the same error code, but no instruction as to what to do to fix
    it. I'm hoping someone here can enlighten us poor slobs.

    I'm having the same ongoing issues with this same 3 updates. It would be nice
    if Microsoft would address these issues.

    I also had problems with just the KB979906 and reinstalled the NET Framework
    1.1 and 1.1 SP1 without removing them like you suggested. On 1.1 SP1 it said
    it was already installed and asked if I wanted to install anyway and I said
    yes. Once I did that I retried the update and it was successful.

    I got the same error code and after several hours and no help (the Microsoft
    tech was in my computer remotely and eventually HE goes to a web page and
    google's it - OMG - I could do that myself. Anyway, this was my solution and
    it worked for me (and please note I DID NOT uninstall ANYTHING manually -
    just downloaded the items again - could not understand any of the MS
    instructions for uninstalling - messed up my computer doing them - got more
    error codes and then used the SYSTEM RESTORE feature to restore computer to
    previous day before the updates and my screw ups trying to fix it).

    So, use SYSTEM RESTORE if you think you messed up, then:

    I had the issue with NET framework 1.1 not being able to install. Other
    people have had .NET 3.5 etc, but the process should be the same.

    I decided if it was an issue with 1.1 (or 3.5 etc) I would try re-installing
    it without uninstalling as some people have suggested. Uninstalling was too
    risky as it messed up something else, causing me to click on START and then
    go to system restore to previous day (hence I wouldn't advise uninstalling
    any .NET manually if you don't know what the heck you're doing, or why).

    I went to, then to DOWNLOADS, then on the right
    hand side it says frequent destinations or something, DOWNLOAD CENTER. In the
    download center box I typed .NET framework 1.1 and reinstalled it and the 1.1
    service pack too. So, you could try this - type in the versions of .NET
    framework it says didn't work, click download for each, and also check for SP
    (service pack) updates too. After that was done (and I did get one error
    message that something was shutting down during this too), I clicked on that
    darned yellow shield again and it installed fine and restarted fine too. Not
    sure if this will help you or anyone else, but I hope so!

    Apparently MS was aware this would be an issue for some - shame their
    website doesn't help more!

  4. #4
    arnoldkrg Guest
    I have further information which may be of help. I found this article via

    Apparently these updates come with Fix it 50123 as part of the whole update
    package. It is the Fix it 50123 part of the package which is failing. I
    verified this by trying to manually apply Fix it 50123 from:

    This installation also failed with the same error message as before:

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 11720
    Date: 12/06/2010
    Time: 17:02:01
    User: xxxxxxxxxx
    Computer: xxxxxxxxxx
    Product: Microsoft Fix it 50123 -- Error 1720. There is a problem with this
    Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete
    could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom
    action RUN_32_PARSEARG script error -2146827859, Microsoft VBScript runtime
    error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
    Line 22, Column 14,

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 7b 39 32 41 43 35 46 35 {92AC5F5
    0008: 39 2d 39 39 39 39 2d 34 9-9999-4
    0010: 30 32 39 2d 39 43 31 45 029-9C1E
    0018: 2d 42 43 32 44 33 36 44 -BC2D36D
    0020: 30 46 45 46 30 7d 0FEF0}

    The point is that the Fix it (Fix it 50123) didnt resolve my problem. It
    wouldnt install with the same error I described earlier. I cannot update
    because Fix it 50123 is included in the .Net critical updates., and the
    installation of Fix it 50123 fails with the same error message. I cannot
    think what might be seriously wrong with my PC. All other software updates
    install with no problems. I can run VB Scripts with no problems. I am the
    only user oin this computer and so have administration rights. The ONLY
    problem I have is with these updates. Also as you can see from the reference
    I gave in my previous post, I am not the only person in the world with this

    Yes I did disable tea timer . It made no difference

    Yes I did. Its not in the least helpful

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thank you for your email about Microsoft® Windows® XP.

    I am sorry to hear that you are unable to install .net framework updates on
    your computer.

    To help resolve your issue, I suggest you go through the number of ways you
    can obtain technical information and support from our team.

    A useful resource is the Knowledge Base on our website, where we have
    published a large collection of articles and Frequently Asked Questions
    (FAQs) about our products. You can access it by going to;

    You can also go online and visit our Newsgroup to post your technical
    question at the following website, or alternatively chat with one of our Most
    Valuable Professionals (MVPs);

    If you do not find the answer that you are looking for or wish to discuss
    alternative support options, please call our Customer Services team on 0844
    800 2400 . Our lines are open from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday,
    excluding public holidays. These support options can also be viewed at;

    Interested in knowing more about Windows® 7, please visit:

    Many thanks for contacting us.

    Kind regards,

    Customer Service Professional |Microsoft Customer Services

    I should add that 0844 numbers are charged quite heavily in the UK not
    exactly No Charge.

    I also tried eigenaut's suggestion too . I get the same error message after
    carrying out his suggested command and then trying to reinstall the update.

    I have now managed to install all 3 of these updates. I refer you to the
    posts by Wiesshund at:

    I went to and searched
    for each of the problematic KB numbers and downloaded the standalone updates
    in turn. They each downloaded and installed succesfully so my PC is now up to

    The thing to note is that the standalone updates DO NOT contain Fix it 50123
    packaged with them. Just the update executable. For example the download for
    KB979909 for my XP Pro machine is NDP20SP2-KB979909-x86.exe.

    But that still leaves me wondering why Fix it 50123 will not run on my

    Thanks for that information PA Bear. But I thought I had made it clear that I
    had already done that. Anyway the answer was provided in another Forum in a
    thread to which you also contributed. See my last post to this thread.

  5. #5
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest
    Did you disable Spybot Tea Timer?

    See the "How to obtain help" section of

    For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY
    (1-866-727-2338; and/or 1-866-234-6020 and/or 1-800-936-5700) in the United
    States and in Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft subsidiary.
    There is no-charge for support calls that are associated with security
    updates. When you call, clearly state that your problem is related to a
    Security Update and cite the update's KB number (e.g., KB979909).

    Or you can...

    Start a free Windows Update support incident email request:

    Customers who experience issues installing Microsoft security updates also
    can visit the following page for assistance:

    For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary
    for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

    For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through
    your usual support contacts.

    If the KB921050 Fix It resolves your problems, someone's still VERY WRONG
    with your computer!

    Have you opened a no-charge support incident yet?

    Running the Fix It didn't resolve your problem or you wouldn't run the Fix
    It at all?
    Did you access via IE (32-bit)?

    I get fails on KB979909 KB979906 KB982168. The came as 3 in a group of 9.
    All the others installed okay.
    Plus, the attemps caused a huge defragmentation that my defrag won't take
    care of all of.

    You don't need to keep reposting that Error.

    How did you determine that "Fix it packaged with the updates from
    Windows Update site" (whatever that means)?

    What led you to believe that running Fix It 50123 manually might resolve the
    0x643 errors?

    That Fix It is NOT included in the installer you downloaded for manual
    install from the Download Center.

    If you couldn't even run the Fix It, you've probably got a hijackware
    infection on your hands.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I may be way out of my league, and appologize if so. However, I had a similar problem with my automatic updates concerning updates KB979906 and KB979909. I googled "MSFT .NET framework updates will not install," and was directed to this forum. A post from 2007 referred me to the following site, the MSFT download page. I entered the desired updates. For whatever reason, it worked fine. I hope this helps someone. For all I know, you have already tried this. Good luck:

    QED: Why did you need to re-register that MS Script Runtime DLL in the first

    searching ms dL page for kb####### and downloading did it for me. Thanks to

  7. #7
    arnoldkrg Guest
    I accessed via IE7 Version
    7.0.5730.13. The Fix it did not run at all. So it couldnt Fix my Problem.
    The Fix it 50123 WAS the problem because it is packaged with the updates from
    the Windows Update site and NOT packaged with the updates from It gave the same error as
    I originally asked about when trying to install from

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 11720
    Date: 12/06/2010
    Time: 11:23:31
    User: xxxxxxxxx
    Computer: xxxxxxxxxx
    Product: Microsoft Fix it 50123 -- Error 1720. There is a problem with this
    Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete
    could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom
    action RUN_32_PARSEARG script error -2146827859, Microsoft VBScript runtime
    error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'
    Line 22, Column 14,

    I followed information provided by you in the following post

    OPTION B: First run the Fix It in this KB article & see if the update will
    install after doing so:

    How to fix MSI software update registration corruption issues Endquote

    The fact that Fix it 50123 is packaged with the updates is suggested, as I
    said in one of my earlier posts in this topic, in the following article:

    I have further information which may be of help. I found this article via
    google: endquote

    It is also reinforced by the error in the event log which clearly states
    that Fix it 50123 has failed to install (not that the update failed to

    The windows update site (whatever that means) can be found by clicking Tools
    in Internet explorer 7 and selecting Windows Update from the menu. This will
    take you to
    where you can select high priority updates as well as optional updates. The
    problematic updates were found by this method, The Updates which actually
    worked and got rid of the yellow shield in my sys tray were found at The downloads there are
    clearly different from the ones at the Windows Update site (whatever that

    I wish you would actually read what I said. I have said already on several
    occasions that the updates available from the Download site do not contain
    the Fix it and so install with no problems. The same updates available via
    automatic updates DO contain the Fix it and so will NOT install for me and
    (it would seem ) for many others around the world. Oh and it wasnt me who
    found this way of fixing the problem it was someone else!!! As I also
    reported earlier!!

    I wont be answering to this topic anymore. It seems it is a waste of time
    talking to you or to anyone else connected with Microsoft!! BUT if someone
    else sees this Topic some of the information I provided may be of help to

    I was finally able to run Fix it 50123 by doing the following:

    In windows I entered the following:
    regsvr32 scrrun.dll
    Clicked OK

    I got the message that it was succesful. I next tried to run Fix it 50123
    (after downloading to my desktop) and it installed successfully.

  8. #8
    C Rice Guest
    Microsoft needs to find out why the KB979906 update is having so much trouble being applied to so many computers and figure out how to have it install with the users having to go through a bunch of technical gymnastics that are guesswork at best.

    I wonder if the inability to update reflects a viral type issue designed to keep the computer vulnerable and unable to be patched.

    Microsoft, Ms. Fernandez, serve the customer please.

    Telling someone to go to the library to look for a solution is a non-solution. It's like saying I'm sure there is an answer somewhere out there, you just need to go find it.

    Please bring the solution to the customer.

    Microsoft, please bring the solution to the customer. Don't tell us it is our fault or that the solution is out there if we have the time to go looking for it. Microsoft update should be able to install KB979906 without going through deleting and reinstalling items manually. I'm wondering if this goes beyond corruption of the underlying program and there is something viral that is designed to prevent the security patch from being applied to keep the vulnerability in place. Microsoft, please fix your K979906 patch please. Don't blame the customer.

  9. #9
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: KB979906

    I had no problem installing KB979906. Wonder what's wrong with your


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: KB976569 KB979909 KB979906 fail to install

    Try downloading CC Cleaner, scan the registry, and fix problems related to the .NET Framework.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: KB976569 KB979909 KB979906 fail to install

    I had this problem. I just freed up some disk space (I think I had under 300Mb free on C:). Once I had almost a Gb free I tried KB979909 again and the install then worked.

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