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Thread: Question About KB967715

  1. #1
    Ohno Guest

    Question About KB967715


    Yesterday my computer was XPPro SP2 running IE7.
    I installed KB967715 and it said installed but on reboot I was prompted that
    I needed it again. I then reinstalled it from the Windows update site and
    everything seemed to go well.

    The above happened in the very early hours of the morning. Being out of
    character I forgot that I had just done the update that same day (not
    feeling great) and I decided it was time to install SP3.

    After installing SP3 I was once again told that I needed this same update.

    Now after doing the update it did go away again after the second attempt,
    however once the clock switch to a new day I was prompted to get the update

    Being out of character and doing the SP3 install the same day as the
    KB967715 I am not sure if I would have been prompted to install again even
    if I had not put SP3 in and will never know.

    So what I am wondering is what can I do to stop this update from annoying
    me. The Windows update site says it is succesfully installed.


  2. #2
    Susan Bradley Guest
    Can you send me a copy of your windowsupdate.log file, the 967715.log
    file from the c:\windows folder and can you tell me the version of
    shell32.dll from the c:\windows\system32 folder?

    I can but before I do, I did try the install one more time. So far no more

    Should I wait until the clock rolls around to a new date and see if I get
    prompted again?

    I finally got the system to acknowledge it installed correctly and all
    repeated updates have stopped. I am a bit unsure of what I did to resolve
    the problem, but I went to the MS update web-site and let the system
    determine it wanted to reload KB967715. I used a custom install and watched
    each of two packages load and install. Both updates took a lot of time, but
    ran to completion. Once I rebooted, my problem was gone. Hope this helps.
    Good Luck.

    I am having the same probelm, the update shows it was successfuly installed,
    but yet everyday I receive the alert to install again. My next step was to
    do a manual install, but I think for now I may just ignore this.

    I am somewhat suprised Microsoft has not corrected this bug, obviously a
    majority of us are having the same issue!

  3. #3
    Ohno Guest

    Re: Question About KB967715

    Ok more info before I send any logs.

    I just went back to Windows update site instead of waiting till tomorrow and
    sure enough it says the file has been downloaded and ready to install, this
    tells me that it never gets installed correctly because I have only
    downloaded it once.

    There are errors in the log file. I am now thinking that it would have been
    an issue even before I put in SP3 but I did not notice it.

    You know I normally would have waited a few days after the updates before I
    tried SP3 but feeling under the weather it never crossed my mind.

    I have never had these kinds of issues before. So with this new info let me
    know what I need to send out.

  4. #4
    Ohno Guest

    Re: Question About KB967715

    One last thing before I send anything.

    The KB article says this update can be removed from add and remove programs.
    However when I go to add and remove programs and click on the KB967715
    listing it says the item can not be removed.

    Can you believe it I put SP3 in over 100 computers at work and several
    friends and finally had a chance to do mine and it is the first one with

  5. #5
    MeToo Guest
    I am having the same problem with KB967715 repeatedly installing and I have
    been on SP3 for some time. Each time, it shows it succesfully installed, but
    later in the day it goes through the same download and update. Does anyone
    know whether this is a MS problem?

    One more thing to remember on my install and I hope this is not part of the

    When I installed this annoying update I was on SP2 then not knowing that the
    update did not take I installed SP3.

    I wonder if in the end I will have to remove SP3 to fix this issue? On the
    other hand I have one more exact machine with the exact same problem however
    since I am aware of the issue that machine is still sitting at SP2. I did
    not attempt to put SP3 on that machine yet.

    I thought that too and fought it for 20 days. The procedure I listed is not
    guaranteed but has worked on two machines I used it on and another person
    reported it worked for his too.

    It is up to you weather you want to try it or not. If you go to add and
    remove programs and you see Sonic or Roxio DLA listed as a program the fix
    sould work for you.

  6. #6
    Ohno Guest
    I have some more details about the situtation. This new information tells me
    it is not just a SP3 issue but rather an update issue or computer brand

    The details are:
    I checked out another machine exactly the same as mine, both purchased at
    the same time and same model # and features.

    The computers are Lenovo R61e.

    The update is acting the same on both machines, the machines are slightly
    different because on mine I did do the SP3 update right after trying to
    install this update but on the other machine it is still sitting at SP2.

    Both machines are having trouble installing the update even though they are
    at two different SP versions.

    Being both are configured with factory images it could be some setting from
    the factory, I don't know.

    Anyway I have my Windows update log, the KB967715 log and my shell 32
    version information ready to send to you when you are ready for it.

    After I send that info to you I may try a manuall download and install of
    this update.

    One last thing, on the machine with SP3 since I tried to do the update
    install before SP3 add remove will not let me uninstall the update, on the
    SP2 machine add remove does give me an option to remove the update.

    Once I hear back from you with all this new info I will send the files, I
    will be quite a while still tonight.

    Maf it's nice that it worked for you but there are more issues,

    Exampel, I did not know about the issue, thought all updates were properly
    installed. I then installed the SP3 update over SP2. Well that causes me not
    to be able to uninstall the update without first removing SP3.

    If I have to go through all of that then do the re registering the dll's and
    renaming folders I would just rather format the machine and start over as
    this machine is not my main computer and does not have any personal data
    saved on it.

    Also how bout all the people that have no clue what is going on here
    especially the people like my father on dial up 1200 miles away and stuck in
    the house. I can't remote access him and he can't take the machine to the
    store to get it fixed.

    Microsoft needs to replace this update with a revised version so people like
    my father are not out of luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I am having the exact same problem with KB967715 reinstalling (successfully I might add) every day (fourth time now). It shows as repeated successfull installs in the windowsupdate site "review update history". I have had XP SP3installed for quite some time now (Aug '08) without any issues updating until now. Iam using a Dell Dimension 5150 with a Pentium D 925 processor and 32-bit XP Home SP3 installed.

    shell32.dll is v 6.0.2900.5622

    I also attached the update log files as well.

    I tried uninstalling (option is present for me in Add/Remove Programs) and reinstalling manually (using the 3 MB file) as well as letting the Windows Update site install using the Custom Install Option, Neither worked for me. Looks like log files cannot be attached. I will change them to txt files:

    Looks to be multiple issues to me. According the log files, the update was never applied, but appears to be successful in Windows Update history and Add/Remove Programs. The second issue lies in why the update never actually gets applied. It looks as if it is looking or files that don't exist in locations it is expecting. I will be weary of applying any windows updates from this date forward. Looks like all the beta testers for XP updates have either been reassigned to Vista or led out the door.

    All right. Following another's suggestion, I updated manually (Windowsupdate site does not function for me in Safe Mode w/Networking) in Safe Mode w/Networking - same effect. Download completes but when I am promted to reboot, The windows update reminder comes back, indicating the same update is still required. I checked the shell32.dll version that is being replaced and it is being updated:

    from 6.0.2900.5512 to 6.6.2900.5522

    Can anyone tell me why my attachments don't show up. Is that normal. I changed the log extensions to txt (Manage Attachments says that txt files are permitted. I will try doc extensions this time.

    Hey, this is known problem for many and I have had it resolved through MS support. Need to un-install KB967715, rename Software Distribution folder to ".old", re-register dll files and download the 3 MB KB967715 update manually. Reboot into Safe Mode before installing. I could provide the list of dlls to register if someone could kindly advise me on how to attach files.

  8. #8
    migal Guest

    RE: Question About KB967715

    1. Check whether the update is installed in the add or remove programs by
    browsing the

    Add or remove Programs in Control Panel.

    2. Click on the option ‘Show Updates’ at the top.

    3. Check whether the (KB967715) is listed in the list

    If the update is already displayed in the list, you will need to hide the

    Open the Internet Explorer, visit the website

    Click on the Custom button, let the website scan the system for updates.

    Click on the (+) next to (KB967715) and then select the option ‘Don’t Show this Update’

  9. #9
    eastcoasterNJ Guest

    Re: Question About KB967715

    I've tried this Update each day since 2/25. My log file is huge now... so
    huge that when a MS employee asked me to send it to him as an attachment, it
    was rejected.
    In any event, the update never does install, though led to believe it has
    (until the next day /power up and there it is again, wanted to update me.
    All days attempted show this (at minimum):

    2.000: KB967715 Setup encountered an error: The update.ver file is not

    and, ending of course:

    35.422: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot] section is
    empty; nothing to do.
    38.203: RebootNecessary = 0,WizardInput = 0 , DontReboot = 1, ForceRestart = 0

    I assume MS will get a working Update out at some point, so I won't even
    attempt to Update with KB967715 until then.

  10. #10
    migal Guest

    Re: Question About KB967715

    Add or remove Programs in Control Panel.
    2. Click on the option ‘Show Updates’ at the top.

    3. Check whether the (KB967715) is listed in the list

    If the update is already displayed in the list, you will need to hide the

    Open the Internet Explorer, visit the website

    Click on the Custom button, let the website scan the system for updates.

    Click on the (+) next to (KB967715) and then select the option ‘Don’t Show
    this Update’
    And it has stoped the repeat update KB967715

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Question About KB967715

    For what it is worth here is my experience with this update:
    First,I read all of these:

    I have an HP Pavillion M7650n, Multi Media PC
    Win XP Media Edition 2002 (updated to 2005), Service pack 3
    HP preinstalled software included Sonic DVD recorder.
    I also run Norton Internet Security and Protection Center.

    I had the same problem as everyone else. Continuous updates even though "Add and Remove Programs" said that the update was installed.

    Here's what I did:
    I was able to remove KB967715 update through "Add and Remove Programs".
    I then downloaded the actual update to my desktop. (Links and actions are elsewhere in this thread)(I also realized that I should be using Internet Explorer for the download and that helped).
    Rebooted into "safe mode" and installed the update.
    Everything else has fallen into place and I haven't seen anymore notices since.
    My best guess is that Norton was preventing the proper install and that the "safe mode" install worked properly.

    Your milage may vary and situation may be different, so please use your best judgement.

    Good Luck,
    Last edited by ChrisB1; 24-03-2009 at 08:00 AM.

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