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Thread: Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

  1. #1
    culinarykitchens Guest

    Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running XP SP


    Two days ago, I went to MS Windows Update and 10 out of 11 updates were
    successfully installed.

    During the installation, a pop-up window opened that stated:

    Windows ® Installer. V 4.5.6001.22159

    msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]

    Install Options
    </package | /i> <Product.msi>
    Installs or configures a product
    /a <Product.msi>
    Administrative install - Installs a product on the network
    /j<u|m> <Product.msi> [/t <Transform List>] [/g <Language ID>]
    Advertises a product - m to all users, u to current user
    </uninstall | /x> <Product.msi | ProductCode>
    Uninstalls the product
    Display Options
    Quiet mode, no user interaction
    Unattended mode - progress bar only
    Sets user interface level
    n - No UI
    b - Basic UI
    r - Reduced UI
    f - Full UI (default)
    Help information
    Restart Options
    Do not restart after the installation is complete
    Prompts the user for restart if necessary
    Always restart the computer after installation
    Logging Options
    /l[i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x|+|!|*] <LogFile>
    i - Status messages
    w - Nonfatal warnings
    e - All error messages
    a - Start up of actions
    r - Action-specific records
    u - User requests
    c - Initial UI parameters
    m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
    o - Out-of-disk-space messages
    p - Terminal properties
    v - Verbose output
    x - Extra debugging information
    + - Append to existing log file
    ! - Flush each line to the log
    * - Log all information, except for v and x options
    /log <LogFile>
    Equivalent of /l* <LogFile>
    Update Options
    /update <Update1.msp>[;Update2.msp]
    Applies update(s)
    /uninstall <PatchCodeGuid>[;Update2.msp] /package <Product.msi | ProductCode>
    Remove update(s) for a product
    Repair Options
    /f[p|e|c|m|s|o|d|a|u|v] <Product.msi | ProductCode>
    Repairs a product
    p - only if file is missing
    o - if file is missing or an older version is installed (default)
    e - if file is missing or an equal or older version is installed
    d - if file is missing or a different version is installed
    c - if file is missing or checksum does not match the calculated value
    a - forces all files to be reinstalled
    u - all required user-specific registry entries (default)
    m - all required computer-specific registry entries (default)
    s - all existing shortcuts (default)
    v - runs from source and recaches local package
    Setting Public Properties

    Consult the Windows ® Installer SDK for additional documentation on the
    command line syntax.

    Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the Independent
    JPEG Group.

    The only option available with the above pop-up window was to click on the
    OK button, and it closed. Unfortunately, as I discovered, this pop-up window
    was associated with the 11th update that did not install. This 11th, did not
    install and it is defined as:

    Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Security Update for Windows
    2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows
    Server 2008 R2 (KB953297)

    When I check my HISTORY, this update was noted and the ? symbol states:

    Installation Failure
    Error Code: 0x667
    Try to install the update again, or request help from one of the following
    For self-help options:
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Find Solutions
    Windows Update Newsgroup
    For assisted support options:
    Microsoft Online Assisted Support (no-cost for issues related to getting
    Print | Close

    Prior to posting, I searched the Update Discussion Group and found the
    following member's comment:

    Had same problem.... Solution--Uninstall .Net Framework 1.1 from
    add/remove programs.This automatically removes an earlier hotfix which i
    think is causing the problem.Restart computer and go to windows update as
    normal and check for updates.If all is well you will reinstall .Net Framework
    1.1 and the problem update KB953297 successfully. This worked on both my
    laptops but for some reason i had to try 2 times before the update KB953297
    successfully installed on one of mylaptops. Good luck.. Scott

    I tried Scott's suggestion, and after removing 1.1, I rebooted. Then I went
    to MS Windows Update, it said I needed to install 1.1 - so I did. Then

    Again, back to MS Windows Update, this time it said I needed to install 1.1
    SP1 (not to be confused with KB953297) - so I did. Then rebooted.

    Once again, back to MS Windows Update, this time it said I needed to install
    KB953297 - so I tried. The same thing happened as described above, during
    the installation, a pop-up window opened that stated... You know the rest.

    I also tried going to the MS Download website, where I downloaded KB953297,
    as the file: NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe

    Once again, the same thing happened as described hereinabove, during the
    installation, a pop-up window opened that stated... Once again, you know the

    I am running Windows XP SP2 and do not plan on updating to SP3 anytime soon.

    I have Googled this issue and there are TONS of people with the same
    problem, and I have not read a solution that works for most of them - of
    course, Scott's solution appears to work for some - and I am one of those
    people that cannot find a solution.

    Any thoughts?

    Are their any MS-MVPs out there with a solution?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hello Anna, I'm not an MSVP but have over 20 years working with and solving Microsoft's problems without their help. I saw this answer on another forum and the solution is so simple that it's ridiculous. The problem that many people are having with KB953297 is that it is looking for a file "NETFX.MSI." Perhaps the file was deleted in a previous update for .NET 1.1; I searched my computer and found nothing. So I downloaded the DOTNETFX.EXE redistributable package from Microsoft's download site, and used a program such as WINRAR to extract two files from the CAB (executable cabinet self-extracting file): NETFX.MSI and NETFX1.CAB. If you haven't manually downloaded the KB953297, then do that and place these files all in the same folder. The KB file name should be NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe. Start this program, then when you get the error message, click "browse" and change the folder name to where the NETFX* files are located. The installation update will successfully complete, and you will no longer have to deal with it! I don't understand why Microsoft just doesn't check for these files, and if they don't exist, ask the user if they would like to download them (or if automatic update, just download the required files without user intervention!) Good luck.

    This seems too complicated, when all I want to do is get a missing file for the update. My suggestion was actually found on another website, and several people tried it successfully. But I will keep this info handy for future use, if the method that I suggested doesn't fix a future Microsoft Update installation problem!

  3. #3
    Glo Guest

    RE: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running XP SP

    I also had problems installing update KB953297. I received an error message
    ox643. I followed your suggestion of removing Net Framework 1.1. I returned
    to automatic updates and I had no updates to install; therefore it did not
    allow me to update KB953297 or reinstall Net Framework 1.1.

  4. #4
    culinarykitchens Guest

    RE: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    Well, Glo, I would suggest you re-read my post - because you will discover
    that it was NOT my suggestion, and you will also discover that you did NOT
    follow Scott's suggestion correctly.

    Still looking for a MS-MVP who can provide the SOLUTION to this issue.

    Calling all MS-MVPs! Calling MS-MVPs!!

  5. #5
    WYoung Guest

    Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    I wasn't able to get this to work with the method you describe. You don't
    need WinRAR for this to work either.

    When you say, "Start this program, then when you
    get the error message, click "browse" and change the folder name to
    where the NETFX* files are located"

    I don't get a browse option only the windows installer command line options
    with OK on the dialog.

    The way I got the update to work is open a command prompt and change the
    directory to where NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe is saved.

    For example, if the file is saved at the root c:\ you would execute the
    following command

    C:\>NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe /? which will give you the command line
    options for the update.

    You can either run the following command:
    C:\>NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe /extract

    Then you will be asked to specify a target directory. Choose a directory
    and a file named NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.msp will be extracted.

    Run this file and you'll be fine.

    You can also specify the target directory in the command line, ex:

    C:\>NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe /extract c:\

  6. #6
    WYoung Guest
    What you describe is not an answer to the original post because you're
    getting some prompt that "netfx.msi" is missing. The scenario I'm describing
    is exactly the same as what the OP is getting in which the Windows Installer
    window appears:

    There is only one OK button to close the popup and nothing else. After I
    press OK, nothing happens.

    Some of the steps I described are optional and I explained the easiest, most
    straightforward way which is:

    I don't see how you find my method more difficult to open a command prompt
    and run one command line option on the file than your method using WinRAR.
    Most people I know don't have WinRAR installed and would need to download the
    free trial as well.

    See these discussions

    ....or see the "How to obtain help" section of

  7. #7
    LoynoMOM Guest

    Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    I need to know two things:

    1. Which dir do I choose? what do I type on the command line
    2. How do I run the file? what do I type on the command line

    Novice/Advance user


  8. #8
    TECH1 Guest
    I've had the same problem. It just would not update. I tried the easiest way
    possible without opening any command prompts.

    In my add/remove programs I did show Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 but I
    couldn't remove it, so I downloaded it again which is Microsoft .NET
    Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package. After that I downloaded the
    service pack 1.

    I went back to Microsoft Update and it(KB953297) installed successfully.



    I deleted kb953297 and installed the 3.5 version of microsoft .net framework,
    and no more popping op.

  9. #9
    Shenan Stanley Guest

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    The many more people who have not had any issue installing the patches in
    this thread... I'm sure their systems are just broken in a different way
    than those who have had issues. ;-)

    It's not the patches - it's the systems in 99% of the cases. Not saying
    that Microsoft has not released some bum patches in their day (they
    have/do - most seem to center around hardware (thus my suggestion to not get
    hardware patches from Microsoft for non-Microsoft hardware)) but when a
    patch (or set of patches) does not present trouble on all systems and the
    percentage of issues is relatively small - it is logical to perceive that
    the trouble is not with the patch, but with some unique attribute (set of
    circumstances) on the machines in questions.

    Case in point - SP3. When installed on some HP factory installed systems
    with AMD processors, bad things happened. Turns out that SP3 didn't have
    problems with AMD processors or HP computers or the particular users that
    chose to purchase said combination (whether or not they dutifully kept their
    systems well maintained or not) - but with the original image applied to
    the system by HP being based off their same systems with Intel based
    processors (thus not including some things SP3 patched for when it detected
    AMD processors.)

    This may/may not turn out to be the same case - but so far I have not
    witnessed this issue firsthand - and that is several thousand computers of
    varying configurations and ages and the likes. Doesn't mean I won't,
    doesn't mean much more than I am lucky not to have whatever combination of
    circumstances in any of these machines that causes the issues with these
    patches. However - it does mean that the problem is not universal. Pulling
    the patch because something is wrong with some people's systems - doesn't
    seem to be the right move. ;-)

  10. #10
    culinarykitchens Guest

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    Sorry for the late response, GMichaels. I have been out of town attending
    to family matters.

    I read your supportive reply and then I read WYoung's. With what appeared
    to be less effort, I tried WYoung's first. In short, it worked.

    Thank you for your reply and support - it truly helped to resolve my problem.

  11. #11
    culinarykitchens Guest

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    Sorry for the late response, WYoung. I have been out of town attending to
    family matters.

    It WORKED - - just as you described - - IT WORKED PERFECTLY!!

    Thank you for your reply and support - it resolved my problem in less than 2

  12. #12
    West Coast Guy Guest

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    I'm also having no luck with the update. MS, help!!!!! We need a fix! My
    computer is continually trying to install it to no avail and it's driving me

  13. #13
    Shenan Stanley Guest

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    By 'luck' - does that mean you just keep trying to install it over and over
    hoping what ever is wrong with your system is fixed without anything being
    done from the last time? *smile*

    1. Download the .NET Cleanup Utility from the following link:

    2. Using the .NET Cleanup Utility, uninstall .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0,
    3.0 and 3.5. (You'll have to unzip it, run it, etc.)

    3. Restart the computer

    4. Download (save) the following components:
    .. .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (this will also install .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 and
    3.0 SP2)
    .. .NET Framework 1.1
    .. .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

    5. Install the downloaded updates in this order (the order is very
    .. .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
    .. .NET Framework 1.1
    .. .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

    6. Restart the computer

    7. Go to Windows Update then choose CUSTOM update

    8. Under Optional Software Update, check if other versions of .Net Framework
    are being offered
    .. IF No: You are DONE!
    .. IF Yes: See Below...

    If Windows Update is offering .NET Framework and other update(s), install
    the other update(s) before dealing with .NET Framework updates. Reboot
    after installing the other updates and before re-checking for the .NET
    updates. You do not *need* Internet Explorer 8, Windows Live or Office Live
    updates. Everything else - excluding any and all hardware updates - fair
    game. (I did say *need* - so that doesn't mean you should not install those
    things - just that IMO, most people don't *need* them.)

  14. #14
    m.worley03 Guest

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    I am having the same problem, and I attempted to run this program via
    cmd prompt and it states that the program is too large to fit in
    memory. Is there a fix for this?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Windows Update website - KB953297 does not install - running X

    My reply is for WYoung and Shenan Stanley -- most people that are having problems with this update are not technical, and don't have the time or even the knowledge to install/reinstall .NET updates/programs. The result is that many computers will have the little "update shield" at the bottom for an indefinite amount of time. I've been working with computers since 1983 and have never had so much trouble with updates until about the past year or so. Is the machine "broken?" I would think not, unless MS updates did it. I carefully maintain it and monitor its status. I ended up studying the KB log that is generated by the update to determine why it failed. For those of you who are more technical and using Windows XP, try this site: A suggestion from this website has been used by many "non technical users" with success (this is quoted directly from the website:)
    Try renaming the SoftwareDistribution folder:

    Click Start, Choose Run.
    In the Run box, type: services.msc
    Click OK.
    Right-click the Automatic Updates service.
    Click Stop.
    Stopping the service will take a moment.
    Now rename the "SoftwareDistribution" folder:
    a) Click Start, click Run, type


    ...and then click OK.

    b) Right-click the SoftwareDistribution folder, and then click Rename.
    c) Type SoftwareDistribution.old and then press ENTER to rename this folder.

    Now click Start, and choose Run.
    In the Run box, type: services.msc

    Click OK.

    Right-click the Automatic Updates service.
    Click Start.
    Starting the service will take a moment.

    You will lose your update download history but this is not that important compared to not being able to download the updates!

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