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Thread: Update KB951847 will not install

  1. #1
    Merlin Guest

    Update KB951847 will not install

    I have made repeated attempts to install Windows Update KB951847 (.NET
    Framework 3.5 SP1) but the installation fails everytime, with Error Codes
    800B0100 and 807000D. Two other less important updates also fail to
    install: KB960544 and KB950124. All other updates have installed
    automatically with no problem , but the three I have listed fail on
    automatic installation and manually.
    I have tried all manner of "fixes" which I have found on various forums, but
    none has worked.
    Does anyone have a fix that will actually work?

  2. #2
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest

    Re: Update KB951847 will not install

    Without knowing which fixes you've tried so far, we'd just be making wild
    guesses, wouldn't we?

  3. #3
    Merlin Guest

    Re: Update KB951847 will not install

    Not at all, if you have a fix that works, tell me about it and I'll try it.

    I didn't want to clog up this forum with a long list of fixes I've tried,
    because most of them are already listed somewhere else on this or similar
    forums, but, to summarise, I've tried:

    Uninstalling .Net Framework 3.5 (that's the only version on this machine)
    Reinstalling and then trying to install the 3.5 SP1
    Using the the Windows Install Clean Up tool then trying to install the
    Using the .Net Framework Setup Cleanup Utility then try to install the
    I've tried installing from the Update site and also donwloading directly.
    I've tried all of the above with and without Registry Cleaning by RegCure
    and with and without rebooting.
    ... and there are probably a few other things I've tried that have been
    suggested from newgoups, but I can't remember the details.

    Basically, I've been struggling with this problem for days now and I've lost
    count of how many attempts that I've made to sort it, so any help would be
    much appreciated.

  4. #4
    PA Bear [MS MVP] Guest
    Actually, your use of RegCure may have caused the problem. Think your
    Registry needs "cleaning" or "repairing"? Read and draw your own conclusions.

    Unless you've got usable backups of the changes RegCure made, you may be
    looking at a format & clean install,

    [Always state your full Windows version (e.g., WinXP SP3; Vista SP1) when
    posting to this newsgroup.]

    Other than KB923100 (which, according to your earlier reply, you've already
    tried), there is no support whatsoever for installing KB951847 other than
    from the computer's manufacturer. (You may just want to wing it and "hide"
    this update.)

    When you try to install an update for the .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0,
    or 3.5, you may receive Windows Update error code "0x643" or Windows
    Installer error code "1603":

    Strike that second paragraph and see the NOTICE section of KB923100 for
    support options. If necessary, tell the tech that you're getting an 0x643
    error (which may, in fact, be true).

  5. #5
    Merlin Guest

    Re: Update KB951847 will not install

    Perhaps you are right about the Registry Cleaner, but the problem was
    happening before I used RegCure and the fixes tried up to then had not
    worked. The advice to use RegCure came from a forum member, who found that
    it had worked for him - so I tried it.

    Since doing so it has had no adverese effect on any application, nor has it
    prevented other updates from installing normally, so it seems unlikely that
    cleaning the registry - whether a good idea or not - has actually caused my
    update problem or added to it.

    On a different laptop I had a probem that updates just stopped installing
    completely, having worked normally before. That machine was not subjected
    to registry cleaning so, clearly, the cause of the problem was elsewhere.
    Eventually, I had to resort to a Vista Upgrade reinstallation to overcome
    the problem, which many forum members laid firmly at Microsoft's door. I
    have the feeling my current problem is of a similar nature.

    However, if you have any suggestions to overcome it, other than a
    reinstallation, I would be pleased to hear them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Update KB951847 will not install

    In case it helps I discovered that I had uninstalled .net from one machine and yet it still tried to update. I think its detection of what it is upgrading is incorrect. Maybe it just looks to see if the patch is not installed and does not check for the .net version that needs upgrading.

    I hadd no .net installed (I guess you could just uninstall).
    I reinstalled an older .net and let it upgrade again and it was fine.

    Seems it may be quite willing to upgrade something that does not exist or in some cases PCs that may not need upgrading.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I have the same problem. The update was downloaded almost 3 weeks ago and everything I've tried so far has failed (after installing and reverting changes for 40 minutes each time!). I've tried:
    * Uninstalling .NET Framework 3.5 and installing the patch
    * Uninstalling anti-virus software
    * Disabling all startup items
    * Disabling all services
    * Disabling all non-microsoft services

    Nothing's worked so far...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Update KB951847 will not install

    i cant install KB951847 through microsoft..i am not getting any error messages just telling me it can't install..after reading the solutions here yes i am still confused and none the wiser about how i can get this thing to in english that i can understand would be great.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Update KB951847 will not install

    I had this issue as well (spent countless hours trying various techniques to get it installed). Environment: XP/32-bit/SP3. I tried above suggestions but still no joy. Here's what worked for me:

    1) Download the Stebner .NET Cleanup tool (

    2) Run the cleanup tool and select the option to remove ALL .NET Frameworks.

    3) Once tool is complete it should ask you to reboot. So go ahead and reboot.

    Note: If you get any errors, also try using the Windows installer cleanup tool: all instances of .NET fw. Then re-run the Stebner tool, removing all again. Reboot.

    Once rebooted, your PC should now be free of all .NET crap. Phew!

    5) Now, download .NET fw 3.0 and install (see:

    6) Download and install .NET fw 3.5/SP1 (see:

    7) Reboot, even it doesn't ask for a reboot.

    8) Now open IE and go back to Windows/Microsoft Update site. Select the update for kb951847 (it's likely the only one selectable under high priority updates) and let it install. It should now install properly (keep fingers crossed :-).

    9) Once installed, reboot and return to Update site and let the rest of the .NET updates get installed (plus any others).

    10) Kick back and relax!

    A royal pain but hope this helps!

    - anthonyx26

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