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Thread: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

  1. #1
    E. (Izzy) Schultz Guest

    Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    Not sure if this is the right place or not.
    Went to microsoft update and got the following message

    Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied
    You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the
    credentials you supplied.

    OS is WinXP pro/SP3.

  2. #2
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    Is Automatic Updates enabled? If not, can you enable it, reboot & find it
    still enabled?

    What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your
    subscription current? What anti-spyware applications (other than Defender)?
    What third-party firewall (if any)?

    Has a(another) Norton or McAfee application ever been installed on this
    machine (e.g., a free-trial version that came preinstalled when you bought

  3. #3
    aragorn Guest
    Today I got the same error 403 all of a sudden...I did not install anything
    new and yesterday I could still

    Yeah, man, I was JUST getting the same message. I've never in my life
    received that before. I don't have any antivirus running and I have not made
    any insstallations of any kind in the past few days. I don't have automatic
    updates enabled because I always check manually.

    I had the same issue and had the same error in the log. The dll is available
    from here: This sorted it for me.

    I already had wuweb.dd version 7.4.7600.226 but still received the error. I
    simply turned on the Automatic Updates option (was previously off) and
    rebooted. Microsoft Updates is now working.

    Funny thing is, I was trying to check for Updates for my server that runs
    WSUS when I encountered this...

  4. #4
    aragorn Guest
    I fixed it!
    I checked the windows update log file [%windir%\Windowsupdate.log] and found
    that I had a wrong wuweb.dll file...
    I downloaded the latest windows update agent file and now I am back running..

    Because here is the same issue: how did you know you had a wrong wuweb.dll
    file and where did you download the latest windows update agent file?

  5. #5
    dipswitch Guest
    I found the answers myself and it fixed this problem here too!
    In the log file it says:
    FATAL: Update required for C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuweb.dll: target version =
    7.2.6001.788, required version = 7.4.7600.226
    And a new wuweb.dll I found at Direct URL's:
    WSUS here is distributing 7.4.7600.226 since the last few days

    Any respons from MS yet when they will fix their Update Site not to kill our

    I've blocked the MS Update Site until further notice in my firewall nit to
    break any more clients.

    That is exactly what we did here. It is absolutely right. The problem went
    away once si updated the DLL.

  6. #6
    Thomas Heikkila Guest

    Re: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    I am having the same issue (Windows XP SP3) and it started sometime after
    3:00 PM CST on the 10th. I updated 20 PCs before then with no problem. I
    tried to update more later on and that is when I started having problems.

    Updating the Windows Update agent fixed the problem, but for me the install
    package would actually update the files, I ahd to manually copy them from a
    PC with the right versions.

  7. #7
    adminwendy Guest

    Re: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    this is happening to hundreds of computers at multiple businesses here.
    Server 2003 and XP are affected. obviously no one is going to update several
    hundred computers. microsoft needs to fix this.
    perhaps updating the dll or agent would fix it, but this is 100%
    unacceptable as this is affecting large scale numbers of pc's. techs like
    myself are unable to manually update that many computers, not enough

  8. #8
    Dennis Lindqvist MCT Guest
    Actually. Just running Auto Update instead (or after) fixes the problem.
    If you like to force Auto Update to run imedeatly use

    wuauclt.exe /detectnow

    If you are using a proxy hoowever, it van't use the user settings.
    Configure it with proxycfg

    proxycfg -u

    Copies the current user settings to the system.

    FYI: I just tried Microsoft Update and it's down for me (12-11-2009 10:00am
    California Time).

  9. #9
    Viola Guest
    I got the download and it worked.

    See "DIPSWITCH" Post.. I fixed 50+ systems today by downloading &


    Ditto. Didn't happen till yesterday around the same time. Never had this
    problem. until yesterday, and have been updating on a bi-weekly basis

  10. #10
    RapidTaco Guest

    Re: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    If you update to the new version and it does not work roll back to an old
    version (i used 5.4.3790.2182) and when you go back to update website it will
    update the windows update files (including the wuweb.dll)

  11. #11
    tedunn Guest
    Ok, I checked the .dll on a brand new out of the box PC that I am setting up
    for a client. It is the correct version as stated in this thread, but I
    still got the 403 error. I did run the update exe file and at least got to
    the update site so I could run the WGAVT so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

    Seems Bill and the boys (and girls) in Redmond can't stand success. Great
    launch of 7 and now we're right back to the way things used to be....

    I just tried this solution and I am able to get to the update site.

  12. #12
    Bill Swallow Guest

    RE: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    I started getting that error last evening whilst patching my servers. I see
    that other people have posted fixes here. My solution was a bit different.
    In the left hand side of the browser window, I clicked 'Change Settings'.
    Then I clicked the box in the new right-hand pane for 'Remove Microsoft
    Update' and then 'Apply my settings now'. That ripped out Microsoft Update
    and returned me to using 'Windows Update'. I launched Windows Update (it
    wanted me to install something, I said 'Yes'), and then was back at the old
    familiar 'Windows Update' screen - with the link to install 'Microsoft
    Update'. I reinstalled it, and it's been working fine.

    Incidentally, this started (for me) sometime around midnight last night
    whilst, as I said, I was in the middle of patching 72 servers.
    Interestingly, none of the 30 servers I patched before the incident started
    showed this error. Every one I hit after the first occurrence - every last
    one- showed that same '403' error. After reloading / relinking to Microsoft
    Update, it seems to be remaining stable. Going back into Microsoft Update on
    a 'repaired' server does not get the 403 error again.

  13. #13
    Eddie Bowers [MSFT] Guest
    This was caused by a bad DNS record that prevented older clients from being
    able to resolve to the correct address to SelfUpdate ( Upgrade to the
    latest Update client. )
    This has been fixed, but it will take a while to propagate to all DNS
    The newer clients use a different url, so they are not affected. This is
    why updating the client manually avoids the problem.
    The links to the latest clients are at:

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Server Error 403-Forbidden: Access Denied

    I am an IT Admin myself and had this error creep up on one workstation only. After trying all other fixes (updating Windows Agent, hosts file, antivirus software, resetting all Windows update files, etc), the fix that Bill posted worked like a charm. Thanks!

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