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Thread: KB967715

  1. #1
    Roger Fink Guest


    Even though Microsoft considers the security issue critical enough to
    release this patch in between "Patch Tuesdays", I'm reluctant to install
    KB967715. The reason is that what I've read about it, including at WU,
    either implies. or doesn't refute, that once installed you will not be able
    to read an external drive off of Windows Explorer. On the other hand, I
    could be misinterpreting things. Can somebody enlighten me on this?

  2. #2
    Dave Patrick Guest
    Did you mean this article?

    Possibly. Not being flip here, I'm really not sure. If you read the full
    description in WU there is this link within it:

    You can ask them. No-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY

    The way I read the one that Dave quoted is that it simply allows you to
    turn off specific users' access to USB drives ... not that it prevents
    access to those devices generally.

    I use an external USB hard drive for storage. Is this anything I need to be
    concerned about? This is my home computer.

    There is a piece of software on your system blocking that registry key.

    At this time it could be security software, roxio software, we've seen
    several possibilities.

    I'm assuming you've tried installing it in safe mode?

  3. #3
    Roger Fink Guest

    Re: KB967715

    I have to confess to more than a little confusion here. In a security column
    in a mainstream publication, which I unfortunately can't remember, there was
    a warning of some sort that implied, as I interpreted it, that Microsoft had
    put out a fix for a problem but that once installed you wouldn't be able to
    read a flash drive or a back-up external hard drive. When I went to Windows
    Update there was only KB967715. Maybe it's not related, but I do the updates
    manually every month and KB967715 is the only one being offered off

  4. #4
    Roger Fink Guest

    Re: KB967715

    (Update) "...not that logic always governs":
    ".....Microsoft also released a non-security update [to] further disable the
    "Autorun" feature in Windows. This feature, on by default in Windows, is
    what's responsible for displaying the contents of a removable drive -- such
    as a USB stick or CD-Rom -- when users insert the devices into a Windows PC.

    Malicious software writers have long abused this feature of Windows to
    spread their creations. More recently, this method of spreading made
    headlines with the emergence of the Conficker worm, which has spread to
    millions of PCs around the globe...."

    The patch to disable autorum is the one I originally cited, KB967715. I'm
    not saying that once installed you won't see your flash drive, but, based on
    the language in the excerpt, I have a little more sympathy for my own
    apparent misreading.

    The writer of this column is generally pretty good IMO. But I'm wondering if
    what he says about the connection of autorun and displaying a removable
    drive isn't just a 3:00 a.m. error, with nobody on staff qualified to
    proofread it.

  5. #5
    lizardsister Guest
    Windows update has prompted me to intall this update every day for about a
    week. It always shows the update has been successful. How do I make it stop?
    I have Windows XP Media Center 2002

    Has Microsoft come up with a simple download fix to stop this update to
    continously update?

    I'm not computer literate enough to start getting into areas of my
    computer that might cause me more trouble. Seems Microsft windows should
    have a fix in one of their updates.

    I was having the same problem with my Dell notebook. Yesterday I tried the
    Safe Mode installation. (See Once
    I had completed the Safe Mode installation the update web site no longer
    showed that I needed to install it, but the yellow shield was still showing
    up on the task bar. So I clicked on the yellow shield and preceeded from
    there. The install went extremely fast -- like it had already been done.

    The shield is no longer showing up! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I also have noted the kb967715 repeated attempt to install. While install
    seems to go fine it has repeated daily attempts to reinstall every day for
    three weeks. I do not understand the complicated steps involved in
    correcting this problem as posted to you and wonder if I even need to worry
    as the computer runs fine. Some indication of Roxie DLA (whatever that is)
    may cause a problem. I do not even know if Roxie is here or should I care?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: KB967715

    I think Mike has the right idea -- using Safe Mode to install the update. It worked for me after messing around with this frustration all last week.

    Here are my steps for Windows XP:
    1) Click on Start, open Control Panel
    2) Open Add or Remove Programs
    3) Delete "Update for Windows XP (KB967715)" which is third from the bottom of the list [For me, KB967715 was listed on my computer, but I still got continuous notices to install it. So it's best to delete it and start over.}
    4) manually download Update for Windows XP (KB967715) from the Microsoft Download Center (I saved it to my Desktop). Here's the URL:

    5) Restart in Safe Mode (I just turned on my computer and hit F8 every 2 seconds or so, until the black screen appeared with the Safe Mode option)
    6) Double click on the KB967715 update file (that I had already downloaded on my Desktop) and wait for it to install
    7) Restart normally
    8) I restarted and the Gold Shield was STILL THERE! However, I told it to install again. It did. And this time it worked! No more Gold Shield!

    Good Luck!


    P.S. The Microsoft page for KB967715 is

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ontario Can

    Re: kb967715

    This is pretty funny. Never have I encountered such a messed up MS update. Must have been an intern or co-op student project. I feel sorry for the millions of users out there who have no idea their computer is being bombarded by this update for ever more.

    I've tried solution after solution from all over the net with no resolve so far. I don't mind these little challenges as they help one learn more about these wonderful machines, but this one is something else. I'll be watching with amusement to see if Microsoft fixes this little fiasco in the future. Too bad, because it could be an important security fix for the system.

    I have two XP machines that will not not allow KB967715 OR KB950582. Just Get Access Denied, backs out of install, and no record of it ever being installed in add/remove progs. Funny thing is, it installed fine on a W2K computer I have. Go figure.

    Not looking for a direct answer here, but if someone has a 100% fool proof fix to this screw up, go ahead and post. I'll do the same if I happen to stumble on it before MS$$$ decides to fix it.

    Happy computing.

  8. #8
    antioch Guest

    Re: kb967715

    You do not say what method/methods you have employed to install either of
    It is not unusual for people with problems to find that different ways work
    for them.
    There is sometimes more than one way to skin the proverbial. A few have
    already been suggested, so do not hold your breath waiting for the 100%
    fix - there may never be one - and even if MS come up with a fix for the
    update to fix the first problem, there is always the chance that the fix
    will not work 100% for all as has happened in the past.

    Just think of the millions who have probably had no trouble to install -
    auto installed without a thought or even looking to see what MS has given

    Those that come here for a solution are in the minority.
    This is not the first time a KB has caused quite a few a problem - and MS
    being MS it no doubt will not be the last.

    In fact I doubt you have even bothered to see what they are all about - you
    seem to think they could be an important security fix for your system.

    You could hide them - out of sight, out of mind.


  9. #9
    MRand Guest

    Re: kb967715

    I read the KB967715 article. Downloaded the patch from Ms website. Re-booted
    to Safe Mode. Installed the patch (got the "You are in Safe Mode, are you
    sure you want to install this".. Said Yes). While re-booting I saw the option
    for "Install updates and Shut down". I shut-down. Next morning turned on pc.
    About 15mins after got to Desktop. I see the Yellow Shield there. It is STILL
    offering the SAME patch.
    I have Xp Professional with Service Patch 3. Is there a Registry entry that
    will convince AutoUpdate that the patch is THERE already? Is there a way to
    see that the patch is Definitely There AND Installed?
    I usually go thru the Manual run of Microsoft Update (gives you Office
    updates also), and choose some of the Optionals, if they look "right".

  10. #10
    MRand Guest

    Re: kb967715

    When I went to Regedit to add the value (HonorAutoRunSetting), I got an error
    when trying to put in the name. If I clicked on a key, above or below, then
    back to Explorer, the line wasn't there (even with default name). Of course,
    couldn't change the value either.. Then, Unloaded Ad-Watch (Ad-aware). Was
    able to add the new key in, and edit the value.
    Re-booted. I then got the usual Ad-watch start window. Said about the
    Registry being changed with the HonorAuto.... key... Looked at Registry. Line
    missing. The Ad-watch message did NOT say it was Removing the object. Now,
    trying to figure how to Make Ad-watch Accept the added registry object.

  11. #11
    Dick Guest


    Has anybody determined that a clean boot solves the problem of kb967715
    updating continously.

    I have blocked it from doing so,but hope that a fix has been made.

  12. #12
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest
    See these previous discussions about the problem

    I have had this same update come up at least one hundred times, and it is
    always shown to be successful. So will someone please tell me why, and how I
    can make it stop?

  13. #13
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: KB967715

    See the "How to obtain help" & "More Information" sections of

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